"양보다 질을 선택할 때"
나파밸리는 캘리포니아의 질 좋은 와인과 샴페인의 본고지입니다. 나파밸리 관광에는 모든 오감을 자극하는 것들로 가득합니다. 굽이진 아름다운 언덕들을 보며 와인 잔이 부딪치는 청아한 소리, 그리고 와인 향.. 테이스팅을 하는 내내 신선한 맛 좋은 와인을 계속해서 즐기면서 맑은 햇살에 익어가는 전원 속 와인 포도밭을 바라보는 것은 매우 즐거운 시간이 될 것입니다. 투어 가이드가 고객님의 오감이 잘 살아날 수 있도록 옆에서 적극 협조해 드릴 것입니다. 당사의 맞춤투어로 열정적인 투어 가이드의 친절한 안내와 함께 우아한 아름다움의 샤토 와이너리 및 자연 그대로의 동굴이나 작은 규모의 로컬 와이너리도 감상보세요. 나파밸리 특유의 포도재배 환경의 경관과 함께 프리미엄급 나파와인을 맛 보시기 바랍니다.
나파 골짜기는 AVA라 불리는 많은 수의 포도재배지로 나뉘어져 있는데 이 재배지에는 칼리스토가, 세인트 헬레나, 오크빌, 루더포드, 욘빌이 있으며, 이외에도 하우웰 마운틴과 포프밸리가 최상의 재배지로 꼽히고 있습니다. 와인애호가라면 직접 좋아하는 와이너리를 골라 방문할 수 있으며 예약 또한 도와 드립니다. 당사의 노련한 투어 가이드는 트립 어드바이저에서 매우 높은 점수의 서비스를 평가를 받고 있는 검증된 전문들로 이런 철저한 맞춤화된 서비스는 절대 고객님들을 실망시키지 않을 것입니다.
맛 좋은 음식 탐방을 즐기는 미식가시라면 나파의 유명한 레스토랑에서 점심을 즐겨도 좋을 것입니다. 환상적인 경관의 굽이진 포도밭 언덕 전경을 바라보며 맛있는 고급 요리와 와인을 즐기실 수 있습니다. 아니면 와이너리에서 간단한 런치 피크닉을 즐길 수도 있습니다. 투어 가이드가 고객님이 원하시는 대로 고객님만의 특별한 추억이 될 나파밸리 투어로 만들어 드릴 것입니다. 당사의 목표는 항상 기대 이상의 서비스를 제공하고 고객 만족 보장을 위해 최선을 다하는 것입니다!
나파 투어 개요 운전기사이자 전 일정을 안내하는 투어 가이드와 함께 럭셔리 SUV 차량을 타고 세계적으로 유명한 나파밸리 와인컨트리를 둘러보는 투어입니다. 원하시는 와이너리를 직접 골라 방문하거나 아니면 선호하는 요건에 맞게 투어일정을 함께 짜고 출발할 수 있습니다. 나파밸리까지 편안한 여정과 소중한 추억을 만들어 갈 수 있도록 최선을 다할 것입니다.
나파밸리는 캘리포니아의 질 좋은 와인과 샴페인의 본고지입니다. 나파밸리 관광에는 모든 오감을 자극하는 것들로 가득합니다. 굽이진 아름다운 언덕들을 보며 와인 잔이 부딪치는 청아한 소리, 그리고 와인 향.. 테이스팅을 하는 내내 신선한 맛 좋은 와인을 계속해서 즐기면서 맑은 햇살에 익어가는 전원 속 와인 포도밭을 바라보는 것은 매우 즐거운 시간이 될 것입니다. 투어 가이드가 고객님의 오감이 잘 살아날 수 있도록 옆에서 적극 협조해 드릴 것입니다. 당사의 맞춤투어로 열정적인 투어 가이드의 친절한 안내와 함께 우아한 아름다움의 샤토 와이너리 및 자연 그대로의 동굴이나 작은 규모의 로컬 와이너리도 감상보세요. 나파밸리 특유의 포도재배 환경의 경관과 함께 프리미엄급 나파와인을 맛 보시기 바랍니다.
나파 골짜기는 AVA라 불리는 많은 수의 포도재배지로 나뉘어져 있는데 이 재배지에는 칼리스토가, 세인트 헬레나, 오크빌, 루더포드, 욘빌이 있으며, 이외에도 하우웰 마운틴과 포프밸리가 최상의 재배지로 꼽히고 있습니다. 와인애호가라면 직접 좋아하는 와이너리를 골라 방문할 수 있으며 예약 또한 도와 드립니다. 당사의 노련한 투어 가이드는 트립 어드바이저에서 매우 높은 점수의 서비스를 평가를 받고 있는 검증된 전문들로 이런 철저한 맞춤화된 서비스는 절대 고객님들을 실망시키지 않을 것입니다.
맛 좋은 음식 탐방을 즐기는 미식가시라면 나파의 유명한 레스토랑에서 점심을 즐겨도 좋을 것입니다. 환상적인 경관의 굽이진 포도밭 언덕 전경을 바라보며 맛있는 고급 요리와 와인을 즐기실 수 있습니다. 아니면 와이너리에서 간단한 런치 피크닉을 즐길 수도 있습니다. 투어 가이드가 고객님이 원하시는 대로 고객님만의 특별한 추억이 될 나파밸리 투어로 만들어 드릴 것입니다. 당사의 목표는 항상 기대 이상의 서비스를 제공하고 고객 만족 보장을 위해 최선을 다하는 것입니다!
고객님을 모실 전담 투어 가이드가 지내시는 샌프란시스코, 소살리토, 소노마밸리, 나파밸리의 숙소로 직접 픽업을 갑니다. 픽업시간과 장소는 원하시는 시간과 장소로 조정이 가능합니다. 문 앞까지 직접 픽업, 배웅을 하는 투어는 8시간 정도 (샌프란시스코 출발 나파밸리 왕복 총 소요시간), 그리고 소노마 또는 나파밸리로의 픽업, 배웅은 6시간 정도 소요됩니다.
캘리포니아 스테이트 하이웨이 101을 따라 샌프란시스코의 상징물인 골든게이트 브릿지(금문교)를 지나갑니다. 편안하게 앉아 창 밖에 펼쳐지는 그림 같은 풍경을 감상하고 반짝이는 해안마을 소살리토의 아름다운 보트하우스를 감상합니다. 또한 티뷰론과 밀밸리, 마운트 타말파이스를 지나갈 때에는 아름다운 스카이라인도 함께 보게 됩니다. 하이웨이 101의 북쪽을 향하게 되는데 1956년에 지어진 이층으로 된 교각인 리치몬드-산 라파엘을 멀리서 보게 됩니다.
이제 하이웨이 101에서 37로 이동하여 동쪽으로 나파밸리를 향하게 됩니다. 마린과 소노마 카운티를 구분하는 다리를 지나면 스톤트리 골프클럽 및 산 파블로 베이와 석호가 내려다 보이는 집들이 나타납니다. 이곳을 지나면 소노마 밸리 남쪽으로 접어들게 되는데 유명한 로스 카네로스 포도재배지역인 소노마의 인기 자동차경주로인 하이웨이 12를 지나면 됩니다.
로스 카네로스는 나파밸리 남부와 소노마 밸리에 위치한 경치가 매우 빼어난 포도재배지로 로스 카네로스의 선선한 기후 (산 파블로 베이 인근 위치) 때문에 이 지역 와인 생산지에서는 미국에서 가장 좋은 품질의 피노 누아르와 샤르도네를 생산하는 곳도 몇 곳 있습니다. 카네로스는 스페인어로 ‘양’이라는 뜻으로 이곳 굽이진 언덕에서 많은 양떼들을 볼 수 있습니다. 이 지역 와인은 많은 변종도 있지만 특히 스파클링 와인 생산으로 유명합니다.
이제 첫 방문지로 로스 카네로스 와인지, 또는 취향과 선택에 따라 나파밸리 내의 한 와이너리에 도착합니다. 한 가지 알아둘 점은 대부분의 와이너리는 방문하기 전에 예약이 필수이므로 미리 투어 가이드에게 알려주시기 바랍니다. 모든 와이너리는 각 개장일정과 시간이 다르므로 사전에 가이드가 얘기를 하고 방문하는 것이 좋습니다. 소규모 전용투어 고객님이시므로 해당 와이너리의 와인 전문가가 소개하는 지역적 특성을 반영한 와인에 대한 정보와 함께 와인 테이스팅 투어를 하고 궁금한 점을 직접 물어볼 수 있습니다. 운전기사이자 전담 투어 가이드 또한 나파밸리의 유명 와인 지역 및 트레일에 대해 알려 드릴 것입니다. 두 번째 방문지인 나파밸리 또는 칼리스토가로 출발하는 시간은 11:00AM 정도 입니다. 당사의 나파 프라이빗 맞춤투어는 고객님이 원하시는 와이너리와 레스토랑을 방문하실 수 있도록 선택권을 드립니다. 와인 테이스팅 비용와 식사는 투어가격에 포함되어 있지 않으니 참고하시기 바랍니다.
이제 두 번째 와이너리 방문지를 위해 하이웨이 29 또는 실버라도 와인 트레일을 따라가게 됩니다. 와인이 어디서 어떻게 익어가는지를 볼 수 있는 와인 동굴 체험도 가이드와 상의하여 일정을 짤 수 있습니다. 또한 선택에 따라 나파의 스파클링(샴페인) 와이너리를 방문해 동굴과 배럴 테이스팅을 체험해 봐도 좋습니다. 아니면 나파밸리에서 편안하게 앉아 경치를 감상하며 간단히 샴페인이나 와인을 한 잔 즐겨도 좋습니다. 고객님을 모시는 투어 가이드는 나파밸리의 유명 와이너리 및 숨은 곳들을 잘 알고 있으니 도움을 받아 보시기 바랍니다.
나파밸리는 와인컨트리 내에서도 매우 세련되고 고급스런 레스토랑이 있는 곳으로 유명하며 캘리포니아에서 가장 맛 좋은 요리와 다양한 국적의 요리도 선보이는 곳입니다. 욘빌은 나파밸리의 포도재배지 중에서도 가장 유명한 레스토랑이 많은 곳이므로 점심식사를 즐기기에 매우 좋습니다.
산타 헬레나 또한 현지의 맛 좋은 음식을 선보이는 레스토랑으로 잘 알려져 있습니다. 고급 요리와 다국적 요리를 제공하는 레스토랑이 많은 산타 헬레나에는 미국 유명 요리전문학교도 있습니다.
Auberge du Soleil, Chandon Etoile, Bouchon, Hurley's restaurant, Rutherford Grill, Solage Calistoga, Press, Bistro Jeanty in Yountville, Allegria Napa, Napa Redd, the French Laundry, Mustards Grill, Bottega, Bistro Giovanni 등을 추천합니다. 나파밸리 와이너리에서 아름다운 경치와 함께 런치 피크닉을 즐겨도 좋을 것입니다.
점심식사 후에 와인 투어는 계속됩니다. 고객님을 모시는 투어 가이드가 다른 와인 테이스팅을 할 수 있는 곳으로 안내해 드리며 나파밸리의 포도재배지를 둘러볼 수 있는 관광도 이어집니다. 선택 관광인 프라이빗 동굴 및 와인 배럴 투어도 있는데 당사의 소규모 투어 고객들이 참가할 수 있게 되어 있습니다. 와인 동굴 및 배럴 테이스팅 투어는 예약제로 미리 며칠 전 예약은 필수입니다. 또 다른 선택 관광인 바이오다이나믹(biodynamic생물역학) 및 유기농 와이너리를 소노마나 나파밸리에서 할 수도 있습니다. 선택 관광은 추가로 비용이 부과되니 참고하시기 바랍니다. 아니면 원하시는 와이너리를 골라 편안하고 넉넉하게 시간을 보내며 와인과 샴페인 테이스팅을 충분히 즐겨도 좋습니다.
나파밸리 와이너리에는 세계 최고로 꼽히는 곳이 몇 군데나 되는데 이는 포도열매를 실하게 하는 이 지역 특유의 화산토 때문입니다. 네 번째 와이너리 방문지인 포도재배에 완벽한 기후조건을 갖추고 있는 나파밸리에서 아름다운 실버라도 트레일의 동굴와인 테이스팅을 해보거나 아니면 포도밭 와인 투어를 해봐도 좋습니다. 투어 가이드가 예약을 진행해 드리니 미리 알려주시기 바라며, 아니면 직접 모든 일정을 관리하고 준비하셔도 무방합니다.
시간이 허락되면 나파밸리 와인컨트리의 더 많은 와이너리를 방문하실 수 있습니다. 몇 시간 더 오버타임을 추가하셔서 더 많은 곳을 둘러보시도록 적극 추천 드립니다. 특히 포도 수확철에는 투어 가이드가 나파밸리 포도밭을 따라 4x4 SUV로 드라이브를 시켜 드리기도 합니다. 포도가 수작업으로 어떻게 수확되고 또 포도덩쿨에서 바로 딴 와인포도는 어떤 맛이 나는지 직접 보시게 됩니다.
이제 캘리포니아 와인컨트리의 질 좋은 와인을 넉넉한 시간과 함께 충분히 즐기셨다면 이후에는 지내시는 나파 또는 샌프란시스코 숙소로 투어 가이드가 모셔다 드립니다.
나파밸리 와인컨트리를 알 수 있었던 알찬 하루 일정을 마치고 이제 투어 가이드가 샌프란시스코로 다시 운전을 해갑니다. 시티로 돌아오는 길에 선택에 따라 소살리토에 잠시 들러 아름다운 해안과 고풍스런 마을을 둘러보실 수 있습니다. 이런 경우 추가시간으로 책정됩니다. 원하시는 경우 페리를 타고 샌프란시스코로 회향할 수 있습니다 (선박비는 투어비에 비포함). 소살리토 관광의 추가 여부에 상관 없이 시간이나 날씨가 허락되는 경우 마린 헤드랜드에 잠시 정차해 사진 촬영을 할 수 있도록 해 드립니다. 마린 헤드랜드 베이지역의 경관은 특히 골든게이트 브릿지 때문에 무척 아름다운 것으로 유명합니다. 투어 가이드가 골든게이트 브릿지를 촬영할 수 있는 최적의 장소로 안내해 드릴 것입니다.
지내시는 숙소의 위치에 따라 샌프란시스코 숙소 도착 전 마지막 코스로서 샌프란시스코에서 가장 부유한 동네로 유명한 퍼시픽 하이츠 지역을 둘러볼 수 있게 해드립니다. 퍼시픽 하이츠는 유명 연예인들이 많이 사는 아름다운 거대한 규모의 저택이 많은 곳입니다.
럭셔리 SUV 차량을 이용한 나파밸리 프라이빗 투어
럭셔리 SUV 차량을 이용한 나파밸리 투어는 개인맞춤형 프라이빗 투어로 1인당 계산됩니다.
1인당 투어비 USD | 1 인원 | 2 인 투어 | 3 인 투어 | 4 인 투어 | 5 인 투어 | 6 인 투어 | 7 인 투어 |
호텔 숙박 제외 | $778 | $389 | $259 | $199 | $159 | $149 | $139 |
밴(미니버스)을 이용한 나파밸리 맞춤투어는 다른 분들이 합류하지 않는 프라이빗 그룹을 위한 전용투어입니다. 가격은 총 인원 전체 가격이며 1인당 가격이 아닙니다
그룹당 가격 | 1-5 인 투어 | 6-7 인 투어 | 8-10 인 투어 | 11-12 인 투어 | 13-14 인 투어 |
호텔 숙박 제외 | $1299 | $1369 | $1569 | $1669 | $1759 |
투어 포함내역: 샌프란시스코 다운타운 또는 피셔만스 와프로의 무료 픽업 및 배웅 서비스, 적용되는 모든 세금, 9 am - 5 pm 샌프란시스코 출발의 8시간 전 일정 개인 투어 가이드 서비스, 또는 와인컨트리 내에서 출발 6시간 투어 가이드 서비스.
불포함내역: 식사 및 운전자 감사팁, 초과시간, 와인 테이스팅 비, 추가관광에 해당하는 입장료 및 경비
따로 명시되지 않는 이상 모든 투어는 영어로 진행됩니다.
-예정된 투어(혹은 투어 혹은 서비스 날짜)의 최소 영업일 15일 전에 투어를 취소할 경우, 총 금액의 91%를 환불 받게 됩니다. 나머지 9%는 필수적인 거래 수수료에 이용됩니다. 4.5%가 각 거래에 적용됩니다(예약이 첫 번째 거래이며 환불이 두 번째 거래가 되기 때문에 거래 수수료가 2번 부과됩니다). (주말 및 휴일은 해당되지 않습니다).
- 예정된 투어 혹은 서비스 날짜의 최소 영업일 7일 전에 투어를 취소할 경우, 총 금액의 50%를 환불 받게 됩니다(주말 및 휴일은 해당되지 않습니다).
- 예정된 투어 날짜의 최소 영업일 5일 이전에 투어를 취소할 경우, 총 금액의 15%를 환불 받게 됩니다(주말 및 휴일은 해당되지 않습니다).
-예정된 투어 날짜 혹은 서비스 날짜의 영업일 4일 이내로 투어를 취소할 경우, 총 금액의 0%를 환불 받게 됩니다. 이는 노쇼도 포함됩니다 (주말 및 휴일은 해당되지 않습니다).
모든 환불 금액은 신용 카드 회사 및 가맹점 은행 혹은 제공업체에 의해 당사에 부과되는 신용 카드 및 가맹점 수수료가 적용된다는 점을 유의하시길 바랍니다. 신용 카드 및 가맹점 거래 수수료의 평균적인 금액은 고객님께서 투어 예약 시 이용하는 신용 카드 유형, 신용 카드 발급사, 국가, 거래당 적용받는 환전 수수료에 따라서 3.9%~9.8% 사이입니다. 많은 해외 국가에서 추가 기관 및 환전 수수료를 적용합니다.
중요: 당사는 고객님께서 웹사이트에서 요청하시고 예약하신 날짜를 예약하며 고객님을 배려하기 위하여 이러한 날짜에 다른 투어를 받는 것을 거절한다는 점을 유의하시길 바랍니다. 저희는 투어 가이드와 호화스러운 차량을 해당 날짜에 준비해두고 있으며 고객님과 동행하는 여행객을 위해 필요한 모든 예약 및 준비를 하므로, 당사에서 다른 고객들과 투어를 배려할 수 있도록, 날짜를 변경하거나 투어 직전에 취소하지 않도록 부탁드립니다.
– 예약 및 확인: 온라인에서 예약하자 마자, 가맹점 영수증이 자동으로 생성되며 이메일로 전송됩니다. 당사는 또한 이메일을 통해서 예약을 확인하며 투어 바우처 혹은 이메일을 전송하여 예약 날짜, 투어, 픽업 시간을 확인할 것입니다. 이 투어 정보 혹은 바우처는 고객님께서 웹사이트에 예약한 그 날짜에만 유효하며, 예약상에 있는 이름으로만 유효합니다. 저희가 진행해야 할 다른 투어가 있기 때문에, 이름을 양도하거나 다른 날짜에 투어를 요청할 수 없습니다. 고객님께서 예약한 예정된 투어 15일 이내로 투어 날짜를 변경할 수 없으며, 예약 날짜 대신 다른 날짜에 투어를 이용할 수 없습니다.
모든 투어를 존중하기 위한 노력의 일환으로, 당사는 다른 투어 여행사, 프리랜서 및/혹은 자매 회사와 함께 제휴할 권리를 보유하고 있습니다. 고객님이 이용하시는 투어 여행사의 정확한 이름 및 연락처 정보는 투어 바우처에 명시되어 있으며 투어 확인은 당사에서 고객님께서 허용하신 거래를 받은 이후에 발행될 것입니다.
-당사에서는 동시에 몇 가지 투어 요청을 받을 수 있기 때문에, 모든 투어는 이용 가능 여부에 따라서 달라집니다. 결제 거래의 승인은 이메일을 통해서 확인되지 않은 한 투어가 확정되었다고 보장하지 않습니다.
거래가 거절될 경우, 당사는 어떠한 정보도 받지 못한다는 점을 유의하시길 바랍니다. 그러므로 서면 확인을 받지 않는 한 예약이 확정되었다고 간주하지 마시길 바랍니다. 가능한 한 빨리 연락을 주시되, 이메일 확인 및 당사에서 전송한 투어 바우처 없이 고객님의 투어가 확정되었다고 예상하지 마시길 바랍니다.
예약이 고객님의 은행에 의해 거절될 경우, 이는 종종 (신용 카드상의 이름, 우편 번호 혹은 청구 주소와 같은) 은행 정보와 고객님께서 투어를 예약할 때 저희 웹사이트에 입력한 은행 정보 사이의 불일치로 인한 경우가 많습니다. 가끔은 계좌에 자금이 부족하여 거절되기도 합니다. 투어는 고객님의 새로운 거래가 고객님의 은행에 의해 승인될 때까지 확인되지 않을 것입니다. 불편을 끼쳐드려서 죄송하지만, 고객님의 은행이 사기를 방지하고 고객님의 신용 카드 정보를 보호하거나 위의 요인 중 하나에 해당되기 때문에 거래를 거절하는 것이니 양해 부탁드립니다. .
모든 투어는 심지어 거래가 승인됐을 때도 이용 가능 여부에 따라서 달라질 수 있습니다. 당사는 가능한 한 빨리 고객님께 연락을 드려서 필요한 투어 및 날짜가 있는지 알려드릴 것입니다. 또한, 모든 투어는 당사에서 전송해드리는 이메일 혹은 투어 바우처에 명시되지 않는 한 영어로 진행됩니다.
당사는 특별 행사, 기상 조건, 도로 폐쇄, 차량 고장, 예기치 못한 상황, 투어 이용 불가 및/혹은 투어 직전 예약으로 인해 투어를 이용할 수 없을 경우 고객님의 여행 일정, 투어 혹은 서비스를 적절하게 대체하거나 변경할 권리를 보유하고 있습니다. 당사는 사고, 고장, 예기지 못한 사고 혹은 사건, 도로, 기상 조건 및/혹은 당사에서 통제할 수 없는 기타 모든 상황에 의해 발생하는 지연에 대해 어떠한 책임도 지지 않습니다. 당사는 위의 사항을 고려하여 특정 시간에 어떠한 장소로 도착하거나 출발할 것이라고 보장해드리지 않습니다. 하지만, 당사는 고객님의 여행 일정을 적절히 따르기 위해서 최선을 다할 것입니다.
팁: 미국에서 15~20%의 팁은 필수이며 관례적입니다. 일반적으로 팁은 총 구매 금액의 15%~20%정도익나 적절한 %에 가까운 고정 금액입니다. 팁은 정말 상황과 고객님의 넓은 아량에 따라서 달라집니다. 투어 가이드는 팁 없이 캘리포니아 주의 비싼 물가를 견뎌낼 수 없으며 투어 가이드 없이 당사는 운영될 수 없으므로, 당사는 고객님의 넓은 아량과 양해에 감사드립니다.
뮤어 우즈 국립 천연 기념물 및 앨커트래즈는 최소한 2달 전에 예약해야 합니다. 뮤어 우즈 국립 천연 기념물과 앨커트래즈는 국립 공원 서비스에 의해 관리되며, 당사의 통제 밖에 있습니다. 이 두 곳은 특별 허가가 필요하며 2~3달 전에 미리 예약해야 합니다. 2달 이내로 투어를 예약한다면, 예약을 보장할 수 없으며 예약금은 환불될 것입니다.
요세미티 호텔 및 리조트:요세미티 호텔은 종종 6~12개월 이전에 미리 예약이 찹니다. 투어 날자 3개월 이내로 예약을 받는다면, 당사에서 고객님의 투어를 환불하거나 요세미티 밖의 다른 호텔을 찾을 수 있는 권리를 보유하고 있습니다.
항공 투어: 열기구, 수상 비행기 투어, 헬리콥터 투어를 비롯한 모든 항공 관광 투어는 예기치 못한 기상 조건으로 취소될 확률이 80%입니다. 날씨는 예측할 수 없으며 항상 변화되고, 고객님의 안전이 당사에 매우 중요합니다.
Code vestimentaire: Soyez prêt à affronter le froid, les routes glissantes et les sentiers de randonnée. Prévoyez des chaussures de randonnée imperméables et confortables pour marcher sur la neige en hiver et au printemps. Cette longue journée peut être éprouvante pour les enfants et les personnes âgées. Nous vous recommandons donc le forfait nuitée.
외국어: 당사 투어는 바우처에 명시되지 않은 한 영어로 진행됩니다. 일부 외국어는 추가 요금을 받습니다. 모든 외국어의 경우, 고객님은 해당 외국어로 투어를 즐기기 위해(이용 가능 여부에 따라 다름) 세미 프라이빗 투어가 아닌 프라이빗 투어를 예약하셔야 합니다. 추가 수수료는 모든 추가 외국어에 적용됩니다. 모든 세미 프라이빗 투어는 영어로 진행되며 다른 고객들과 함께 진행됩니다. 세미 프라이빗 투어는 당사 웹사이트에서 더 이상 예약할 수 없습니다. 2개 국어를 구사하는 투어 가이드는 몇 달 전에 미리 예약하므로 최대한 빨리 프라이빗 투어를 예약하시길 바랍니다.
Impressive! Their Ability of organization, understanding , customizing , entertaining , educating - make them the best at what they do. What unforgettable experience with Buddy!
Natasha C Calgary, Canada
We went on two Golden Horizon Tours during our week in San Francisco. The tours were definitely highlighting of our trip to San Francisco . We scheduled the Muir Woods/Point Reyes and also the Napa Valley tour. We were very fortunate to have Adam as our tour guide during both trips. He was an amazing tour guide and greatly exceeded our expectations ! We would highly recommend Golden Horizon Tours, and especially Adam, to anyone visiting the area.
Ashley Perk
Raleigh, North Carolina
Stop reading reviews and book with Golden Horizons. .... we highly recommend this tour company, their tour guides are passionate, fun and very knowledgeable. San Francisco is amazing city and Muir Woods is so beautiful and enjoyable. We also visited Larson and Sebastiani wineries in Sonoma Valley.
Highly recommend
Unfortunately, we were not able to get same day tickets to Alcatraz Island, but our tour guide managed to get us night tickets to Alcatraz prison the next day. We were so lucky and grateful - we even booked 2 more tours with this company – they are the best! Alcatraz at night is a must-see attraction for all visitors. The rangers’ talk and the audio-walking guided tour complete each other.
Our Bucket List Overflowed, a wonderful day in an amazing park with the perfect tour guide!
Katheryn Kennedy - London, UK
Breathtaking adventure in Yosemite wonderland , and a great private tour of San Francisco combined with Alcatraz. We found this company on Trip Advisor & we were not disappointed!
The Jamesons. Sydney, Australia
A wonderful tour package in Yosemite National Park and Alcatraz with Adam. This tour has totally exceeded expectations! The best experience ever!
Erin M. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Unforgettable & Fantastic! trust their reviews and believe what you read on Trip Advisor; they are consumed professionals.
Chris G., Dallas, Texas
5-stars to our tour guide Adam, he made this journey unforgettable. He is an expert photographer too!
M. Hachadourian. Greenwich Village, New York
10 Stars! Fun, informative, flexible, indulgent, patient,& very professional guides in a warm & engaging manner.
Jarmila Sramkova. Prague, Czech Republic
Believe every good thing you read about this tour company; you will not be disappointed!
Mike and Jane - Nashville
Treated like King & Queen! OUTSTANDING and A MUST See!! Without any hesitation, 5 stars!
Loreena’s family Madrid, Spain
They are consummate professionals who really care a lot for their customers' wellbeing and experience- a must do!
Rob & Marhta Baton Rouge
I've run out of superlatives to describe this unforgettable and once-in-a-lifetime experience ...10 STARS + & Highly Recommended
Holly Millard- Holly Millard, IN
5-Star TripAdvisor Review
You won't be disappointed if you use Golden Horizon for all your tours! Top notch service! Susan.S- McAllen, Texas
5-Star TripAdvisor Review
A 6-star experience! Their tag line is to “exceed expectations” and they certainly delivered. From the moment of making a booking to the actual tours - Superb!
“I wouldn't tour Wine Country without them!”
My experiences in Wine Country have been greatly enhanced because I hired the experts from Golden Horizon Tours. Prior to my first dealing with GHT, I was asked about our group's wine likes and dislikes so they could get a handle on where to bring us. They listened and put together two days of visiting vineyards that were right up our alley. Many of our visits were appointments that GHT set up and we seemed to get extra attention from the wineries that we visited. This tells me that Golden Horizon Tours is well respected in Wine Country.
I recently got back from another great tour in Wine Country. Even though there were four years between visits, Adam and his group at Golden Horizon set up another incredible two days of winery visits. The amazing thing is they remembered our tastes from our previous visit and planned our trip accordingly! Patricia was the driver of our immaculate SUV and she even acted as our own personal photographer, picking up our camera numerous times getting those candid pictures that you don't even know about until you're going through the shots. She even gave us an impromptu ride through some Redwoods.
I could go on forever singing the praises of this company...the special little touches, the knowledge of Wine Country and the overall professionalism. Just do yourself a favor...hire Golden Horizon Tours to get the most out of your wine tasting experience!
Rexford, New York
5-Star TripAdvisor Review
We went on two Golden Horizon Tours during our week in San Francisco. The tours were definitely highlighting of our trip to San Francisco . We scheduled the Muir Woods/Point Reyes and also the Napa Valley tour. We were very fortunate to have Adam as our tour guide during both trips. He was an amazing tour guide and greatly exceeded our expectations for the tour. He always took his time with us and made every effort to show us unique qualities about the places we visited.
He was also extremely generous with his time and worked hours over the scheduled end time for the tour. Our two girls, ages five and six, also loved spending time with him. He made the tours, including the Napa Valley tour, fun for the girls. We would highly recommend Golden Horizon Tours, and especially Adam, to anyone visiting the area.
Ashley Perk
Raleigh, North Carolina
Just returned from a great experience in Napa with Golden Horizon, and it was nothing short of awesome! Very attentive and personable. Great details on the tour and recommendations of the wineries were spot on for our request. Tour vehicle was impressive and stocked with water. Very safe and comfortable ride. My money was well spent here, and I was very satisfied with their efforts.
Key West
One of the hardest things to do when trying to book excursions from overseas is being able to trust unknown companies. Despite investigating many options, the costs and reading reviews a selection is given to a firm trusted over many years. We booked two incredible and separate excursions with this company based upon older reviews. One to Yosemite National Park from San Francisco with a drink stop at the famous Iron Door Salon in Groveland. The other to Muir Woods and the wine producing areas of Sonoma and Napa Valley. The two wineries visited were Jacuzzi Family Wines in Sonoma and Domaine Carneros in Napa. In between we had lunch and wine at the 'perfecto' Della Santina's Restaurant.
I truly believe that a really good tour is not complete unless you are provided a passionate and skilled driver. On both occasions we had fantastic drivers. Both Buddy and later John (a former Kiwi) were knowledgeable, energetic, polite and passionate about the history and sights of the areas they covered. Both these guys seemed to know everything about anything - and I mean everything! Both drivers were interesting to listen too which made the time between highlights enjoyable and entertaining. GREAT WORK - very professional.
So if you are thinking of using Golden Horizon Tours look no further - you should not be disappointed.
Jimmy D.
Brisbane Region, Australia
We had a fantastic day with our guide, Patricia. Like most tourists we intended to make our way to Napa but after a chat with Patricia she recommended we make our way to Napa via Sonoma. It was a great decision and we were having such a wonderful time in Sonoma that we quickly decided to give Napa a miss. Patricia took us to a variety of vineyards, big and small ( we very much preferred the smaller, family ones) and even kept our 12-year-old son entertained with games and fruit picking whilst we busied ourselves with the wine tasting. It was one of our best days of the holiday and it was all down to Patricia taking time to understand our likes and dislikes and tailoring the day. Her energy and enthusiasm were contagious, she always made sure we got the best service at each stop and she is a genuine and caring person, it was like having another family member showing us around.
Peter H
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Senior Reviewer
What a wonderful experience we had in Sonoma and Napa Valley thanks to Adam, our tour guide, and Golden Horizon Tours. We were 8 women travelling from Canada to San Francisco for a 4-day girls’ weekend. Our day of touring around California wine country in a limo with Adam was, by far, the highlight of our trip!! We would absolutely do it again.
Adam was informative, accommodating and very entertaining (we laughed the entire day) and he went above and beyond to make this a wonderful day for us. The limo picked us up at our hotel in San Francisco. We stopped at the Golden Gate bridge for a photo op on the way up to Sonoma, and Adam graciously offered to play photographer for the group then, and many more times throughout the day.
He tailored our tour to give us a good overview of different wines and the different types of wineries in the area. He gave us a tour of each winery we visited, as well as the surrounding properties, providing information about the history and various functions of each place. We learned about the process of wine making, the types of grapes used, how the grapes are grown and harvested, and much more. We visited Cline Winery, Viansa (our collective favorite),stopped for lunch in Sonoma, and then we were off to Artesa Winery in Napa.
We had private wine tastings at 2 of the 3 wineries which was a real treat. The money we spent for the tour was offset by the discounts and savings we got at the various wineries thanks to Adam's connections. We had so much fun that we even extended our tour an extra 2 hours!
Without a doubt, this was well worth the money and made for one of the most memorable experiences of our trip. I would highly recommend Golden Horizon's tour services and of course, Adam! I only hope that Adam had as much fun with us, as we did with him!
Jaclyn R
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Had a wonderful SUV tour through Sonoma and Napa with our tour guide, Mary. She was so knowledgeable, and it felt like a great day out with a close friend. She tailored the experience to our needs/wants and it was just wonderful. Ask for Mary on your next tour - we will definitely seek her and Golden Horizon tours out again on our next visit to San Francisco.
Ottawa, Canada
We were greeted by Patricia promptly at 9 am at our hotel and off we went to Sonoma. Patricia has connections with some of the wineries we stopped at. This led to everyone bending over backwards to make sure we were enjoying ourselves as well as some discounts on the wine/olive oils. Patricia was incredibly knowledgeable about San Francisco, Sonoma, the wineries, and the winemaking process. We stopped at a larger winery (Jacuzzi) as well as two small wineries (Homewood and Larson Family Winery). Jacuzzi was wonderful and the gentleman who helped us with the tasting let us try 12-15 wines (we lost count!). Larson Family Winery was wonderful. The views and pups were great. Try the Organic Chardonnay. We loved Homewood and hope you get Maggie to assist in the wine tasting as she is a HOOT. Patricia was wonderful and made sure we were properly hydrated the whole time. Patricia let us have about an hour and a half in the town of Sonoma so that we could eat lunch ( We highly recommend The Girl and The Fig – AMAZING – book early!). After all of the wine tastings, Patricia took us up to the Headlands to get a view of the Golden Gate Bridge and took us on a nice tour of some of the beautiful houses in San Francisco. The day flew by! It was a wonderful trip and I highly recommend Gold Horizon Tours and Patricia! She made the trip! Thank you!
Travis Roberts
Pittsburgh, PA
On this our first trip to Napa, my wife and I booked with this company to provide a guide to direct us to some of the wineries. Also, we were interested in a balloon trip. They provided both to us at a reasonable cost.
We had a great time. Our guide, Albert, was excellent and fun to be with. He took us to outstanding wineries that we would otherwise have not visited.
The balloon trip was the perfect way to view the valley as we floated a mere 100 feet above some vineyards (the balloon had an altimeter on board) and as high as 2700 feet for a view of the entire valley and distant San Francisco. We enjoyed being in the small basket without a lot of other people. Terry (our pilot) was very experienced and offered explanations of the flight as we went. We ended up landing in a school parking lot and many of the neighbors came out to enjoy the balloon, too. It was nice to be able to meet some locals in this way.
Baron and Lisa Ma
We booked the Private Full-Day Sonoma Wine Tour with Golden Horizon Tours. We were greeted by Patricia promptly at 9 am at our hotel and off we went to Sonoma. Patricia has connections with some of the wineries we stopped at. This led to everyone bending over backwards to make sure we were enjoying ourselves as well as some discounts on the wine/olive oils. Patricia was incredibly knowledgeable about San Francisco, Sonoma wine country, the wineries, and the winemaking process. ...AMAZING – book early!). After all of the wine tastings...the day flew by! It was a wonderful trip and I highly recommend Gold Horizon Tours and Patricia!
Jaclyn and Travis Righter- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Trip Advisor Tour Reviews Contributor
This was a wonderful way to experience a wide variety of wines and wineries without having to worry about driving or directions, we had a most wonderful day. Each winery was so different and handpicked to fulfill a different need. Thank you, Adam, you’re an amazing tour guide.
Seven of us (all family members and women ranging in age from 30 to 80) went to San Francisco as a surprise for my mother’s 80th birthday. We decided on the Muir Woods and Sausalito half day and an all-day Sonoma Valley Wine Tour. Since there were seven of us, it was a private tour in a luxury SUV with our wonderful tour guide Patricia who picked us up directly from our accommodation in the Mission district of San Francisco. We were lucky enough to have Patricia for both tours and we couldn't be happier as she went above and beyond our expectations to make our visit to San Francisco even more awesome. We opted to do a Sonoma Valley Wine Tour as we were more interested in visiting the smaller wineries and we were not disappointed... We would definitely recommend Golden Horizon Tours and Patricia. Thanks so much.
Debra B
Ktichener, Ontario
I read reviews on Golden Horizon Tours and decided to go with them. This was the best decision that I could have made! I booked two private tours; BOTH were awesome because we moved at our own pace through the tours. ...I would HIGHLY recommend Golden Horizon Tours to anyone who wants personalized and custom tours to wine country (while avoiding the crowded buses!).
Dana M
Bangor, Pennsylvania
Thank you, Adam for our SUV guided tour of the wine country, It takes a special man to drive 6 crazy women through Sonoma and Napa valleys! Each one of us had a fabulous day. Within a few minutes of our tour you had us laughing so hard! It was so awesome to be able to relax and enjoy ourselves. We also really appreciated the knowledge that you shared with us about San Francisco and the wine country. Adam, you went above and beyond to make our trip a very memorable one. Thank you! I would highly recommend Golden Horizon Tours and if I'm ever in San Francisco again, this company is the first one I'd call for any and all tours. You should too!
Tracy A
Last year, GHT provided a tour through Napa including a hot-air balloon ride. That was so much fun, this year we booked a private tour through Sonoma. Adam was our tour guide and was excellent. He took us to some off-the- path wineries (where he seemed to know everyone) that were very nice, as well as less expensive. We also went by an olive press to get oils. Adam recommended a wonderful Italian restaurant in Sonoma that we would never have located ourselves. At the end of the day, he took us by UPS to ship some of the wine back, before dropping us at the hotel. We highly recommend GHT for wine country tours and Adam.
Stephen l.
Columbus, Ohio
Mary arrived promptly at our hotel and we headed out to see redwoods. Amazing redwoods and Mary shared a lot of info we would not have otherwise known. A short visit to the gift shop then on to a lovely lunch in a town square then on to wine country. We loved Jacuzzi and the story behind their success. Mary instinctively knows how to deliver information in a pleasant way, makes you want to know more about the area!! We traveled in a new Lincoln Navigator, very clean, water provided. We didn't feel the need to watch the road as Mary is a careful and considerate driver. Wouldn't hesitate to go on another tour next time we're in California!!
Gall T.
Fort Worth, Texas
We have traveled with San Francisco tour SF twice now. The first time with a very elderly relative and the second trip was more romantic with my husband. I cannot imagine there was any stone left unturned regarding the ability of this organization to listen, understand, customize, entertain, educate and create an unforgettable memory. Nope...not getting paid to write this...all true.
Trust every word- Have Fun!
Wilmington, Delaware
My Aunt and I went to Napa for the day with Adam and had a fantastic time. The Lincoln Navigator was so comfortable and elegant. I loved nearly all the wineries we visited, and Adam was careful not to take us to large commercialized wineries overrun with tour buses. He is very knowledgeable and experienced, and this came across throughout the day. More importantly, he is great fun and has a big personality which really makes the tour so enjoyable. He offered us almost 2 hours for overtime for free! I would thoroughly recommend Golden Horizon Tours (and Adam!) to anyone thinking of using their services. Highly Recommended!
Carina R- Vice President Aircraft Trading
New York City, New York
It's not easy coordinating tours (Napa Valley and Carmel-Monterey) from another country thousands of miles away with a 15-hour time differential. It's a constant struggle not to get paranoid that there will be a miscommunication somewhere that will ruin everything. But, Golden Horizon, thru Nelly, made it seem like I was talking to someone who was there for me 24-7. All my queries were not only immediately answered but answered clearly and patiently.
Moreover, with a little over a week to one of our tours (Napa Valley), we experienced a death in the family where the memorial service schedule conflicted with the tour date. Even with the very short notice and the confirmed schedules of the other tours during that period, Golden Horizon found a way to accommodate our request to move our tour to a later date.
As for the actual tours to Napa Valley and Carmel-Monterey, Golden Horizon, thru our tour guide Mary, made the experience of our group (4 adults and 5 children) truly memorable. Even with our seemingly cramped requested itinerary, Mary made sure we saw the best sites and ate in restaurants that served delicious food. Also, despite the long hours and the distances she was driving, she never once showed a drop in her energy level.
Thank you Golden Horizon, Nelly, and Mary!
My girlfriends surprised me with a birthday trip san fran! We were referred to golden horizon travel by friends who traveled with this tour company before; their tour guides are highly regarded. Adam was our tour guide and he was different from other guides, it was not about knowledge but more about: savoir-fair”, Adam knew exactly which wineries to pick for our group in Napa Valley based our particular wine tasting and palate. Joseph Phelps Vineyards, Quintessa, and Beringer winery in St Helena were the perfect estate wineries for us; I recommend these wineries for cab aficionados. Our guide booked these wineries on our behalf and we were not disappointed. The day went too fast, was fun and awesome. Picking-up the right guide and company makes the difference indeed.
Lyne C
Reservamos este tour de viñedos en Muir Woods y Napa Valley con una compañía de viajes diferente en San
Francisco, pero cancelaron nuestro viaje al menos un minuto, el servicio del parque nacional ahora requiere
nuevos permisos y tarifas adicionales para visitar los bosques de muir. Nos alegramos de haber encontrado Golden
Horizon Travel en Trip Advisor. Su vehículo era muy limpio y cómodo, el guía turístico / conductor, era muy
eficiente, servicial y súper amable. Una vez en el parque de secuoyas de Muir Woods, nos dieron tiempo de sobra
para visitar Muir Woods y la playa de Muir, y no nos sentimos apresurados en absoluto. Ese fue uno de los
beneficios de esta gira privada, pudimos ir a donde quisiéramos, cubrimos una lista más amplia de lugares y sitios
que visitar. El costo de la visita privada fue prácticamente el mismo que el recorrido público ya que teníamos una
gran familia, y mis hermanas y sobrinos vinieron con nosotros en este viaje. El guía Buddy ofreció a nuestras
familias más tiempo, más flexibilidad y personalizó el itinerario del viaje a nuestro gusto, y agregó más paradas
para adaptar el paseo a nuestra gran familia y niños pequeños. Las bodegas que visitamos eran agradables para
los niños, el jacuzzi y los viñedos de Castelo di amorosa en Napa y los valles de Sonoma eran exactamente lo que
necesitábamos, una visita guiada muy educativa y familiar.
Recomendamos encarecidamente este viaje combinado a Muir Woods y Napa para familias con niños pequeños
Isadora Morales,
Buenos Aires Argentina
I chose to go with a private tour for two reasons. First, all the group tours met very early and we were coming off a cruise ship and worried about getting off late and missing the tour. The second reason was being on our own schedule and being able to customize our tour. Jon met us right outside the cruise terminal on time. We were able to plan our day and started out for Muir Woods. We got there before the bus loads and were leaving as the crowds arrived. Jon was very knowledgeable about the wine region and we valued his input on which wineries to visit. For anyone not wanting to deal with bus tour and wanting to have input on the itinerary I highly recommend this company.
my family and i had an excellent tour with Jon, he was absolutely top class, very kind and customer focused..knows a lot about the places visited , he gave us enough time on our own so we wouldnt feel any time pressure, he made sure we were relaxed and had as good a tour as possible.
thank you
Manila, Philippines
Just came back from another amazing experience in wine country with Golden Horizon Tours as our guide for the second time visiting! Their attention to detail was amazing. We used Adam and his team at GHT four years ago and they did not disappoint! They remembered our tastes and personalities and set us up with amazing tastings, some private, to ensure the best experience for us. Using GHT enabled us to see a lot more of wine country in two days and meet some wonderful people. Looking forward to our next visit and wouldn't do it without Golden Horizon Tours!
Indianapolis, Indiana
Review of: Best Alcatraz Prison Tickets & San Francisco Combo Tour
Jon was indeed a wonderful and experienced guide, the best we had in our 2 weeks that we spent in the States. This was our first time in the States and doing a wine tour, so we had no idea what would be good and he gave excellent recommendations. Jon is very knowledgeable in a lot of things and shared very useful information for our Vegas and LA leg of the trip.
He was also flexible and accommodating to our requests and it was indeed a relaxing tour that we had with him. We hope to have an opportunity to go back to San Francisco soon and have a chance to take up another tour with Jon.
Singapore, Singapore
This has been, and foreseeably will be the highlight of our adventure. What a fantastic day! It was invaluable being escorted by a professional as his connections and friendships at the various wineries gave us a much more enjoyable and efficient experience. A scenic drive to our first destination, wineries in the morning, lunch in Sonoma, wineries in the afternoon and a leisurely snack and stroll in Sausalito finished off by the ferry ride back to SF....What a fantastic day. This will be a staple for any and all future visits to San Francisco or the surrounding valleys.
Pensacola, Florida
We never write reviews, but this tour was worthy of the time. The private tour of Sonoma with Adam exceeded all expectations. His VIP treatment was second to none. While we know little about wine, we do know service, and Adam's got it dialed in. Well done Adam, well done.
Natasha C
Calgary, Canada
Jon was indeed a wonderful and experienced guide, the best we had in our 2 weeks that we spent in the States. This was our first time in the States and doing a wine tour, so we had no idea what would be good, and he gave excellent recommendations. Jon is very knowledgeable in a lot of things and shared very useful information for our
He was also flexible and accommodating to our requests and it was indeed a relaxing tour that we had with him. We hope to have an opportunity to go back to San Francisco soon and have a chance to take up another tour with Jon.
Singapore, Singapore
Senior Reviewer
We wanted to see wine country, but we certainly didn't want to go around on a big bus full of other tourists and nobody wanted to be the designated driver. Golden Horizon Tours' private tour option was the perfect compromise. Not only did we not have to drive, but our tour guide/ driver (Jon) was very knowledgeable and adapted the tour to suit our interests. I definitely recommend.
Senior Contributor
Just returned from a great tour experience in Napa Valley with Golden Horizon and it was nothing short of awesome! Very attentive and personable and the tour vehicle was impressive and stocked with beverage. Very safe and comfortable ride and my money was well spent here, and I was very satisfied with their efforts.
San Francisco, C A
Tom was by far our favorite tour guide of all the tours we took in California. At every step, he went far beyond our expectations. He took great photos of us. He loaned me (Phyllis) his sweater vest for the balloon ride. He sought out a wine cooling bag and glasses for the complimentary champagne that we received from the balloon captain. He was flexible but well organized in planning our stops. He had lots of interesting information to share about the area. I would also mention that the SUV was much more comfortable than the small touring buses and luxury. An overall- a great and unique experience. We would highly recommend Tom and this Golden Horizon Tour. The balloon flight is a must!
Phyllis Sillus
Panama City Beach, FL
On this our first trip to Napa, my wife and I booked with this company to provide a guide to direct us to some of the wineries. Also, we were interested in a balloon trip. They provided both to us at a reasonable cost. We had a great time. Our guide, Albert, was excellent and fun to be with. He took us to outstanding wineries that we would otherwise have not visited. The balloon ride was the perfect way to view the lush valley as we floated a mere 100 feet above some picturesque vineyards (the balloon had an altimeter on board) and as high as 2700 feet for a view of the entire valley and distant San Francisco (breathtaking!) We enjoyed being in the small basket without a lot of other people. Terry (our pilot) was very experienced and offered explanations of the balloon flight as we went.
C. Ohio
My husband and I and our three daughters booked the hot air balloon ride in Napa Valley through golden horizon tours. We were concerned about safety because this was our first balloon experience. I got to say, the early ride went very well. We were so excited when we took off in Yountville over Napa Valley. Our tour guide suggested few wineries after our balloon ride... and had lunch at auberge du soleil where! That that was the best location and cuisine in Napa! we can't thank you Adam enough for your outstanding job and excellent customer service ! 5 stars for you and golden horizon tours!
Maria Dolores. V
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I am not keen on writing review but Adam, our tour guide to Nap valley made our trip unique and fabulous! He really read our mind without talking and executed this private tour by SUV exactly the way we wanted it- worth every penny we spent! This is a top-notch tour operator with high standards customer service.
Chloe R
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
My girlfriends surprised me with a birthday trip san fran! We were referred to golden horizon travel by friends who traveled with this tour company before; their tour guides are highly regarded in Napa wine country...
Lyne C
I chose golden horizon due to the ratings on trip advisor and they did not disappoint. We had three couples in our group and chose the Napa Valley private group tour. Booking was easy too. Mary what a wonderful tour guide, she tailored the Napa tour to our needs! ...Thanks for such a great day we all really enjoyed it VERY MUCH! If you are looking for a something a little more special and tailored for your needs or simply just a great tour, I would definitely recommend you consider this company.
Perth, Australia
My wife and I spent a fantastic day with Jon (from NZ) wine tasting at four small and interesting vineyards. After picking us up at the hotel, we headed across the Golden Gate Bridge for the short drive to Sonoma. Jon introduced us to the owner of Homewood Vineyards as we tried some wonderful reds. The day only got better from there. Jon took us to a great bistro for lunch in Sonoma Square... The afternoon was complete as we enjoyed wonderful cabs at two more Napa wineries. It was very enjoyable being driven around while we enjoyed many wonderful wines from smaller family wineries. Jon's local knowledge added to our enjoyment of the day. Definitely worth it and highly recommended.
Saint Louis, Missouri
Our group of couples did a Sonoma / Napa wine tour. Our guide was Patricia. We had a wonderful time. Of course, wine country is gorgeous and we enjoyed the tastings. It was tough selecting a tour company since there are so many. We didn't want to just blindly follow the TA ratings. But after days of comparisons it was clear that most are comparable price wise so it was down to Service so we selected Golden Horizons because no other companies provide such personalized and high quality custom services...The overall service of Golden Horizon Tours was top notch. Highly, highly recommend them. My last tip is - don't be fooled by what look like great deals!!! Our costs were close or the same as the so-called deals and we had fantastic service and worth every cent!
Jason L
Senior Contributor
We took the Golden Horizon Discover Napa and Sonoma Valley Wine Country Tour. The driver, Jonathan, was tremendous. He was polite, courteous and very knowledgeable of the area and of the vineyards. He took us over the Golden Gate Bridge and then stopped on the other side at an old military base for photos. Then, off to Sonoma and Napa Valleys. The scenery is beautiful, and he was full of knowledge regarding the area and the wineries, as well as, both valleys. We had very interesting conversations pertaining to the area and his scope of wisdom in the different varieties of grapes and what wines they made. He was a sommelier, in my opinion. Additionally, he was skilled at both wines and his driving abilities. After the great tour, we had some extra time and we drove through the Presidio. Then sadness, the tour was over, and we were back at our hotel. When we return to the area, we will surely request Jonathan and do the tour again, obviously, choosing different wineries. We did this tour as a couple and certainly had a great day. We cannot give enough praise to the company and Jonathan for a truly memorable experience. Not meaning to sound snobby, the tour as a couple was great as we didn’t have to worry about others and what they wanted to do, it was catered to us. Wow, a tremendous experience. We highly recommend this tour and company.
James B.
Waynesboro, Virginia
Amazing tour to Sonoma & Napa Valle with a great and well-versed tour guide in the history and viticulture of the area and the wineries, plus excellent photographer...recommended 100%
Our family had a Sonoma, Napa tour with Mary. She picked us up at our hotel right on time. Heading out in a roomy SUV, she gave us some info about our tour plus some facts about the area that we were heading to. Along the way, we stopped at the Golden Gate bridge for a "look-see". We had 2 wine tastings at smaller wineries in the morning, very small groups at each and we were given lots of attention. Mary recommended Mustards Grill restaurant for lunch and she was on target, great food. Then we headed to Napa and set our sights for the bigger wineries. All in all, we loved the tour, thank you!
Top Contributor
Had a wonderful SUV tour through Sonoma and Napa with our tour guide, Mary tailored the experience to our needs/wants and it was just wonderful. Ask for Mary on your next tour - we will definitely seek her and Golden Horizon tours out again on our next visit to San Francisco. 5 STARS!
Omaha, Nebraska
Reviews Top Contributor
Hey Adam! Thanks again for a wonderful day to Napa and a great wine tour experience! We all thoroughly enjoyed our wine limousine tour with you. It was by far the highlight of our vacation! I just posted a review on tripadvisor so you should see it in the next day or so. :-)
We had so much fun that we've already talked about visiting Sonoma/Napa valleys again.
Ottawa, Canada
This was an amazing tour around the valley, and Luis our host was the best option to had a great time, he was very patient with all of us, helpful in all time, he also is a great photographer, making a good job during the visit, and also he knows a lot about the region and wine he really make us have a wonderful trip
angelica v
Gomez Palacio, Mexico
Luis is the best host that we could have to visit Napa & Sonoma Valleys. He knows very well every vineyard there and about history of place. Besides he was very nice and helpful taking pictures for the group. Thanks Golden Horizon Tours for your excellent services and the best tourist guide "Luis".
Alejandra M
Caracas, Venezuela
We can't thank you all enough for this fantastic wine country private tour-totally exceeded our expectations!
Kristina M
Canadensis, Pennsylvania
I can't say enough good things about our tour with Golden Horizon and our tour guide, Adam. The tour was my favorite part of a wonderful trip to the bay area...we went to three wineries in Sonoma. Adam was very familiar with each of the wineries and we got incredible service at all of them. Each of the wineries was willing to waive their tasting fees because they knew Adam and Golden Horizons. Each of the wineries was different, but the grounds were beautiful at all three and we really enjoyed tasting all the different wines. We also stopped for a delicious lunch in historic downtown Sonoma.
This was a top-notch tour, and the highlight of our trip to San Francisco! GO GOLDEN HORIZON!
Tampa, Florida
We had an excellent Napa Valley Private Wine Guided Tour from San Francisco with Adam and Cesar. They took us to small wineries off the beaten path and in Sonoma Valley and then to the historic Sonoma downtown plaza for lunch. The Italian restaurant where we had lunch in Sonoma was good. Afterward, we traveled to Napa valley and visited a picturesque winery up in the hills called Arteza. The views are spectacular up there and the wines are excellent.
New York
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you regarding our first trip to California with your company. I am not keen on writing review ,but Adam, our amazing tour guide to Nap valley made our trip unique and fabulous! He really read our mind without talking and executed this private tour by SUV exactly the way we wanted it. This napa wine tour completely worth every penny we spent! This is a top-notch tour operator with high standards and more customizable way of touring. We have booked a couple of tours to Muir Woods national park and San Francisco combined with alcatraz with a different tour company, but nothing like that! We thoroughly enjoyed all the small wineries we visited in Calistoga and Napa Valley.
Chloe R
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
I chose golden horizon due to the ratings on trip advisor and they did not disappoint. We had three couples in our group and chose the Napa Valley private group tour. Booking was easy too. Mary what a wonderful tour guide she showed us parts of San Fran there is no way you would see on a standard tour and tailored the Napa tour to our needs! Her knowledge and attention to detail throughout the trip was superb and we learnt so much about the region, wine and San Fran in general. A few of our group travelled Europe last year and we were of the opinion she was the best guide we have had for our tours.
Thanks for such a great day we all really enjoyed it! If you are looking for a something a little more special and tailored for your needs or simply just a great tour, I would definitely recommend you consider this company.
Ellen H
My husband and in laws enjoyed a wonderful private 1-day tour with Mary from Golden Horizons to Napa Valley. We had booked the trip before leaving to SF from Norway without any previous knowledge of the firm, and Golden Horizons called and emailed us in advance to confirm the booking and to agree the exact pick-up location. Mary greeted us right on time in the hotel lobby with a name sign and big smile. The SUV was nice and clean, and with water bottles for everyone. Before heading off to Napa, we had a quick tour of the Pacific Heights neighborhood in SF, with amazing houses - as a special treat, we got to see a large 18-wheeler moving truck that had gotten itself stuck on one of the very steepest hills in SF:). Mary also suggested we stop on the north side of the Golden Gate Bridge for a photo op, which gave really good views of SF city and of course the bridge. As far as Napa is concerned, we really had no prior knowledge of the area. We were very pleased with her suggested wineries to stop at. Mary was very cheerful and certainly knowledgeable about the history of Napa and managed the art of sharing this without overwhelming us - perfect tour guide, and one that we would certainly recommend! She also suggested a very nice restaurant for lunch in Yountville. We had a wonderful and day in Napa thanks to Mary, Holden Horizons and the California sunshine - again, thank you!!
Senior Contributor
Many thanks to Golden Horizon Travel tour guides for the excellent organization of our group wine tasting tour in Napa Valley! We have been very demanding, and you guys have been there for us every step of the way . That was a very well-organized group day trip with lunch included ! I can say with no hesitation: this tour deserves 5 Stars.
All the best from all of us!
Jessi, Joe and the team
Los Angeles
We enjoyed the smaller wineries away from the big crowds. thank you so much. we'll highly recommend your wine tour to anyone who wants a spend relaxing day in California wine country.
Gavin Dawn
New York
I learned a lot from my wine country tour, my private tour to Napa and Sonoma allowed me to meet some winemakers who explained the process of wine making, it was interesting! Never imagine that it is so complex. then I had the chance to taste red wines, white wines, dessert wines and zinfandel thank you for the free complementary tasting you offered me. I will highly recommend your WINE COUNTRY TOUR to all my friends.
Napa and Sonoma combo tour is awesome and recommended for first-time visitors. We loved it! We got to see Napa and Sonoma in one day trip, we didn’t feel rushed and managed to see all 5 wineries we had on our list.
Thank you, Golden Horizon Travel, for offering such great wine country tour
Herbert & Patt Markinns
Golden Horizon Travel’s wine country tour to Napa Valley has really exceeded our expectations! Napa Valley tour is not only about wine but also, about cuisine, ,landscape, architecture....
Awesome tour, thank you all
Ana & Jytte Olsen
Copenhagen, Denmark
My mother and I want to thank you for the great wine country tour you provided ! We loved the wine country. Pinot Noir was our favorite varietal. Thank you all at Golden Horizon Travel. Good Job!
Cheryl Jones
Excelente el servicio brindado por Buddy, nos explicó a detalle todo de San Francisco, habla muy bien el español
La camioneta muy cómoda y limpia
Mexico City, Mexico
Estuvimos encantados de estar con Buddy, fue un excelente guía en el camino a los viñedos de Napa y Sonoma. También nos guió un poco en partes de San francisco mostrando profesionalismo, interés y carisma. Apreciamos por su experiencia y conocimientos sobre este bello lugar en nuestro idioma español. Gracias Buddy y al equipo de Golden Horizon Tours.
Bertha Delgado
Miami, Fl
Review of: Best Alcatraz Prison Tickets & San Francisco Combo Tour
My friend and I decided to shell out a bit more for a private tour of Napa wineries instead of being crammed on a bus with 20-30 strangers and herded around like cattle. So, we booked with Golden Horizon. We were picked up at our hotel in a luxury SUV by Leo, our guide for the day. He had cold bottles of water for us to drink all day so we wouldn't get dehydrated or suffer later on if we had too much wine. The vehicle also had charging ports for our phones, and Leo also had extra cables if we needed them. In short: he was prepared for us to have as easy and carefree a day as possible.
From there, Leo drove us expertly through San Francisco traffic out to Napa to begin our tour. Along the way we came to the Petrified Forest and I asked to stop to have a look. This is one of the benefits of a private tour--you're the boss! So, we stopped, and I had wandered around a bit before we got back on the road. After that we toured the beautiful Castello di Amorosa and had our first wine tastings there. Leo drove us to two more wineries, which were smaller and more off-the-beaten path than the ones all the buses stop off at. Each winery was wonderful and we enjoyed the tastings at them all.
We only had time for 3 wineries because the tour at Castello di Amorosa ate up a good chunk of our time that day, but we enjoyed our day all the same because it was tailored to what WE wanted to do. We were even late getting back into SF, mostly due to some heavy traffic, but Leo didn't fuss about it nor were we charged extra. As we started back across the Bay on the Oakland Bay Bridge he played a variety of San Francisco-themed songs for us as a pleasant way to end the trip. Leo was a consummate professional all day, and he kept us on "schedule" although we never, ever felt rushed or like we were being herded around.
We had a fabulous time, and I would book with this company again without hesitation.
Los Angeles,CA
We had an absolute blast with Adam! He made our day in Napa Valley. We drink more beer than wine at home-our tour guide understood that very well, he first drove us to Oxbow market in downtown Napa where we had small bites with cheese and beer tasting. This place is awesome, they totally have rotating drafts that are sure to please us, snack and bites kept coming, so yummy.
My wife loved the cave tour at castello di amorosa winery, the caves are spectacular and impressive, the wine didn’t appeal much to me personally, but the castle is a must-see.
Great tour! good job Adam
David T.
My wife and I were on a cruise that overnighted in San Francisco. We took the opportunity to book a day trip to Sonoma wine country. Prior to the trip we contacted Golden Horizon to arrange a tour. Mary picked us up at he cruise port as planned. Mary highlighted the sights as we drove by adding insights from having grown up in San Francisco. The tour in Sonoma was everything and more than we had expected. Mary was very knowledgeable and clearly knew her way around the wineries. As we returned we were treated to even more highlights of San Francisco. All in all it was the highlight of our trip and Mary is @ very special and talented guide!
Gene L.
Tice, Florida
Dave was our tour guide for a tour through Sonoma and he was AMAZING! He engaged in conversation with us and gave us GREAT recommendations. He suggested Gloria Ferrar because I had told him I wanted to find a nice champagne. It did NOT disappoint. We also wanted to learn more about the wine making process. Not only was he EXTREMELY knowledgeable and willing to share, but he took us to Benziger for an awesome and educational tour. He then recommended a deli for a quick lunch (as that is what we were looking for) and that too was incredible! We closed out the day visiting Sebastiani (a personal favorite of mine) and then he graciously dropped us off at Seaplane adventures for the ride we had scheduled at the end of the day! It was such a pleasure to spend the day with him. He arrived on time and got us to our end destination on time without making us feel like we were rushed. My husband rented a motorcycle the following day and Dave gave him a recommendation for where to ride. Apparently, Dave's recommendation was a good one because the hubby can't stop talking about how awesome the ride was. The price was right for the wine tour experience alone, but a STEAL considering all of the other benefits we got from being able to hang out with Dave. AWESOME. AWESOME. AWESOME!!!
Stephanie G.
We used this group twice in San Fran, once for a 5hr city tour and once for Muir Woods/Sonoma wine tasting tour. Mary was our tour guide during the 5hr city tour, she is born and raised in SF and has so much knowledge of the city. She will specify to what you are interested in knowing more about. To not deal with parking and driving is a dream. For our Muir Woods/Sonoma tour, we did not have to worry about making any of the arrangements. Would highly recommend this service to anyone!
Morgan H.
Houston, Texas
We did the private tour with David. And Let me tell you the experience was better than we could of ever imagined. After telling David what type of things we wanted to do, he knew exactly where to take us. Off the beaten path wineries, a champagne resort, and great site seeing. The best part was going to Hopper Creek Winery, what an awesome time. Dan runs the place and he opened up just for us. Was a laid back atmosphere and informative as well. Dan could be the coolest guy in the valley. Also, David took the liberty of setting us up with the lunch of a lifetime a Bottega, the short ribs alone were worth the trip to Napa. After drinking wine, eating amazing food and hanging with great people, David swung thru the Golden Gate Bridge for us to take pictures and then even took us down Lumbard street for an unreal ending to the day. With that said, we would recommend this tour to anyone looking for a great time in Napa. Ask for David, and you will be in for one of the best days of your life. Incredible experience!
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
WOW is the first word that comes to mind. Adam absolutely made our trip. He as knowledgeable, personable, courteous, professional and most important hilarious and patient. I was travelling with my mother and my daughter so he had a huge age difference to contend with and was able to make this one of the best trips the three of us have had together with an added bonus of photos along the way. We did not have to think of anything. Adam and I spoke prior to our arriving, I gave him an idea on what i wanted for my mother and daughter and he took care of everything. Pleasing the vast ages is no easy task and he far surpassed our expectations. His choices were perfection for us well into the evening -- 12.5 hours to be exact!!! We enjoyed his company so much we insisted he join us for lunch and on all of our tours. There was so much that Adam gave us above and beyond what would have been expected that it would be too much to write. I can't imagine that this trip would have been as spectacular as it was without him.
Tracey P.
6성급 경험이에요! 슬로건 문구 그대로 기대치 이상의 만족, 맞더군요. 예약할 때부터 실제 투어 경험까지 모두 – 최고!
실리콘 밸리에서 출발하는 레이크 타호 - 요세미티 투어를 예약했습니다. 일본어 투어 가이드와 함께 제 아들과 잊을 수 없는 추억을 만들었네요.덕분에 감사합니다.
홍콩에서 그룹으로 함께 간 산호세 출장. 타호에서 모두 정말 좋은 시간 보냈습니다.
호수는 훼손이 전혀 없는 자연 그대로의 아름다움에 깨끗하고 청명할 뿐만 아니라, 주변 경치는 더욱 아름다웠어요. 파라다이스가 따로 없습니다!
타호는 꼭 가봐야 하는 곳이라면, 요세미티는 캘리포니아의 보석 같은 명소입니다.아이들과 함께 즐길 수 있는 아웃도어 액티비티 상품도 있어 좋더군요.
아웃도어 액티비티에 크게 관심이 없더라도 샌프란시스코에서 타호로 가는 긴 드라이브는 정말 해 볼만 하더군요. 꼭 봐야 할 아름다운 명소들만 골라 안내해 주니까 너무나 좋았어요.
샌프란시스코 출발의 레이크 타호 & 레노 어드벤처로 재미있는 추억을 만들어 준 골든 호라이즌 트레블 직원 여러분과 투어 가이드님들께 감사 드려요!
3일 프라이빗 맞춤 패키지로 구경했던 레이크 타호, 골드 컨트리, 요세미티 국립공원 최고 명소 관광은 훌륭하면서도 흥미진진했구요, 좋은 추억이 됐습니다!
요세미티 국립공원 명소 투어 3일 맞춤 어드벤처, 레이크 타호는 정말이지 완벽합니다. 정말 놀라웠어요.
트립 어드바이저 후기 100%를 믿으세요. 고객 서비스 질부터 어메이징한 투어 가이드까지 정말 만족을 서비스하는 여행사입니다.
요세미티 & 레이크 타호는 정말 아름다웠어요. 아이 동반의 가족이면 이 투어 패키지를 강추합니다. 기대를 넘어서는 서비스!
타호와 요세미티에서 아내와 저는 정말 좋은 시간을 보냈습니다. 여행사 직원분들 덕분에 여행 즐겁게 했습니다.