전설의 알카트라즈 섬을 발견하세요, 예전의 유명한 연방교도소로 현재 캘리포니아의 상징적인 최고의 명소중 한곳 입니다.알카트라즈는 국립공원에 속해있고 죽기전에 꼭 가봐야 할곳입니다. 섬을 탐험하세요, 이곳은 정원입니다, 샌프란시스코 배이 지역의 파노라믹 광경을 선사하고, 알 카포네 그리고 더 버드맨 악명높은 알카트라즈 수감자에대해 배워보세요, 유명한 영화도 이곳에서 찍었습니다(션 코네리가 나오는 ‘더 락’ 그리고 클린트 이스트우드가 나오는 ‘이스케이프 프롬 알카트라즈’) .
이 경이적인 투어 팩키지는 알카트라즈의 뒷장면만 보여주지 않고, 몇몇의 샌프란시스코 인기있고 비밀 장소를 롬바드 스트리트, 씨 클리프 디스트릭, 알라모 스퀘어, 러시안 힐, 텔레그래프 힐, 그리고 등등 버스투어가 금지된 장소 내를 제공합니다.
샌프란시스코 그리고 알카트라즈 투어 설명
이 흥미로운 합쳐진 투어는 추억에 남을 만한것입니다. 이거는 두가지로 나뉘는데요; 샌프란시스코 아침 가이드 투어와 알카트라즈 오후 셀프가이드 투어입니다:
아침 투어 설명: 고객님의 투어가이드는 샌프란시스코 내의 고객님의 호텔에서 고객님을 모신후 샌프란시스코의 몇몇 상징적인 장소 그리고 다방면에 걸친 인근 지역을 운전 할것입니다 거기에 포함되는것은 금문교, 팰러스 오브 파인 아츠, 골든 게이트 공원, 스토우 레이크, 해이트-애시버리, 트윈 픽스, 알라모 스퀘어에 위치한 ‘페인티드 레이디스’(빅토리안 집들), 씨빅 센터, 다운타운 유니온 스퀘어, 노브 힐, 챠이나 타운, 롬바드 스트리트, 코이트 타워, 레지옹 오브 어너, 노스 비치, 오션 비치, 베이커 비치, 더 히스토릭 프레시디오, 인스파레이션 포인트, 기라델리 스퀘어, 피셔맨스 워프 그리고 등등이 포함되었습니다. 부디 아래에 자세히 나온 저희 투어 일정표를 봐주세요.
이 네 시간 투어 가이드는 고급 SUV를 타고 하는데요 이는 7명까지 모실수 있습니다. 버스와 큰 그룹 투어와 달리, 저희 SUV 차량은 샌프란시스코 어느곳이든 갈수 있습니다. 고객님의 투어 가이드는 고객님이 사진을 찍고싶거나 걷고싶은곳 어디든 제공할 것입니다. 아이와 함께하는 가족이라던지 그룹이라던지, 아님녀 혼자서라도 인상적인 장소나 지형에 대한 사진을 찍고싶을경우, 부담 갖지마시고 고객님의 투어가이드에게 알려주세요.
점심 투어 설명: ‘더 락’ 으로 향하는 피할수 없는 어드벤쳐는 알카트라즈 섬을 둘러보시도록 고객님에게 점심 전체를 자유시간으로 드립니다. 고객님의 흥미로운 샌프란시스코 도시 투어를 따라가면, 고객님의 가이드는 고객님을 알카트라즈 크루즈 터미널로 모실텐데요, 거기서 고객님을 알카트라즈로 향하는 페리에 모실 겁니다. 섬에 도착후, 고객님은 원하는 만큼 머무를수 있습니다. 고객님의 투어에는 알카트라즈 수상을 한 셀프가이드 오디오 투어가 포함되어 있는데요, 오디오 없이 여행하시는 것을 선택할수 있습니다. 알카트라즈 탐험후, 고객님은 피어 33으로 돌아오실 건데요 그곳에서 고객님은 유명하고 활기있는 피셔맨스를 걸을 기회를 가지거나 호텔로 스스로 돌아오시면 됩니다. 불행하게도 저희의 투어가이드는 알카트라즈로 함께 가지 못합니다.
피셔맨스 워프는 알카트라즈 크루즈 터미널 근처에 위치해 있고 매우 인기있는 여행지인데요 왜냐하면 가족적이고 친근한곳이기 때문입니다. 고객님은 피셔맨스 근처 호텔에 머무르고 싶을수도 있습니다, 그곳에서는 해산물 상점, 샌프란시스코 스타일 선물 그리고 기념품, 유행하는 옷과 악세사리가 가득한 부티크 상점, 왁스 뮤지엄, 하드 락 카페, 케이블 카, 기라델리 스퀘어, 해안가 와 수백마리의 갈매기를 볼수 있는 호텔등으로 산책할수 있습니다. 다른 훌륭한 액티비티는 케이블카를 매끄러운 언덕을 타고 내려오는 것과 부두와 해안가를 따라 달리는 샌프란시스코의 역사적인 카트를 타는 것입니다.
알카트라즈 섬 셀프가이드 투어 더 알아보기
이 페리는 섬 주변을 돌텐데요 그곳에서 고객님은 금문교, 배이 브릿지, 보물섬, 앤젤 섬, 소살리토, 그리고 샌프란시스코의 놀라운 광경을 볼 것입니다. 부디 항해중 감옥에 대한 공원 관리원의 설명을 들어주세요. 고객님의 셀프가이드 오디오 투어는 주요 감옥 건물의 언덕에 오를 때부터 시작될것이빈다. 오디오 투어만 듣는것이 아닌, 배경음악으로 경비원 과 수감자의 목소리 그리고 셀 도어의 쨍끄랑 하는 소리들이 포함되어 있는데요, 그 소리들은 알카트라즈가 감옥이었던 때를 생동감있게 전해드립니다! 오디오 투어는 여덟가지 언어로 가능한데요: 영어, 프랑스어, 독일어, 이탈리아어, 일본어, 스페인어, 네덜란드어, 그리고 중국어입니다.
꼭 알아두셔야 할것이 있는데요 알카트라즈는 매우 경사가 가파르므로, 그곳을 걸을것은 대비하시기 바랍니다. 부두부터 감옥이 있는 섬 정상까지 대략 1/4 마일(0.4키로미터)이고 고도는 130피트(40미터)가 변화합니다. 시간을 가지시고 파노라믹한 광경을 즐겨주세요!
거동이 불편하신 방문객들은 전기 셔틀을 이용하시면 되는데요 부두에서 감옥까지 한시간에 두번 운행합니다. 이 전차는 언덕위에서는 멈추지 않습니다. 부두 나 셀 하우스에서 선착순으로 타실수 있습니다. 오직 움직이시는 지장있으신 분들만 셔틀을 이용하실수 있습니다. 참고로 알카트라즈섬에서는 휠체어를 빌릴수 없다는것을 알려드립니다. 불행하게도, 저희의 SUV 투어 차량은 휠체어 사용자를 위해 준비를 못하였습니다.
알카트라즈 섬 입장권을 얻는것은 매우 어려운데요 특히 인기 시즌인 3월에서 10월달까지 말입니다. 이 때문에 저희의 투어를 원하실 경우 9주전에 예매하셔야 합니다. 만약 4-6주전에 예매했을경우, 고객님을 도와드릴수 있도록 저희에게 연락바랍니다. 알카트라즈 입장권은 저희에게 먼저 도착하지 않는 이상 보장해드리지 못합니다.
모든 여행사와같이, 골든 호라이즌 트레블은 도시투어와 함께하는 알카트라즈 여행을 구매하시지 않는이상 저희는 별도로 알카트라즈 섬 입장권을 판매할수 없습니다. 만약 알카트라즈 입장권만 원하실 경우 www.alcatrazcruises.com 를 방문해주세요.
어떤것을 챙겨가야 할까요?
알카트라즈 크루즈 탑승전에 물과 먹을것을 챙기세요.
마지막 배가 출발하기전에 오디오 투어를 위해 충분한시간을 두세요.
충분한 메모리 카드와 베터리와 함께 카메라를 가져가세요
샌프란시스코의 특유의 온도 내려감과 바람이 많이 불기 때문에 더 입을수 있는 옷을 챙겨가세요.
편안한 신발을 신으세요.
왜 골든 호라이즌 트레블을 선택해야 할까요?
골든 호라이즌 트레블에서, 저희는 최상의 고객 서비스와 고객님의 기대를 넘어설것입니다! 저희는 현지에서 신뢰적이고 획기적인투어가 개인 그리고 작은 그룹 투어에 특화되어 있습니다. 저희는 개인 그리고 작은그룹에 집중하는 이유는 큰 버스투어는 느리고 불편하기 때문입니다. 저희의 개인 투어를 고르심으로써, 고객님은 양보다 질을 선택하시는 것입니다. 골든 호라이즌 트레블은 베터 비지니스 뷰러에서 A+를 받았고 2004년부터 활동해 왔습니다. 저희는 캘리포니아 주로부터 여행회사로 보증되고 자격이 주어져왔고 저희는 상업적으로 신뢰할수 있습니다. 옐프나 트립어드바이져로부터 받아온 수백개의 별 다섯개 평가들은 저희를 샌프란시스코 내의 투어 회사들중 최고로 만들어 줬습니다. 고객님은 맞춤형투어의 수준 높은 질과 독특한 여행 경험으로 인해 실망하지 않을 것입니다.
저희 투어는 고객님이 원하시는 것 원하시는 스케쥴, 그리고 고객님의 시간과 장소에따라 조정 가능합니다. 고객님의 개인 투어 가이드는 고객님에게 맞는 명소와 활동을 추천드릴것입니다. 팩키지안에 포함된것은 청량음료와 물 또는 특별한 기회가 있을경우 알코올 음료를 포함합니다.
전설의 알카트라즈 섬을 발견하세요, 예전의 유명한 연방교도소로 현재 캘리포니아의 상징적인 최고의 명소중 한곳 입니다.알카트라즈는 국립공원에 속해있고 죽기전에 꼭 가봐야 할곳입니다. 섬을 탐험하세요, 이곳은 정원입니다, 샌프란시스코 배이 지역의 파노라믹 광경을 선사하고, 알 카포네 그리고 더 버드맨 악명높은 알카트라즈 수감자에대해 배워보세요, 유명한 영화도 이곳에서 찍었습니다(션 코네리가 나오는 ‘더 락’ 그리고 클린트 이스트우드가 나오는 ‘이스케이프 프롬 알카트라즈’) .
이 경이적인 투어 팩키지는 알카트라즈의 뒷장면만 보여주지 않고, 몇몇의 샌프란시스코 인기있고 비밀 장소를 롬바드 스트리트, 씨 클리프 디스트릭, 알라모 스퀘어, 러시안 힐, 텔레그래프 힐, 그리고 등등 버스투어가 금지된 장소 내를 제공합니다.
샌프란시스코 그리고 알카트라즈 투어 설명
이 흥미로운 합쳐진 투어는 추억에 남을 만한것입니다. 이거는 두가지로 나뉘는데요; 샌프란시스코 아침 가이드 투어와 알카트라즈 오후 셀프가이드 투어입니다:
아침 투어 설명: 고객님의 투어가이드는 샌프란시스코 내의 고객님의 호텔에서 고객님을 모신후 샌프란시스코의 몇몇 상징적인 장소 그리고 다방면에 걸친 인근 지역을 운전 할것입니다 거기에 포함되는것은 금문교, 팰러스 오브 파인 아츠, 골든 게이트 공원, 스토우 레이크, 해이트-애시버리, 트윈 픽스, 알라모 스퀘어에 위치한 ‘페인티드 레이디스’(빅토리안 집들), 씨빅 센터, 다운타운 유니온 스퀘어, 노브 힐, 챠이나 타운, 롬바드 스트리트, 코이트 타워, 레지옹 오브 어너, 노스 비치, 오션 비치, 베이커 비치, 더 히스토릭 프레시디오, 인스파레이션 포인트, 기라델리 스퀘어, 피셔맨스 워프 그리고 등등이 포함되었습니다. 부디 아래에 자세히 나온 저희 투어 일정표를 봐주세요.
이 네 시간 투어 가이드는 고급 SUV를 타고 하는데요 이는 7명까지 모실수 있습니다. 버스와 큰 그룹 투어와 달리, 저희 SUV 차량은 샌프란시스코 어느곳이든 갈수 있습니다. 고객님의 투어 가이드는 고객님이 사진을 찍고싶거나 걷고싶은곳 어디든 제공할 것입니다. 아이와 함께하는 가족이라던지 그룹이라던지, 아님녀 혼자서라도 인상적인 장소나 지형에 대한 사진을 찍고싶을경우, 부담 갖지마시고 고객님의 투어가이드에게 알려주세요.
점심 투어 설명: ‘더 락’ 으로 향하는 피할수 없는 어드벤쳐는 알카트라즈 섬을 둘러보시도록 고객님에게 점심 전체를 자유시간으로 드립니다. 고객님의 흥미로운 샌프란시스코 도시 투어를 따라가면, 고객님의 가이드는 고객님을 알카트라즈 크루즈 터미널로 모실텐데요, 거기서 고객님을 알카트라즈로 향하는 페리에 모실 겁니다. 섬에 도착후, 고객님은 원하는 만큼 머무를수 있습니다. 고객님의 투어에는 알카트라즈 수상을 한 셀프가이드 오디오 투어가 포함되어 있는데요, 오디오 없이 여행하시는 것을 선택할수 있습니다. 알카트라즈 탐험후, 고객님은 피어 33으로 돌아오실 건데요 그곳에서 고객님은 유명하고 활기있는 피셔맨스를 걸을 기회를 가지거나 호텔로 스스로 돌아오시면 됩니다. 불행하게도 저희의 투어가이드는 알카트라즈로 함께 가지 못합니다.
피셔맨스 워프는 알카트라즈 크루즈 터미널 근처에 위치해 있고 매우 인기있는 여행지인데요 왜냐하면 가족적이고 친근한곳이기 때문입니다. 고객님은 피셔맨스 근처 호텔에 머무르고 싶을수도 있습니다, 그곳에서는 해산물 상점, 샌프란시스코 스타일 선물 그리고 기념품, 유행하는 옷과 악세사리가 가득한 부티크 상점, 왁스 뮤지엄, 하드 락 카페, 케이블 카, 기라델리 스퀘어, 해안가 와 수백마리의 갈매기를 볼수 있는 호텔등으로 산책할수 있습니다. 다른 훌륭한 액티비티는 케이블카를 매끄러운 언덕을 타고 내려오는 것과 부두와 해안가를 따라 달리는 샌프란시스코의 역사적인 카트를 타는 것입니다.
알카트라즈 섬 셀프가이드 투어 더 알아보기
이 페리는 섬 주변을 돌텐데요 그곳에서 고객님은 금문교, 배이 브릿지, 보물섬, 앤젤 섬, 소살리토, 그리고 샌프란시스코의 놀라운 광경을 볼 것입니다. 부디 항해중 감옥에 대한 공원 관리원의 설명을 들어주세요. 고객님의 셀프가이드 오디오 투어는 주요 감옥 건물의 언덕에 오를 때부터 시작될것이빈다. 오디오 투어만 듣는것이 아닌, 배경음악으로 경비원 과 수감자의 목소리 그리고 셀 도어의 쨍끄랑 하는 소리들이 포함되어 있는데요, 그 소리들은 알카트라즈가 감옥이었던 때를 생동감있게 전해드립니다! 오디오 투어는 여덟가지 언어로 가능한데요: 영어, 프랑스어, 독일어, 이탈리아어, 일본어, 스페인어, 네덜란드어, 그리고 중국어입니다.
꼭 알아두셔야 할것이 있는데요 알카트라즈는 매우 경사가 가파르므로, 그곳을 걸을것은 대비하시기 바랍니다. 부두부터 감옥이 있는 섬 정상까지 대략 1/4 마일(0.4키로미터)이고 고도는 130피트(40미터)가 변화합니다. 시간을 가지시고 파노라믹한 광경을 즐겨주세요!
거동이 불편하신 방문객들은 전기 셔틀을 이용하시면 되는데요 부두에서 감옥까지 한시간에 두번 운행합니다. 이 전차는 언덕위에서는 멈추지 않습니다. 부두 나 셀 하우스에서 선착순으로 타실수 있습니다. 오직 움직이시는 지장있으신 분들만 셔틀을 이용하실수 있습니다. 참고로 알카트라즈섬에서는 휠체어를 빌릴수 없다는것을 알려드립니다. 불행하게도, 저희의 SUV 투어 차량은 휠체어 사용자를 위해 준비를 못하였습니다.
알카트라즈 섬 입장권을 얻는것은 매우 어려운데요 특히 인기 시즌인 3월에서 10월달까지 말입니다. 이 때문에 저희의 투어를 원하실 경우 9주전에 예매하셔야 합니다. 만약 4-6주전에 예매했을경우, 고객님을 도와드릴수 있도록 저희에게 연락바랍니다. 알카트라즈 입장권은 저희에게 먼저 도착하지 않는 이상 보장해드리지 못합니다.
모든 여행사와같이, 골든 호라이즌 트레블은 도시투어와 함께하는 알카트라즈 여행을 구매하시지 않는이상 저희는 별도로 알카트라즈 섬 입장권을 판매할수 없습니다. 만약 알카트라즈 입장권만 원하실 경우 www.alcatrazcruises.com 를 방문해주세요.
어떤것을 챙겨가야 할까요?
알카트라즈 크루즈 탑승전에 물과 먹을것을 챙기세요.
마지막 배가 출발하기전에 오디오 투어를 위해 충분한시간을 두세요.
충분한 메모리 카드와 베터리와 함께 카메라를 가져가세요
샌프란시스코의 특유의 온도 내려감과 바람이 많이 불기 때문에 더 입을수 있는 옷을 챙겨가세요.
편안한 신발을 신으세요.
왜 골든 호라이즌 트레블을 선택해야 할까요?
골든 호라이즌 트레블에서, 저희는 최상의 고객 서비스와 고객님의 기대를 넘어설것입니다! 저희는 현지에서 신뢰적이고 획기적인투어가 개인 그리고 작은 그룹 투어에 특화되어 있습니다. 저희는 개인 그리고 작은그룹에 집중하는 이유는 큰 버스투어는 느리고 불편하기 때문입니다. 저희의 개인 투어를 고르심으로써, 고객님은 양보다 질을 선택하시는 것입니다. 골든 호라이즌 트레블은 베터 비지니스 뷰러에서 A+를 받았고 2004년부터 활동해 왔습니다. 저희는 캘리포니아 주로부터 여행회사로 보증되고 자격이 주어져왔고 저희는 상업적으로 신뢰할수 있습니다. 옐프나 트립어드바이져로부터 받아온 수백개의 별 다섯개 평가들은 저희를 샌프란시스코 내의 투어 회사들중 최고로 만들어 줬습니다. 고객님은 맞춤형투어의 수준 높은 질과 독특한 여행 경험으로 인해 실망하지 않을 것입니다.
저희 투어는 고객님이 원하시는 것 원하시는 스케쥴, 그리고 고객님의 시간과 장소에따라 조정 가능합니다. 고객님의 개인 투어 가이드는 고객님에게 맞는 명소와 활동을 추천드릴것입니다. 팩키지안에 포함된것은 청량음료와 물 또는 특별한 기회가 있을경우 알코올 음료를 포함합니다.
이 SUV투어는 전적으로 개인이고 가격은 사람당 입니다.
1인당 투어비 USD | 1 인원 | 2 인 투어 | 3 인 투어 | 4 인 투어 | 5 인 투어 | 6 인 투어 | 7 인 투어 |
호텔 숙박 제외 | $629 | $359 | $269 | $239 | $209 | $189 | $179 |
이 밴 투어는 전적으로 개인이고 대중이나 개인 예약을 위해서는 불가능 합니다. 가격은 그룹당이고 사람당이 아닙니다.
그룹당 가격 | 1-5 인 투어 | 6-7 인 투어 | 8-10 인 투어 | 11-12 인 투어 | 13-14 인 투어 |
호텔 숙박 제외 | $1399 | $1639 | $1879 | $1999 | $2099 |
포함된것: 샌프란시스코 다운타운 또는 피셔맨스 워프내의 모시는것, 모든것에 적용되는 세금, 4시간 투어, 수살한 알카트라즈 오디오 투어, 페리 그리고 알카트라즈 입장권. 겨울에는, 알카트라즈 페리 스케줄에 의하여 더욱 빨리 모십니다.
포함 안된것: 식사, 투어가이드 팁, 호텔에 모셔다 드리는것은 알카트라즈 셀프가이드 투어를 위해 가는것과 같이 포함 안됩니다., 호텔로 돌아오는것
시간을 고려해서 저희는 금문교를 반나절투어에서는 지나지 않지만 저희의 하루 샌프란시스코 맞춤형 투어에는 포함되어 있습니다.
따로 명시되지 않는 이상 모든 투어는 영어로 진행됩니다.
-예정된 투어(혹은 투어 혹은 서비스 날짜)의 최소 영업일 15일 전에 투어를 취소할 경우, 총 금액의 91%를 환불 받게 됩니다. 나머지 9%는 필수적인 거래 수수료에 이용됩니다. 4.5%가 각 거래에 적용됩니다(예약이 첫 번째 거래이며 환불이 두 번째 거래가 되기 때문에 거래 수수료가 2번 부과됩니다). (주말 및 휴일은 해당되지 않습니다).
- 예정된 투어 혹은 서비스 날짜의 최소 영업일 7일 전에 투어를 취소할 경우, 총 금액의 50%를 환불 받게 됩니다(주말 및 휴일은 해당되지 않습니다).
- 예정된 투어 날짜의 최소 영업일 5일 이전에 투어를 취소할 경우, 총 금액의 15%를 환불 받게 됩니다(주말 및 휴일은 해당되지 않습니다).
-예정된 투어 날짜 혹은 서비스 날짜의 영업일 4일 이내로 투어를 취소할 경우, 총 금액의 0%를 환불 받게 됩니다. 이는 노쇼도 포함됩니다 (주말 및 휴일은 해당되지 않습니다).
모든 환불 금액은 신용 카드 회사 및 가맹점 은행 혹은 제공업체에 의해 당사에 부과되는 신용 카드 및 가맹점 수수료가 적용된다는 점을 유의하시길 바랍니다. 신용 카드 및 가맹점 거래 수수료의 평균적인 금액은 고객님께서 투어 예약 시 이용하는 신용 카드 유형, 신용 카드 발급사, 국가, 거래당 적용받는 환전 수수료에 따라서 3.9%~9.8% 사이입니다. 많은 해외 국가에서 추가 기관 및 환전 수수료를 적용합니다.
중요: 당사는 고객님께서 웹사이트에서 요청하시고 예약하신 날짜를 예약하며 고객님을 배려하기 위하여 이러한 날짜에 다른 투어를 받는 것을 거절한다는 점을 유의하시길 바랍니다. 저희는 투어 가이드와 호화스러운 차량을 해당 날짜에 준비해두고 있으며 고객님과 동행하는 여행객을 위해 필요한 모든 예약 및 준비를 하므로, 당사에서 다른 고객들과 투어를 배려할 수 있도록, 날짜를 변경하거나 투어 직전에 취소하지 않도록 부탁드립니다.
– 예약 및 확인: 온라인에서 예약하자 마자, 가맹점 영수증이 자동으로 생성되며 이메일로 전송됩니다. 당사는 또한 이메일을 통해서 예약을 확인하며 투어 바우처 혹은 이메일을 전송하여 예약 날짜, 투어, 픽업 시간을 확인할 것입니다. 이 투어 정보 혹은 바우처는 고객님께서 웹사이트에 예약한 그 날짜에만 유효하며, 예약상에 있는 이름으로만 유효합니다. 저희가 진행해야 할 다른 투어가 있기 때문에, 이름을 양도하거나 다른 날짜에 투어를 요청할 수 없습니다. 고객님께서 예약한 예정된 투어 15일 이내로 투어 날짜를 변경할 수 없으며, 예약 날짜 대신 다른 날짜에 투어를 이용할 수 없습니다.
모든 투어를 존중하기 위한 노력의 일환으로, 당사는 다른 투어 여행사, 프리랜서 및/혹은 자매 회사와 함께 제휴할 권리를 보유하고 있습니다. 고객님이 이용하시는 투어 여행사의 정확한 이름 및 연락처 정보는 투어 바우처에 명시되어 있으며 투어 확인은 당사에서 고객님께서 허용하신 거래를 받은 이후에 발행될 것입니다.
-당사에서는 동시에 몇 가지 투어 요청을 받을 수 있기 때문에, 모든 투어는 이용 가능 여부에 따라서 달라집니다. 결제 거래의 승인은 이메일을 통해서 확인되지 않은 한 투어가 확정되었다고 보장하지 않습니다.
거래가 거절될 경우, 당사는 어떠한 정보도 받지 못한다는 점을 유의하시길 바랍니다. 그러므로 서면 확인을 받지 않는 한 예약이 확정되었다고 간주하지 마시길 바랍니다. 가능한 한 빨리 연락을 주시되, 이메일 확인 및 당사에서 전송한 투어 바우처 없이 고객님의 투어가 확정되었다고 예상하지 마시길 바랍니다.
예약이 고객님의 은행에 의해 거절될 경우, 이는 종종 (신용 카드상의 이름, 우편 번호 혹은 청구 주소와 같은) 은행 정보와 고객님께서 투어를 예약할 때 저희 웹사이트에 입력한 은행 정보 사이의 불일치로 인한 경우가 많습니다. 가끔은 계좌에 자금이 부족하여 거절되기도 합니다. 투어는 고객님의 새로운 거래가 고객님의 은행에 의해 승인될 때까지 확인되지 않을 것입니다. 불편을 끼쳐드려서 죄송하지만, 고객님의 은행이 사기를 방지하고 고객님의 신용 카드 정보를 보호하거나 위의 요인 중 하나에 해당되기 때문에 거래를 거절하는 것이니 양해 부탁드립니다. .
모든 투어는 심지어 거래가 승인됐을 때도 이용 가능 여부에 따라서 달라질 수 있습니다. 당사는 가능한 한 빨리 고객님께 연락을 드려서 필요한 투어 및 날짜가 있는지 알려드릴 것입니다. 또한, 모든 투어는 당사에서 전송해드리는 이메일 혹은 투어 바우처에 명시되지 않는 한 영어로 진행됩니다.
당사는 특별 행사, 기상 조건, 도로 폐쇄, 차량 고장, 예기치 못한 상황, 투어 이용 불가 및/혹은 투어 직전 예약으로 인해 투어를 이용할 수 없을 경우 고객님의 여행 일정, 투어 혹은 서비스를 적절하게 대체하거나 변경할 권리를 보유하고 있습니다. 당사는 사고, 고장, 예기지 못한 사고 혹은 사건, 도로, 기상 조건 및/혹은 당사에서 통제할 수 없는 기타 모든 상황에 의해 발생하는 지연에 대해 어떠한 책임도 지지 않습니다. 당사는 위의 사항을 고려하여 특정 시간에 어떠한 장소로 도착하거나 출발할 것이라고 보장해드리지 않습니다. 하지만, 당사는 고객님의 여행 일정을 적절히 따르기 위해서 최선을 다할 것입니다.
팁: 미국에서 15~20%의 팁은 필수이며 관례적입니다. 일반적으로 팁은 총 구매 금액의 15%~20%정도익나 적절한 %에 가까운 고정 금액입니다. 팁은 정말 상황과 고객님의 넓은 아량에 따라서 달라집니다. 투어 가이드는 팁 없이 캘리포니아 주의 비싼 물가를 견뎌낼 수 없으며 투어 가이드 없이 당사는 운영될 수 없으므로, 당사는 고객님의 넓은 아량과 양해에 감사드립니다.
뮤어 우즈 국립 천연 기념물 및 앨커트래즈는 최소한 2달 전에 예약해야 합니다. 뮤어 우즈 국립 천연 기념물과 앨커트래즈는 국립 공원 서비스에 의해 관리되며, 당사의 통제 밖에 있습니다. 이 두 곳은 특별 허가가 필요하며 2~3달 전에 미리 예약해야 합니다. 2달 이내로 투어를 예약한다면, 예약을 보장할 수 없으며 예약금은 환불될 것입니다.
요세미티 호텔 및 리조트:요세미티 호텔은 종종 6~12개월 이전에 미리 예약이 찹니다. 투어 날자 3개월 이내로 예약을 받는다면, 당사에서 고객님의 투어를 환불하거나 요세미티 밖의 다른 호텔을 찾을 수 있는 권리를 보유하고 있습니다.
항공 투어: 열기구, 수상 비행기 투어, 헬리콥터 투어를 비롯한 모든 항공 관광 투어는 예기치 못한 기상 조건으로 취소될 확률이 80%입니다. 날씨는 예측할 수 없으며 항상 변화되고, 고객님의 안전이 당사에 매우 중요합니다.
외국어: 당사 투어는 바우처에 명시되지 않은 한 영어로 진행됩니다. 일부 외국어는 추가 요금을 받습니다. 모든 외국어의 경우, 고객님은 해당 외국어로 투어를 즐기기 위해(이용 가능 여부에 따라 다름) 세미 프라이빗 투어가 아닌 프라이빗 투어를 예약하셔야 합니다. 추가 수수료는 모든 추가 외국어에 적용됩니다. 모든 세미 프라이빗 투어는 영어로 진행되며 다른 고객들과 함께 진행됩니다. 세미 프라이빗 투어는 당사 웹사이트에서 더 이상 예약할 수 없습니다. 2개 국어를 구사하는 투어 가이드는 몇 달 전에 미리 예약하므로 최대한 빨리 프라이빗 투어를 예약하시길 바랍니다.
I have always wanted to go to Alcatraz Island with my wife, and we finally got to do it. I consulted the online reviews and decided to go with Golden Horizon Travel. We booked Yosemite 3-day tour , Silicon Valley and San Francisco tours through them; they exceed our expectations.
We took a tour with Golden Horizon as we got cancelled at last-minute by another company due to the lack of Alcatraz tickets, which we prepaid thru the interne, but, when we arrived at Fisherman's Wharf to embark the ferry, they had no reservations for us! Watch out when you book online and trust Golden Horizon reviews – they saved the day. You’ll not be disappointed.
We booked the Napa Valley and Alcatraz combo tour thru Golden Horizon tour, almost 2 months in advance, and we are so glad we did. It was so hard to find availability for Alcatraz night tour. Napa Valley is beautiful, and the wines are outstanding, but Alcatraz was our favorite experience.
Alcatraz and San Francisco combo tour is highly recommended. It’s super fun, informative and saves time. Great ride across the san Francisco bay, the ferry was crowded but it was cool. The walking tour with headphones is awesome and informative.
Unfortunately, we were not able to get same day tickets to Alcatraz Island, but our tour guide managed to get us night tickets to Alcatraz prison the next day. We were so lucky and grateful - we even booked 2 more tours with this company – they are the best! Alcatraz at night is a must-see attraction for all visitors. The rangers’ talk and the audio-walking guided tour complete each other
Muir Woods and Alcatraz now require advanced booking, which we didn’t know. I’m so glad we found this company, they accommodated our last-minute request, and provided us with tickets to muir woods and Alcatraz... Leo is an amazing tour guide.
Alcatraz at night is a must-see activity while visiting San Francisco Bay Area. The now- abandoned maximum-security prison can be visited at night, and it’s much better than the day tour. Golden Horizon and Adam deserve 10 stars!
We recommend the San Francisco and Alcatraz tour package. We got to see the best places in the city and enjoyed a free afternoon walking tour at Alcatraz Island. The views of the city and the golden gate bridge from Alcatraz are spectacular.
Our Bucket List Overflowed, a wonderful day in an amazing park with the perfect tour guide!
Katheryn Kennedy - London, UK
Breathtaking adventure in Yosemite wonderland , and a great private tour of San Francisco combined with Alcatraz. We found this company on Trip Advisor & we were not disappointed!
The Jamesons. Sydney, Australia
A wonderful tour package in Yosemite National Park and Alcatraz with Adam. This tour has totally exceeded expectations! The best experience ever!
Erin M. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Unforgettable & Fantastic! trust their reviews and believe what you read on Trip Advisor; they are consumed professionals.
Chris G., Dallas, Texas
5-stars to our tour guide Adam, he made this journey unforgettable. He is an expert photographer too!
M. Hachadourian. Greenwich Village, New York
10 Stars! Fun, informative, flexible, indulgent, patient,& very professional guides in a warm & engaging manner.
Jarmila Sramkova. Prague, Czech Republic
Believe every good thing you read about this tour company; you will not be disappointed!
Mike and Jane - Nashville
Treated like King & Queen! OUTSTANDING and A MUST See!! Without any hesitation, 5 stars!
Loreena’s family Madrid, Spain
They are consummate professionals who really care a lot for their customers' wellbeing and experience- a must do!
Rob & Marhta Baton Rouge
Impressive! Their Ability of organization, understanding , customizing , entertaining , educating - make them the best at what they do. What unforgettable experience with Buddy!
Natasha C Calgary, Canada
Outstanding tour package to Yosemite ,Mammoth Lakes , Sequoia national park , Death Valley , San Francisco and Alcatraz with Adam and Jonathan . I've run out of superlatives to describe this unforgettable and once-in-a-lifetime experience ...10 STARS + & Highly Recommended
Holly Millard- Holly Millard, IN
You won't be disappointed if you use Golden Horizon for all your tours! Top notch service!
Susan.S- McAllen, Texas
A 6-star experience! Their tag line is to “exceed expectations” and they certainly delivered. From the moment of making a booking to the actual tours - Superb!
A Beautiful and quiet forest of redwoods
I highly recommend this Muir Woods and Marin County outdoor adventure with Golden Horizon Travel, even If you are in average physical shape. There are all kind of stops and easy hikes along offering 360 degrees breathtaking views.
A Beautiful and quiet forest of redwoods
Stop reading reviews and book with Golden Horizons. .... we highly recommend this tour company, their tour guides are passionate, fun and very knowledgeable. San Francisco is amazing city and Muir Woods is so beautiful and enjoyable. Highly recommend
My husband, daughters and my son , and I took a day tour of San Francisco, and second day adventure to Muir Woods and each with Adam to Muir Woods and Stinson Beach. Both trips exceed our expectations.
We purchased the combo tour through Alcatraz Tours since the date was sold out for the solo Alcatraz Tour. Adding the city tour and Angel Island was a great trip by ferry as it took us around Alcatraz Island and Angel Island. Alcatraz island is so beautiful! I loved the Alcatraz audio tour as well. The guided tour is extremely interesting and provided an accurate picture of the story of Alcatraz prison and inmates. It was a good length of time and we got a great deal of information without becoming too long and boring. I highly recommend this tour company ‘Alcatraz Tours Inc.’ When Alcatraz tour and prison tickets are sold out, they have a reserve of Alcatraz tickets on hold purchased in advance. Their private guided city tour is a 5-star experience and worth every penny.
Saint Louis, Missouri
Our travel agent in Veracruz Mexico booked the San Francisco tour package with hotel accommodation included. However, the online tour agency with which we originally booked our Alcatraz and Muir Woods package turned out to be a fraud, a fiasco, a company with little reliability, we were calling by phone and we have never been able to get through, they are locate overseas!
Two days before leaving our country, our Alcatraz tours were canceled at the last minute and there was no way to get tickets for Alcatraz or any of the destinations because they were sold out.
Fortunately, we found this local company Golden Horizon Travel: www.goldenhorizontravel.com and this was the only tour operator that could help us with our last minute reservations, they provided us with excellent customer service and always responded promptly in Spanish, and they even assigned us a Spanish tour guide: our both excursions were totally private and in Spanish, our tour guides were incredible, very professional, attentive and cordial and the best of all is that the agency also got us the tickets to visit Alcatraz Island and also for the Redwoods Muir Woods Park despite this last-minute booking.
We also took advantage and went to Sonoma Valley and Marín County with them. This Company offers best tours and many options to choose from for all travelers; they are very professional, and they go out of their way to offer to please their customers. All the other websites we found were resellers or fake or they were not even located in California, none of them bothered to answer our phone calls or emails, and neither did they offer guided tours in Spanish.
MY best advice for everyone, look for Local Operators and avoid websites and companies that are not in San Francisco! This Tour Operator is underrated and deserves more credit for their excellent customer service.
Silvia Sampiery
Saint Louis, Missouri
We traveled from San José, Costa Rica to San Francisco in California to visit Alcatraz Island and Yosemite National Park. Initially, we could not find a specialized tour guide in Spanish to take us to Yosemite park and to see the giant sequoias. But thank God we found this tour company. We were lucky as they also had tickets to Alcatraz Island at night, even though it was sold out everywhere else they managed to secure our booking for the nigh tour the same day. What a great surprise to discover that the booking agent of the company spoke fluently Spanish, she was very friendly and helpful. Not only did she get us a private tour of Yosemite in Spanish with a bilingual guide, but she also managed to get us Alcatraz tickets for the night tour at a last-minute. That was totally unexpected and super cool.
We cannot thank you enough for your excellent customer service and for making the extra effort to get book Alcatraz tickets for us despite this short notice. The night tour of Alcatraz is a bit “spooky”, but very interesting, the US park rangers accommodated us with only a small number of visitors, guided us through the prison and provided a lot of historical information about Alcatraz prison and famous prisoners like Al Capone, as well as the story about the escape from Alcatraz” El misterio de la fuga de Alcatraz”.
Lucia and Yolanda M. Vasquez
San Jose Costa Rica
We booked the combined tour of Alcatraz and San Francisco through Alcatraz Tours. The date we wanted to book to visit from Alcatraz Prison was sold out, but it's the only local travel agency that really helped us with our last-minute booking despite the odds. All the other websites that we tried are fake or are not even located in California! None even bothered to answer our telephone calls. I highly recommend this combo Alcatraz /city tour and this tour operator. Well worth It.
Toulouse, France
We booked our Alcatraz night trip with Alcatraz tours in February, but we were not visiting San Francisco until late May. This was the right thing to do as all Alcatraz night tours got sold out in March! The ferry trip to Alcatraz island was quite nice and took us less than 20 minutes to reach Alcatraz island. We really enjoyed this night excursion of the prison. No, it was not creepy at all.
Dress appropriately/ bring layers - it gets cold and foggy out there.
Northern Cape, South Africa
My wife and I booked our Alcatraz prison tickets online through this tour company, combined with a trip to Napa Valley wineries. We love beer, but we wanted to try some wines for a change. So, we tasted great deal of red and white wines in Napa wine country. Then, we drove back to San Francisco and got dropped off at Pier 33 to take the ferry to Alcatraz island.
Alcatraz night tour was on our bucket-list before we even travelled to California, we were so excited when they dropped us off at Alcatraz ferry lines. The night tour boat departed from the dock at 3:50pm. We enjoyed great views of the city of San Francisco and the Golden Gate bridge as we were sailing to Alcatraz island. Once at the island, US park rangers split visitors into groups and started the night guided tour at different times. If you have difficulty walking up hills, they have a tram you can ride both ways at no extra cost. The narration of the self-guided tour is really informative and exciting.
We highly recommend Alcatraz prison night tour to all travelers. The only thing I didn’t like is that many sections of Alcatraz island are closed to the public at night unlike the day tour. That’s why they only allow one group per night, I guess they want to they keep it under control.
Use this tour company, you won’t be disappointed.
Lee Sanders
Quebec ,CA
We booked the night tour with Alcatraz Tours, and that was an excellent tour experience. Really well organized and informative. We learned a lot about Alcatraz prison on the night tour, and I can thoroughly recommend Alcatraz night tour even for families with kids. Wear comfortable flat walking shoes and extra layers as it gets chilly on the island, and I also recommend a flashlight and an extra charger for your smart phone. That’s was an excellent trip for the whole family and worth the money and time.
My wife and I really enjoyed our night guided tour of Alcatraz prison with the local tour guide who was a volunteer. The ferry ride was quick and smooth offering nice views of the San Francisco skyline and bridges. US park rangers were very helpful, engaging and informative and the audio guided tour was a good experience.
Tampa Bay, FL
Wonderful night tour experience with lots of history and interesting stories. Alcatraz prison is not like any other jail where inmates could escape from so easily. We realized how hard it must have been to get out of ‘The Rock’ and still wondering how those 3 guys escaped Alcatraz at night! It’s like a ‘fairy tale’, spooky but in a good way... the pace of the tour was just right and well done.
Our Muir Woods & Alcatraz combo tour was exactly what we needed as we only had one day in San Francisco before we traveled to Napa Valley for a wedding we were invited to. The tour is well worth the money that you spend. The big redwood trees in Muir Woods forest are impressive but the forest was a bit crowded as well as Alcatraz island. However, this combo tour must be on everyone’s bucket-list. Both places are very popular and worth the money. I would recommend starting the tour early to visit the redwoods and beat the bus tours and large crowds. This way you get to enjoy peace and quality time in Muir Woods before it gets too busy.
Alcatraz prison is a former maximum-security prison located on Alcatraz Island, but the island is much smaller than we through. The trip by ferry took us about 20 minutes from the Fisherman’s Wharf to the island. I recommend Alcatraz electric carts for those who can’t walk uphill. My grandmother couldn’t walk all the way up to the prison, but their electric cart was very convenient for her. We took more time in the prison and returned to the Fisherman’s Wharf in late afternoon. We also enjoyed the Fisherman’s Wharf souvenir shops, seafoods restaurants and got to see the seals there. I recommended in this tourist area after Alcatraz tour.
Whether you live in San Francisco Bay Area or visiting San Francisco from the US or overseas, this day trip is a must-do for all ages and even for folks with mobility issues. Alcatraz island and prison are one of the most handicap accessible tours and places I've ever been on. Alcatraz guided tour is amazing. Yet, it can be a little confusing unless you follow the guided trail step by step.
The ferry ride to Alcatraz island offers beautiful views of San Francisco downtown, the islands in the bay like Angel island, Treasure island and bridges like the Golden Gate bridge. Be on time for the ferry departure or you get turned away as they only allow the exact time and departure stated on each ticket. Alcatraz tickets are so valuable and hard to find, we were lucky we got a last-minute cancellation from Alcatraz Tours, otherwise we would have missed out on the best attraction in California. Many visitors show up at last minute by the ferry terminal looking for tickets and willing to pay any price to get their hands-on tickets to Alcatraz, but these rare tickets and get sold out weeks and months in advance.
Definitely a 5-star experience for this Alcatraz and redwoods combo tour. Our tour guide drove us away from Muir Woods traffic jams to a small forest of redwoods in Marin County. We were the only one a roaming through these tall and towering redwoods. It was so nice to enjoy nature without putting up with traffic and a horde of people pushing and shoving like in Muir Woods. I’ve been there, and I honestly prefer these alternative groves of redwoods we went to visit in Marin county.
This tour company and tour guide are highly recommended.
Frank Seah
Reviewed 2 years ago
We did not expect to see so much of the city in one day. Jon, our tour guide, was very friendly, informative and an accommodating guide. Thank you so much for a great day! This tour is highly recommended.
Reviewed yesterday
Dr.Yin Chan:
This day trip to Alcatraz island is awesome regardless how foggy the bay area can be. We got to Pier 33 on time, and the tour guide took care of our Alcatraz tickets. We didn’t have to worry about parking or reservation, as he showed us around before we embarked on the ferry to Alcatraz prison.
There is a good self-guided audio tour of the cells and we could hear the guards and inmates’ voices in the background. It’s like living the experience and getting the feel of how this morbid and remote federal prison operated. Don’t forget to pick up the headphones as you enter the prison on top of the hill. My mom can’t walk so we hopped on the so called “SEAT” electric tram (Sustainable Easy Access Transport).
Alcatraz island is a national park - there are park rangers on hand who help visitors with
all kinds of information.
I recommend that you book this redwood and Alcatraz excursion in advance. We had a
hard time to find ferry tickets to Alcatraz until we landed on this website
www.alcatraztoursf.com. Their combo tour is worth the money and saved us the hassle
and stress. The operator was very helpful, and their tour guide was knowledgeable and
professional, yet very funny. He adjusted the tour to our kid’s mood and crankiness.
Don’t go to Muir Woods forest. I heard terrible things about this overcrowded place. Let
this tour company take you to this hidden forest of redwoods somewhere nearby San
Francisco in Marin Count. I can’t remember the name of this redwood forest, but we
were the only ones there when we got there, the trees are massive and impressive, plus
the landscape is picturesque.
Last, get inline early to Alcatraz ferry terminal so you can get the best seat in the house
on the third floor!
Dammy K.
Reviewed 11 months ago
Our Muir Woods and Alcatraz combo tour was exactly what we needed as we only had one day in San Fran. The tour was well organized, and we certainly got our money's worth ...
Muir woods national monument definitely worth a detour. This remote park of big redwoods is very beautiful and a fantastic option for families with young children. I recommend this combo tour of Alcatraz and redwoods. It is worth the money and saves a lot of hassle and worries, as both places require special permits and advanced reservations.
Frank V.
Montreal , Canada
Despite Muir Woods traffic and large crowds, we enjoyed our trip. But we loved Alcatraz island even more. This is a must-see attraction when vising the Bay area. I recommend this tour company. The tour guide and this company are awesome, very reliable and responsive. We had a good experience and the tour with their tour guide was informative and fun.
This is a great alternative tour experience when Alcatraz tickets are sold out. We were disappointed as we didn’t manage to get Alcatraz tickets. Next time, we will anticipate and book Alcatraz tickets in advance. We were happy with this trip, as it combined our city private tour and the ferry cruise around Alcatraz island. We managed to get to see the city top attractions in a half-day tour, and that was the perfect way to do it. The cruise ship trip was over an hour, a trip that took us in the San Francisco bay, around Alcatraz Island, and under the Golden Gate Bridge. We had a trip the next day to Hearst Castle with this tour company, and it was our last day in California. We had a blast in Big Sur, and we enjoyed Hearst castle tour very much. It was a long day trip, but well worth it.
Alcatraz Island tour is outstanding, and the prison is a stunning place. This is my favorite attraction in San Francisco Bay Area. Book your Alcatraz ferry tickets in advance, as these valuable tickets get sold out weeks and months in advance, we booked our Alcatraz tickets two months in advance. Tour companies are obviously not allowed to sell Alcatraz tickets individually anymore, so we had to book Alcatraz prison tickets combined with a city tour. Our tour guide, Jonathan, was amazing and fun. We highly recommend this hassle-free combo tour. It’s fun, informative and exciting and worth every penny. I got to say, the energy and the impression you get when vising Alcatraz is something you need to experience for yourself.
From the city tour to Alcatraz Island, we and our kids had an amazing adventure. It is a bit cold in San Francisco Bay in summer ironically. But were very interested in the criminology and forensic stories of Alcatraz and San Quintin prison like Charles Manson, the Zodiac, Fong “Little Pete” Ching, Zebra killers, Felix Mitchell, the Unabomber, Scott Peterson, and Clarence and John Anglin and Frank Morris and their famous ‘Escape from Alcatraz’. Wow! the feeling visitors get when stepping onto Alcatraz island from the ferry boat is quite eerie and a bit creepy, I know, but very exciting and interesting.
Book your Alcatraz tickets months in advance before you travel to San Francisco. This is a must-see tourist attraction when visiting San Francisco and Northern California. A police officer from South Africa, who traveled with us on Alcatraz ferry, had a stop-over at SFO international airport. He joined us just to visit Alcatraz prison, and we had fun together. Dress in layers. Ironically summer is not warm in San Francisco Bay, as weather is cool and gets foggy in the Bay. The views of Alcatraz from San Francisco are spectacular. This combo tour is a must-do and it saved us time and money. Thank you, Mary. You are a great tour guided and very funny - our kids loved your jokes and stories about Alcatraz prison and San Francisco neighborhood.
Alcatraz prison is just as portrayed in the Hollywood films about Frank Morris (a movie starring Clint Eastwood) about Alcatraz maximum-security prison. The cell as seen in the Clint Eastwood movie “Escape from Alcatraz” is still preserved. No trip to San Francisco is complete without visiting Alcatraz Island. It took me 2 tours to Alcatraz before I felt the strong atmosphere and energy you get after stepping off Alcatraz cruises ferry and onto the dock. This city tour combined with Alcatraz is an exceptional combo trip, I recommend for all visitors.
We were lucky to find availability for the Alcatraz tour. We booked this all-inclusive San Francisco guided tour combined with Alcatraz as a tour package. It was a worry-free reservation all included, and the perfect way to indulge in San Francisco if you have limited time. It was a convenient, affordable, and fulfilling combo trip of the city top attractions and a self-guided tour of Alcatraz prison. A must-do when visiting the City by the Bay, and worth every penny you spend. Our tour guide drove us up to the Alcatraz ferry terminal, redeemed our Alcatraz tour voucher and issues our ferry tickets. We had an extra 45 minutes before the ferry departure, so we had a quick snack at Alcatraz cafe at Pier 33, be prepared before you embark on Alcatraz ferry, no grocery or food service is available on Alcatraz!
This is an incredible tourist attraction of San Francisco Bay area. If you plan on visiting San Francisco you got to add Alcatraz prison tour to your bucket-list, more than Muir Woods or Napa. Alcatraz Island history itself is a very interesting story, before it was ever used as a federal prison. How anyone could even escape from this remote Island and maximum-security prison? The audio headphone guided tour is informative, the stories and sounds of prison officers makes the guided tour so real and the story comes to live. I took amazing pictures to show my friends in Japan. This trip is wonderful and recommended even for solo travelers like myself.
This was our first visit to California and San Francisco. We did a city tour with this tour company and found out how hard it was to get Alcatraz ticket., Luckily, our tour guide Patricia, who was so professional and friendly, called the company and arranged last-minute tickets for us to visit Alcatraz Island. The experience lived up to our expectations and the reviews we had read about Alcatraz tours turned out to be so true. We recommend this combo tour to all families with kids like us, who have no time to scan through all these websites out there looking for ticket’s availability. This is a very serious and professional tour company, and they exceeded our expectations.
Book your Alcatraz tickets immediately when you plan your trip to San Fran. We had initially planned to book Alcatraz Island night tour, but it’s impossible to get due to limited availability. The day tour to Alcatraz was not bad at all. The fascinating story of Alcatraz prison is phenomenal, and the city tour completed this package trip. That’s was a good company to work with from the moment we booked on their website to the day of the trip. And their tour guides are fun and professional.
Don’t waste your time looking for Alcatraz tickets and availability. Book with this local tour company, and you will not be disappointed. We booked the full day San Francisco city tour by SUV. The city tour exceeded our expectations and our tour guide, Pat, certainly delivered. Superb service and highly recommended, you’ll be in good hands. We recommend the private city tour where you can stop anywhere you want and visit the monument or neighborhood of your choice were bus tours are restricted. We also recommend Alcatraz audio guide to explore this former jail. It’s fun and informative.
Reserve Alcatraz tickets in advance, this tour was so much better than I was expecting. You get a ferry ride from San Francisco Pier 33 to the Alcatraz island and then you get to visit Alcatraz former prison. It was rainy and foggy that day, but still well worth the trip. The trip was very well run, and we were welcomed in the dock by a ranger who let us know some key information and rules before visiting the prison. Don’t forget to grab something to eat before heading to Alcatraz, as there is no food service on the island. You can stay as long as you want on Alcatraz island, but don’t miss the last ferry. I think they have like one ferry every 30 minutes. Alcatraz had a reputation for being the toughest prison in the country. How did all these top criminals like Al Capone survive it? I recommend doing the audio guided tour twice, if you have time. It’s so informative, but too much information can be a bit overwhelming for first time visitors.
Why everybody is so crazy about Alcatraz prison tour? Alcatraz Island is dim, cold, morbid, and
crowded. We felt nothing, seen nothing, heard nothing that made it so appealing to our group, a
bit overrated in our opinion. Why have criminals become victims and stars? They deserved to
be incarcerated in Alcatraz prison! Some visitors were even asking for autographs from a former
inmate of Alcatraz who was there that day, but this makes no sense to me. But I can understand
some visitors who are interested in criminology.
I’m giving a 4-star review not for Alcatraz tours but for the city experience with our tour guide Alan. He made our city tour very exciting and fun. He was very accommodating and attentive to
our needs. He stopped the car half-way day down on Lombard street to take photographs of us
in the middle of the street and took us to visit the fortune cookies in Chinatown. That was fun! I
also recommend stopping at the ferry building, this is a great place for the foodies and wine
lovers, and we had a great time there.
Alcatraz Island is an incredible tourist attraction. We did the tour with our kids, and they loved it too. The audio tour was well done, we took tons of pictures, hanged out and enjoyed the views of the city from Alcatraz Island. The views are spectacular from Alcatraz island. Go to the officers’ garden side that overlooks the Golden Gate bridge but watch out for the old steps. They are very steep and have no guards. Army officers’ spouses who were stationed on the Island in the early 1900s, planted all kinds of vegetables there (The beauty on the beast).
We skipped some places while touring the city so we could take our kids to visit California Academy of Sciences located in the Golden Gate park. This museum is very underrated. They got a World-class Aquarium, planetarium, and natural history Museum. The guided tour inside and on the existing roof appeals to all ages, and it was a wonderful experience. I highly recommend it for families with young kids.
This was a very interesting tour we took to Alcatraz Island. We had all heard of Alcatraz and had some sketchy knowledge of its history. However, they have done a really good job of telling the real, non-Hollywood, history of the island prison. This tour company is well organized – everything from the city guided tour to the lines waiting to get on the ferry, embarking and disembarking, and setting up the visitors with audio tour headsets. You have an assigned time to leave on the ferry, but the return to the mainland is at your leisure. The self-guiding audio tour was well done, and you can move at your own pace. This can help you avoid pockets of crowds. While there are parts of the island closed to the public, you pretty much have free reign to wander and explore the public areas at your own pace.
It is a bit of hike up the road to the entrance to the prison and beginning of the tour. There are also steps to maneuver once inside. This could be problematic for those with mobility issues. They do have a shuttle or tram that can take visitors up and back down. So, the tour can accommodate most visitors, even if some areas would not be accessible.
Definitely worth the visit. Consider booking this San Francisco and Alcatraz prison combo tour. It only takes a couple of hours after the city tour and is an interesting spot to visit. Thank you, Alcatraz Tours, and many thanks to our tour guide Victor. You guys are so passionate and knowledgeable. I am very glad we didn’t book with the other websites who sell tours all over the world. They have nothing local and so messy with no customer service.
We recommend your company and tour guides.
Tampa Bay Florida 350131
I have been to San Francisco many times but never went to Alcatraz. This was a VERY IMPRESSIVE experience! Everyone should do it once. We booked Alcatraz and UC Berkeley Campus combo tour with our kids. It was a very well organized and worry-free combo tour, all included. Berkeley is a beautiful city and the University of California is an amazing place to visit... Alcatraz tour itself is a bucket-list destination which I can recommend to all visitors. Alcatraz prison audio self-guided tour really offers lots of detail about the prison, who was housed there and the overall history of Alcatraz ‘The Rock’. We actually met the author of a book who was once incarcerated at Alcatraz during the escape and breakout. Very, very interesting.
Need to get tickets well in advance! The hike up the hill is pretty steep, but if you take your time, anyone can do it. I Highly recommend this combo tour for families with kids!
We can now check Alcatraz tour off our bucket-list :-) Yeah, we recommend this combo adventure of Alcatraz and city tour. We had nothing to worry about, we got picked up at our hotel, did the city private tour, and Alcatraz prison self-guided tour. Worth every penny.
David Th.
Phoenix, Arizona
This is a must do when visiting San Francisco Bay area. It begins with a custom city tour of San Francisco top sights and places all included...then followed by the ferry ride to the island, which offers exceptional views of the Bay, the Golden Gate, and the SFO skyline. Would advise you to line up early to board the ferry to get good seats. Once you reach the island, after a brief introduction, you are free to roam the island. My advice would be to go straight to the top for the audio tour, which is the best part of the experience. The tour is awesome, and you learn so much about the prison life. Once you are done with that, you can walk around to other places like the gardens and the industries. Be careful with the return ferry, as the lines are usually very long to get on. Enjoy the views while coming back as well.
Alcatraz tickets are often sold out weeks in advance. We were lucky that these guys accommodated us with our last-minute booking...this is a reliable local tour company and highly recommended.
Rohan C
Atlanta, Georgia,
Even though the wooded trails were a bit wet for us to ride due to the fog, the experience was amazing, and we all enjoyed it very much. The horses looked happy, well cared for, and these were some of the best-behaved horses we’ve ever interacted with. The staff was very friendly. It didn’t take us too long to reach a laid-back beach, so peaceful and beautiful.
After the horseback ride, our fun and very nice tour guide drove us to Santa Cruz where we had lunch in a restaurant located on the Wharf. We ordered a seafood platter which was fresh and yummy, and the views made it the perfect location for our family.
For me personally, the highlight of our trip was our tour of a beautiful forest of big redwood trees in Santa Cruz mountains. I’ve been to Muir Woods before, but this state park was less crowded than Muir Woods and the redwood trees are much bigger and older in Santa Cruz mountains.
On the way back to our hotel in San Francisco, the tour guide made a quick stop at Apple’s new headquarter in Silicon Valley. We visited the visitor center and the store (while our son was sneaking out to fly his drone over Apple’s new and amazing architecture “it looks like a spaceship from the sky”.)We highly recommend this outdoor adventure and this business.
Sean K.
Annapolis, MD
My husband and I decided to book the combo tour of Alcatraz and city for our parents and in laws. We were a group of 7 persons, and our local tour guide was amazing and very knowledgeable. Booking a private SUV tour versus the public bus tour is the ideal way to see 4-times more sights and attractions than the bus tour option, and you get out as often as you want to visit places like Lombard street, the painted ladies, china beach, fort Miley, mission murals... we had lots of fun. San Francisco is a beautiful city and Alcatraz island prison tour is a must-see for everyone. This tour company was the only provider who had Alcatraz tickets available as all other tour companies we called were sold out. Alcatraz prison tickets are so hard to get, so watch out and ensure you do book them in advance. Also, be sure to eat before you get on Alcatraz ferry as there was no food available on Alcatraz island.
Bring extra layers and expect fog and wind in the middle of the San Francisco bay.
Fabiola G.
El Paso, Texas
We recently visited Alcatraz Island prison with our 4-year-old son. He was not bored and loved the ferry ride and was running inside and outside Alcatraz prison like we never seen him before. My husband is a police officer and he loved this tour. We recommend Alcatraz tour for all ages.
Daria S.
We got desperate as we couldn’t get our hand on Alcatraz tickets. Alcatraz Island tour and ferry tickets were sold out when we tried to book them online (6 weeks in advance). We tried every tour company in San Fran, but no luck. Until we landed on www.alcatraztoursf.com and they made our day. We couldn’t believe it.
We had to book a combo tour to get our hand on Alcatraz prison tickets, so we signed up for a horseback ride on the beach. It took place in Half- Moon Bay, and although it was a cool day it was worth it. The scenery along the Pacific Coast Highway is breathtaking.
This tour company is very reliable, and their tour guide Mary was amazing! We felt like we had a friend in town - it was more than a tour - a real and fun experience. She even drove us through the Golden Gate Park, and we stopped for a snack and beer tasting at the Beach Chalet, an ocean front restaurant with stunning view of ocean and the beach. Highly recommend
Zenith, V.
We got desperate as we couldn’t get our hand on Alcatraz tickets. Alcatraz Island tour and ferry tickets were sold out when we tried to book them online (6 weeks in advance). We tried every tour company in San Fran, but no luck. Until we landed on www.alcatraztoursf.com and they made our day. We couldn’t believe it.
We had to book a combo tour to get our hand on Alcatraz prison tickets, so we signed up for a horseback ride on the beach. It took place in Half- Moon Bay, and although it was a cool day it was worth it. The scenery along the Pacific Coast Highway is breathtaking.
We got desperate as we couldn’t get our hands-on Alcatraz tickets. Alcatraz Island tour and ferry tickets were sold out when we tried to book them online (6 weeks in advance). We tried every tour company in San Fran, but no luck. Until we landed on alcatraztoursf, and they made our day. We couldn’t believe it.
We had to book a combo tour to get our hands-on Alcatraz prison tickets, we signed up for a horseback ride on the beach. It took place in Half-Moon Bay, and although it was a cool day, but it was worth it. The scenery along pacific coast highway is breathtaking.
This tour company is very reliable, and their tour guide Mary was amazing! We felt like we had a friend in town - it was more than a tour - a real and fun experience. She even drove us through the Golden Gate Park, we stopped for a snack and beer tasting at the beach chalet, an ocean front restaurant with stunning Views of ocean and the beach.
Highly recommend
Martin Navaro
We were lucky to find and book this all-inclusive San Francisco / Alcatraz tour package. It was a worry-free reservation and turned out to be the perfect way to indulge in San Francisco (we had little time on our hands...). This day trip to Alcatraz was a convenient, affordable, and fulfilling combo tour - a must-do when visiting the City by the Bay.
The private city tour covered quiet a lot of places we could have never managed to find on our own, and we stopped almost everywhere along the way... worth every penny we spent.
We wanted to cover 2 iconic places during our stay at a VRBO near San Francisco. Alcatraz island and Stanford University were on our list, and we did just that. This Alcatraz prison and Silicon Valley was a short-day trip and was a very good fit for us and our tight schedule. Our sons get bored quickly with long day tours, but they were rather interested in both places. The guided tour we had at Stanford was totally private and we were transported in a golf cart as my husband is a Vet and was injured in Iraq. This was the ideal way to cover as much as possible of Stanford huge campus and without walking a lot . Both tours boosted our teens’ motivation and they started asking more question afterwards.
This combo package worth the money and highly recommended
We visited Apple’s new campus, and the so-called Apple ‘spaceship’ architecture is amazing. The visitor center is well designed, and we had a guided tour with an Apple employee on site. We also visited google, Palo Alto and Stanford. I wish we had the whole day, but we had to head back to San Francisco to get there on time for our Alcatraz prison tour, which was the highlight of our day adventure.
Highly recommended
Martha Leon
Barcelona, Spain
We were picked up by Pat, a nice Irish lady and a wonderful tour guide. She drove us through Mill Valley where we stopped for breakfast before we visited Muir Woods - a peaceful small forest with big and towering redwood trees. The trail through Muir Woods is flat and easy, and there are paved paths for those wanting a casual stroll or more challenging trails. We did both trails along the creek, and our kids had no problem with the twisty paths and stairs although towering redwood trees.
After Muir Woods, we had a lunch break at Stinson Beach, which was a great place for a picnic lunch. We enjoyed the delicious fish tacos we ordered, everything was very fresh and sourced locally from Marin county. Near Stinson beach is Bolinas, where we and our kids went on horseback riding in the forest. I’m glad it was only an hour; we could not take more than that as this was our first horseback riding experience.
That was an unforgettable family adventure in Marin county.
Thank you, Pat, for the good memories.
This half-day private tour to Muir Woods was the perfect way to spend the morning away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and without traveling too far. Muir Woods is definitely worth the trip. Never pass on the opportunity to visit Muir Woods national monument if you are ever in the San Francisco Bay area. The park is less crowded in the morning, and we were very lucky and enjoyed it before it got busy. All in all, a very quiet and wonderful experience.
Our tour guide made this trip even more enjoyable as she took us to have a snack at Stinson Beach. The road is scenic and offers breathtaking views along the coast.
We found out the hard way that Muir Woods park service has started implementing a new and paid reservation system, in addition to the park entrance fees ($15 per person). We tried to park our rental car there, but the park ranger in front of the gate very rudely turned us away and told us to get out... and book online. The parking there is now for tour companies and commercial use only and requires special permits which sucks.
Anyway, since there is no cell phone service at Muir Woods, we had to drive back to Sausalito, and park our rental car there. We were glad to get hold of this tour company who accommodated us with such last-minute booking and picked us up in Sausalito.
We finally managed to visit Muir Woods in the late afternoon, and that was for the best. The forest was almost empty, and it was definitely more peaceful. I recommend this company and Adam, our very nice tour guide. He made us feel very comfortable and we forgot our bad experience earlier with the US park rangers.
Definitely, do plan your visit to Muir Woods and book in advance!
What a fantastic air-tour experience in a seaplane we had in the San Francisco Bay area! The pilot is super cool, experienced and very friendly. This was a jaw-dropping experience as where flying over the Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco, with a bird's-eye view of Alcatraz Island. Everything looks so different from the sky. We also enjoyed our tour of Alcatraz prison very much. This was a great trip and well put together tour package. We highly recommend this combo tour of Alcatraz and seaplane adventure to anyone. Absolutely worth every single penny.
Ron V.
Pensacola, Florida,
Book your tickets immediately! We had initially planned to book the night tour but it’s hard to get tickets for Alcatraz night tour. The day tour was not bad at all. Apart from the fascinating story of Alcatraz, the trip to the island is phenomenal and the city tour completed the package tour and it’s very interesting.
This is an incredible tourist attraction. We did the tour with our kids, and they loved it too. The audio tour was well done, we took tons of photos and enjoyed the views of the city from Alcatraz Island. The views from Alcatraz are spectacular.
Definitely! pre-book your Alcatraz tickets well in advance. You can't go to San Francisco and not go to Alcatraz prison! A combination trip to Alcatraz and the city is a bonus and saves time. The tour was so much better than I was expecting. We hopped on Alcatraz ferry from San Francisco Pier 33, and once there, we were welcomed on the dock of Alcatraz island by a park ranger who let us know some key information and rules before visiting the prison. The prison is old and dingy, but it’s very interesting, and we loved the audio tour.
What a fabulous way to spend the day in California wine country and Alcatraz island. The driver, Leo, was an expert tour guide with a fun and outgoing personality. He made us feel so comfortable from the first minute we met him the lobby of our hotel. The SUV is luxurious and clean and allowed us access to places not allowed to van tours or large vehicles. He even started the day by driving us through Lombard street - a beautiful neighborhood with gorgeous flowers. We also made a stop at the Golden Gate bridge on the way to the Napa Valley.
This tour company has a distinguished relationship with excellent wineries in Napa Valley. We managed to visit 2 small wineries located off-the-beaten-path, that are not open to group and bus tours. We had a walking tour inside the cellars and cave, and we ended up with a food and wine paring experience. This is the best way to learn how wine is made and how to taste the wine and pair it with right food. This private tour is the best way to go. You get to avoid commercial wineries and bus tours if you are looking for quality time. It was not cheap but worth every penny.
When we got back to the San Francisco, we could barely see Alcatraz island due to dense fog which is obviously very common in the summer. The ferry ride to the island was fun and short. Alcatraz prison audio tour is a must and highly recommended. This was best tour and tour guide we ever had. He exceeded our expectations.
We booked this 2-day tour package through Alcatraz Tours. On day one, we visited San Francisco and Alcatraz, and on day 2 we spend most of the day in Sonoma county where we visited a wild safari park.We got there around 10 am, and the safari tour guide walked us first around the main area by the entrance where exotic birds and wild the animals could be seen and approached. Some animals loved to pose for close-ups, especially the monkeys, giraffes and flamingos. After 45 minutes walking tour, we drove in a double decker safari style jeep. This was a great experience for our kids. We have never seen them so excited. The entire jeep tour was about 3 hours or so and we saw everything from monkeys, cheetahs, hippos, zebras, bob cats, flamingos, giraffes and even parrots. Our family loved this safari adventure, and this is a great getaway for family with kids and highly recommended. After the safari tour, we had lunch in Napa, and our passionate tour guide drove us to the Jelly Belly beans factory. This was the perfect way to end this day trip. Many thanks to our amazing tour guide, Buddy, he is the best!
From the beginning to the end, everyone we met was awesome - from our fun and wonderful tour guide, Mary to the hot-air balloon pilot himself (Jason). A top-notch tour company and pilot. They made us feel very safe and comfortable before the lift-off and when we landed. After the balloon ride, we had a delicious champagne breakfast with the pilot and his friendly crew and our tour guide. We also visited Opus One winery and then drove back to San Francisco to visit Alcatraz. We got there 30 minutes before the ferry departed to Alcatraz. We do recommend this combo adventure to everyone without any hesitation, even if you don’t like to wake up early. This was an awesome experience and a bucket-list adventure. This was by far the best travel experience we ever had!
This is great tour experience when Alcatraz tickets are sold. We were disappointed as we didn’t manage to get our hand on Alcatraz tickets. We were happy though with this combo trip as we got visit San Francisco’s famous landmarks and top places we wanted to see. Really liked the Bay cruise tour - it’s a great opportunity for photos of Alcatraz and the Golden Gate bridge. We got lucky with the weather, and we walked to Pier 39 to see the sea lions - a very cool place but it was crowded.
Went on the Alcatraz prison night tour to get a feel of the real atmosphere of Alcatraz prison at night. It was okay but not so unique as many stated in reviews. I personally prefer the day tour. Alcatraz night tour is creepy, spooky. Well, but not so scary if you have kids.
Mi esposo y yo decidimos reservar el combo Alcatraz y el recorrido por la ciudad para nuestra familia, éramos un grupo de 7 personas, nuestro guía fue increíble y muy conocedor de la ciudad. Reservar un tour en SUV nos permitió pasar por todos los lugares para tomar fotos sin tener que caminar, nos divertimos mucho. San Francisco es una ciudad hermosa y debes visitar la isla de Alcatraz de todas maneras.
Prisión de Alcatraz es como se ve en las películas de Hollywood , todo viaje a San Francisco debe incluir no solamente la calle de Lombard y el puente de Golden Gate m también vale la pena recorrer cada vecindario de la ciudad, hay tanto que ver y conocer en San Francisco que necesitas varios días para poder verla toda, pero si no dispones de mucho tiempo al menos el tour de la ciudad de 1 día es suficiente, al otro dia puedes combinar Alcatraz con un paseo por redwoods.
Mila Reyes
Esta es una increíble atracción turística de San Francisco, solo una empresa tiene la autorización para llevar turistas a Alcatraz, tuvimos la suerte de haber conseguido los tickets, era fin de semana y había mucha gente haciendo cola para conseguir tickets, pero sin éxito. Todo estaba agotado para las próximas 3 semanas. Nuestra agencia reservó el tour de la ciudad con Alcatraz todo incluido, y nosotros no tuvimos que preocuparnos de nada.
Roberto Samane
We waited 2 weeks to review to be sure we weren't still dreaming. It was that great a time with Golden Horizon, starting with a full day in San Francisco with Mary, a native of The City, so we really experienced S.F. Then with Adam for 3 days to Monterey and Carmel, including somehow a front-row seat next to the 18th green during a PGA event a Pebble Beach without passes. He taught us to be great actors! A dream picture op for this golf fan. Then Leo took us to the coast beyond Big Sur, including a tour of Hearst Castle, then for 3 plus days in Yosemite and across the Sierras and back to S.F. All this during a stretch rare in CA of perfect weather when "Carl" never showed up. (They name the fog "Carl"). These folks couldn't have been more knowledgeable or considerate, especially getting us to every place we gave them on a considerable agenda before we even met them on day one. We saw and did far more than we expected, and they went well beyond the schedule hours every day. If this reads over-the-top, it's because our experience was way over-the-top. They certainly exceeded our expectations, just as they said they would, and we are so glad we traveled with Golden Horizon.
Richard & Karen WILD
Logansport , IN
Our private tour with Mary was EXCELLENT and FUN!!! Mary drove us around in San Francisco and told us about history and contemporary "fun knowing". She is grown up in SF and had great knowledge. Before the trip, our kids complained that 4 hours were too long, but when the tour was over they thought the 4 hours went too fast.
It was a perfect start to our SF stay that covered the entire SF and we learned a lot and we had fun. . My partner did not have a ticket to Alcatraz but Mary managed with the impossible to find a ticket in the ferry zone, which we appreciated a lot !! Going on a tour with Mary was optimal! Comfortable car, only we in the car, very personal. Since Mary knew Sweden and Finland meant that we clicked fine from the very firts moment!!
Pasadena CA
Alcatraz was fascinating and Golden Horizon was able to accommodate us with tickets on short notice due to a cancellation. Our full day private driving tour of San Francisco with Tom was totally delightful. Not only was Tom, our guide, fully informed about the nuances of the city history but a terrific conversationalist providing a very relaxed and pleasant day. AND, he dropped us at a local Dim Sum café for an excellent and very reasonable lunch. We would recommend the entire experience as a 5-star excellent time.
Cedar Park, Texas
We had a blast on this tour and Mary was a terrific tour guide! We got to see nearly everything we wanted to see in San Francisco in one day - without having to plan a route or drive amongst the locals. Mary is a San Francisco native and is extremely knowledgeable about the city and its history. Having the tour guide handle the Alcatraz tickets is another nice perk that will make your visit to San Francisco that more stress-free. Be sure to let her know if you like "Star Wars" - she will have an awesome, unlisted stop waiting for you!
Huntsville, Alabama
The wife and I took two private tours the first was San Francisco/Alcatraz and the second was Muir Woods/Sausalito. Our tour guide Jon had a wealth of knowledge of the history of San Francisco as well as Muir Woods and Alcatraz. Our whole experience was awesome! we were allowed to make the changes we wanted to, which was great it gave us more time in Muir Woods as well as the other places that we wanted to see. It was a wonderful surprise when Jon took us to a couple of places that were not on the itinerary. I would highly recommend any of the tours we took as well as any others Golden Horizon has to offer as I'm sure they are just as wonderful. I know that if we are ever back in the area, we will certainty use this service again. Thank you for the great experience.
Joe T
Evans, Colorado
I booked the 1/2 day San Francisco tour including tickets to Alcatraz. That morning, Mary met my husband and I in the lobby of our hotel. She was already waiting for us when we came out of the elevator a little early! Picked us up in a spotlessly clean black suburban. We toured the city in style, so thankful Mary is a great driver because I would have hated for my husband to have to maneuver through that madness! By the time the tour was over we had learned so much history we would have never learned on our own. Mary is a local, and her stories really added to the tour. Before she left us at the ferry to Alcatraz she gave us our tickets along with a wealth of information to help us finish our trip successfully. We missed her and talked about her for the rest of our trip!
12 ret
Alcatraz prison and Redwoods tour with Pat , she deserves an "A"+ muir woods was crowded but still a nice place to visit. We only had a day in SF, and made a good use of our short stay in sfo. Alcatraz prison was the highlight of our a trip, morbid but very interesting to see and learn about its famous inmates like Al Capone...
Quebec City, Canada
Took a city tour of San Francisco which ended with a trip to Alcatraz. Mary was a wonderful guide, picked us up promptly at our hotel in a clean, comfortable Explorer. Saw much of San Francisco that we would not have been able to see without a car and got much background information. The tour is not cheap, but one is well cared for. Worth it.
Winter Haven
Alcatraz island prison was on our bucket list before we even traveled to California, we wanted to go there so badly, and we did, we are so glad we took the time to visit Alcatraz island. Alcatraz prison may seem morbid and awkward because of all the sad and morbid stories of solitary confinement we all heard and read here or there, but more you learn about it from the audio guided tour, more get inserted in the story of Alcatraz solitary confinements, the infamous escape from Alcatraz, and learn the story of the prison and about the inmates from the officers own perspective. I highly recommend the combination Alcatraz island and San Francisco city tour, you don’t have to worry about how to get Alcatraz tickets and how to get there, these guys are very professionals and made our trip very enjoyable.
Santa Fe, New Mexico
6성급 경험이에요! 슬로건 문구 그대로 기대치 이상의 만족, 맞더군요. 예약할 때부터 실제 투어 경험까지 모두 – 최고!
실리콘 밸리에서 출발하는 레이크 타호 - 요세미티 투어를 예약했습니다. 일본어 투어 가이드와 함께 제 아들과 잊을 수 없는 추억을 만들었네요.덕분에 감사합니다.
홍콩에서 그룹으로 함께 간 산호세 출장. 타호에서 모두 정말 좋은 시간 보냈습니다.
호수는 훼손이 전혀 없는 자연 그대로의 아름다움에 깨끗하고 청명할 뿐만 아니라, 주변 경치는 더욱 아름다웠어요. 파라다이스가 따로 없습니다!
타호는 꼭 가봐야 하는 곳이라면, 요세미티는 캘리포니아의 보석 같은 명소입니다.아이들과 함께 즐길 수 있는 아웃도어 액티비티 상품도 있어 좋더군요.
아웃도어 액티비티에 크게 관심이 없더라도 샌프란시스코에서 타호로 가는 긴 드라이브는 정말 해 볼만 하더군요. 꼭 봐야 할 아름다운 명소들만 골라 안내해 주니까 너무나 좋았어요.
샌프란시스코 출발의 레이크 타호 & 레노 어드벤처로 재미있는 추억을 만들어 준 골든 호라이즌 트레블 직원 여러분과 투어 가이드님들께 감사 드려요!
3일 프라이빗 맞춤 패키지로 구경했던 레이크 타호, 골드 컨트리, 요세미티 국립공원 최고 명소 관광은 훌륭하면서도 흥미진진했구요, 좋은 추억이 됐습니다!
요세미티 국립공원 명소 투어 3일 맞춤 어드벤처, 레이크 타호는 정말이지 완벽합니다. 정말 놀라웠어요.
트립 어드바이저 후기 100%를 믿으세요. 고객 서비스 질부터 어메이징한 투어 가이드까지 정말 만족을 서비스하는 여행사입니다.
요세미티 & 레이크 타호는 정말 아름다웠어요. 아이 동반의 가족이면 이 투어 패키지를 강추합니다. 기대를 넘어서는 서비스!
타호와 요세미티에서 아내와 저는 정말 좋은 시간을 보냈습니다. 여행사 직원분들 덕분에 여행 즐겁게 했습니다.