샌프란시스코출발웅장한허스트캐슬투어당일여행디스커버리 (샌프란시스코왕복여정및캐슬입장권포함된가격))



센트럴캘리포니아의웅장한허스트캐슬을탐방해보세요. 허스트캐슬의 4개의저택:라카사그랑드, 카사델솔, 카사델몬트, 라카사델마를모두볼수있습니다. 성안객실이 165개, 그리고녹음이풍성한정원이 127 애이커, 아름다운테라스들, 놀라운수영장과산책로 - 허스트의개인컬렉션인고대미술, 조각, 가구, 유물등도볼수있습니다. 허스트는유명박물관에견줄만한콜렉션을소장한것으로도유명하며, 캘리포니아언덕꼭대기의모든구석구석인치까지재면서성을어디서든볼수있도록이용했다고합니다.

고객님전담의투어가이드가소지하신투어바우처를체크하고성방문객센터에서교환하고나면셔틀을타고성안으로들어가게되며주립승인의전문투어가이드가이제부터 45분간고객들을모시고내부를둘러볼수있게안내해드립니다. 방문객센터의기념품샵에위치한 IMAX 영화관에서상영하는 “꿈의건물”이라는 40분짜리영화관람권도해당투어가격에포함되어있습니다.

추천투어:당일여행은총 12시간의긴투어일정으로숙소픽업을시작으로드라이브만 10-11시간소요되어현지관광시간이얼마되지않으므로당일예약을진행하시기전반드시당사의 2일투어패키지인노던&센트럴캘리포니아의숨은자연경이를감상하시는투어를고려해보시도록강력히추천드립니다. 여기에는몬터레이, 카멜-바이-더-씨, 17-마일드라이브, 빅서의환상적인경이, 경치가빼어난하이웨이 1을지나는명소들, 파소로블스와인컨트리, 샌시메온에있는웅장한성인허스트캐슬관광을포함하고있습니다. 2일투어패키지에는당일투어에서는볼수없는많은다른명소들을구경하실수있으며복잡한샌프란시스코로운전해돌아가서지내시는것보다샌시메온의바다전경의빈티지리조트에서 1박을하시는것도경비를절감하면서도무척좋은추억거리가될것입니다.

골든호라이즌트레블은샌프란시스코를출발-허스트캐슬까지고급특별투어를제공하는유일한여행사입니다. 왕복총 12시간의일정으로캘리포니아하이웨이 101를타고실리콘밸리, 샐리나스, 그린필드, 샌미구엘, 파소로블스와인컨트리(하이웨이퍼시픽 1에는없음)를지나가게됩니다. 허스트캐슬대저택안에서는 2-3시간정도관광 (성내부를돌아보는가이드투어 1시간, 방문객센터에서성까지이동시간왕복 40분, IMAX 영화관에서상영되는윌리엄랜돌프허스트의전기를그린영화 “꿈의건물” 관람)이이루어집니다. 가이드의안내로셔틀버스를타고아름다운풍경이펼쳐지는굽이진언덕길을따라드라이브하면서 ‘The EnchantedHill’이라는언덕꼭대기의허스트캐슬에이르게됩니다. 이고불고불한길을가게되면샌시메온과태평양바다풍경이어우러진드라마틱한경관이펼쳐지는데이풍경을마음껏사진에담으실수있습니다. 셔틀에서내리면현지의투어가이드가방문객들을맞이하면서성내부아름다운곳들을돌아보는산책시간이 1시간가이드와함께이어집니다. 다음에안내해드리는워킹투어중하나를선택해주시면저희가예약을해드리겠습니다 :

  • 그랜드룸투어 (허스트캐슬직원추천하는첫방문객을위한투어)
  • 업스테어스위트투어 (위층과아래층을오가는투어로엘리베이트가없음)
  • 코티지및키친투어
  • 꿈을디자인하기
  • 이브닝투어 (2일투어패키지이용고객만가능)

당일투어가격에는세금, 전일정함께하는투어가이드, SUV 차량, 허스트캐슬입장료및방문객센터에서상영되는 IMAX 영화관람권이포함되어있습니다.

아름다운장소들을모두구경하면서시간을여유있게보내실수있도록허스트캐슬 2일투어를적극추천합니다. 당일일정에는샌프란시스코를출발하는 10시간왕복이동시간을포함하고있으므로 2일투어를예약하시면기대이상의만족스런여행이될것입니다.

하지만단하루밖에시간이없으신경우오버타임 2시간을더추가하셔서허스트캐슬내부관광시건물반대쪽편도살펴볼수있는가이드워킹투어를하시도록적극권장해드립니다. 업스테어스위트투어 (입장권은투어가격에불포함)도강력히추천드리며, 시간당 $139의입장권을대폭할인한가격인 $109만추가로내시면이투어에함께하실수있습니다. 더욱자세한정보는아래의상세투어일정을참고하시기바랍니다.


센트럴캘리포니아의웅장한허스트캐슬을탐방해보세요. 허스트캐슬의 4개의저택:라카사그랑드, 카사델솔, 카사델몬트, 라카사델마를모두볼수있습니다. 성안객실이 165개, 그리고녹음이풍성한정원이 127 애이커, 아름다운테라스들, 놀라운수영장과산책로 - 허스트의개인컬렉션인고대미술, 조각, 가구, 유물등도볼수있습니다. 허스트는유명박물관에견줄만한콜렉션을소장한것으로도유명하며, 캘리포니아언덕꼭대기의모든구석구석인치까지재면서성을어디서든볼수있도록이용했다고합니다.

고객님전담의투어가이드가소지하신투어바우처를체크하고성방문객센터에서교환하고나면셔틀을타고성안으로들어가게되며주립승인의전문투어가이드가이제부터 45분간고객들을모시고내부를둘러볼수있게안내해드립니다. 방문객센터의기념품샵에위치한 IMAX 영화관에서상영하는 “꿈의건물”이라는 40분짜리영화관람권도해당투어가격에포함되어있습니다.

추천투어:당일여행은총 12시간의긴투어일정으로숙소픽업을시작으로드라이브만 10-11시간소요되어현지관광시간이얼마되지않으므로당일예약을진행하시기전반드시당사의 2일투어패키지인노던&센트럴캘리포니아의숨은자연경이를감상하시는투어를고려해보시도록강력히추천드립니다. 여기에는몬터레이, 카멜-바이-더-씨, 17-마일드라이브, 빅서의환상적인경이, 경치가빼어난하이웨이 1을지나는명소들, 파소로블스와인컨트리, 샌시메온에있는웅장한성인허스트캐슬관광을포함하고있습니다. 2일투어패키지에는당일투어에서는볼수없는많은다른명소들을구경하실수있으며복잡한샌프란시스코로운전해돌아가서지내시는것보다샌시메온의바다전경의빈티지리조트에서 1박을하시는것도경비를절감하면서도무척좋은추억거리가될것입니다.

골든호라이즌트레블은샌프란시스코를출발-허스트캐슬까지고급특별투어를제공하는유일한여행사입니다. 왕복총 12시간의일정으로캘리포니아하이웨이 101를타고실리콘밸리, 샐리나스, 그린필드, 샌미구엘, 파소로블스와인컨트리(하이웨이퍼시픽 1에는없음)를지나가게됩니다. 허스트캐슬대저택안에서는 2-3시간정도관광 (성내부를돌아보는가이드투어 1시간, 방문객센터에서성까지이동시간왕복 40분, IMAX 영화관에서상영되는윌리엄랜돌프허스트의전기를그린영화 “꿈의건물” 관람)이이루어집니다. 가이드의안내로셔틀버스를타고아름다운풍경이펼쳐지는굽이진언덕길을따라드라이브하면서 ‘The EnchantedHill’이라는언덕꼭대기의허스트캐슬에이르게됩니다. 이고불고불한길을가게되면샌시메온과태평양바다풍경이어우러진드라마틱한경관이펼쳐지는데이풍경을마음껏사진에담으실수있습니다. 셔틀에서내리면현지의투어가이드가방문객들을맞이하면서성내부아름다운곳들을돌아보는산책시간이 1시간가이드와함께이어집니다. 다음에안내해드리는워킹투어중하나를선택해주시면저희가예약을해드리겠습니다 :

  • 그랜드룸투어 (허스트캐슬직원추천하는첫방문객을위한투어)
  • 업스테어스위트투어 (위층과아래층을오가는투어로엘리베이트가없음)
  • 코티지및키친투어
  • 꿈을디자인하기
  • 이브닝투어 (2일투어패키지이용고객만가능)

당일투어가격에는세금, 전일정함께하는투어가이드, SUV 차량, 허스트캐슬입장료및방문객센터에서상영되는 IMAX 영화관람권이포함되어있습니다.

아름다운장소들을모두구경하면서시간을여유있게보내실수있도록허스트캐슬 2일투어를적극추천합니다. 당일일정에는샌프란시스코를출발하는 10시간왕복이동시간을포함하고있으므로 2일투어를예약하시면기대이상의만족스런여행이될것입니다.

하지만단하루밖에시간이없으신경우오버타임 2시간을더추가하셔서허스트캐슬내부관광시건물반대쪽편도살펴볼수있는가이드워킹투어를하시도록적극권장해드립니다. 업스테어스위트투어 (입장권은투어가격에불포함)도강력히추천드리며, 시간당 $139의입장권을대폭할인한가격인 $109만추가로내시면이투어에함께하실수있습니다. 더욱자세한정보는아래의상세투어일정을참고하시기바랍니다.



  • 8 AM: 허스트캐슬로떠나는짜릿한당일투어시작
  • 무료픽업후
  • 하이웨이 101을타고남쪽을향해허스트캐슬로드라이브
  • 12 PM: 파소로블스또는캄브리아, 샌시메온에서점심식사휴식
  • 점심식사후: 샌시메온의허스트캐슬로다시출발
  • 1:45 PM (정확한시간및일정은다를수있음) :아름다운경치를넘어허스트캐슬내부로입장e
  • 놀랍고도신비한성에대해알아가기
  • 성 “카사그란드”에는 56개의방
  • 위층과아래층을오가므로참고하세요.
  • 가이드투어 1시간후방문객센터로다시돌아와전담투어가이드다시만나기

8:00am: 온종일 펼쳐지는 놀랍고도 신비한 매력의 허스트 캐슬로 맞춤 당일 여행이 시작됩니다. 양보다는 질을 중시하는 당사의 맞춤 투어를 통해 고객님의 일정과 취향에 맞는 최적화된 여행을 즐겨보시기 바랍니다. 기대 이상의 만족감을 느끼게 될 것입니다. 당사의 허스트 캐슬 투어는 오전 7:30시에 샌프란시스코를 출발, 저녁 7:30에 돌아옵니다. 픽업장소는 사우스 샌프란시스코, SFO, 산호세, 몬터레이 카운티를 포함하는 샌프란시스코 베이 지역은 모두 가능합니다.

지내시는 호텔로 무료 픽업을 나가며 운전기사이자 고객님 전담의 투어 가이드가 하이웨이 101을 타고 남쪽을 향해 샌시메온으로 출발, 웅장한 허스트 캐슬을 향하게 됩니다. 이동 시간은 약 4시간 또는 이상 소요됩니다 (편도). 하이웨이 101에서 서쪽 캄브리아로 빠지면서 유명한 실리콘 밸리, 길로이 – 마늘생산의 중심지, 샐리나스 (존 스타인벡의 출생지), 파소 로블스 와인컨트리를 지나가게 됩니다.

하이웨이 101이 한때는 "El Camino Real" (킹 하이웨이) 로 불렸었는데 이는 17세기 스페인 사람에 의해 발견된 캘리포니아 미션 트레일에 근거한다는 사실을 알고 계셨나요? 이 미션 트레일은 4개의 요새, 21개의 전도회, 몇몇의 푸에블로가 캘리포니아 남부의 미션 샌디에고 드 알칼라에서부터 소노마 카운티의 미션 샌프란시스코 솔라노까지 뻗어있습니다. 이 하이웨이를 따라 가면서 샐리나스, 곤잘레스, 솔레다드, 그린필드, 킹 시티, 샌루카스, 샌아르도, 샌미구엘, 파소 로블스 와인컨트리를 지나갑니다. 평평한 녹색 계곡과 함께 가빌란 마운틴을 따라 화산의 봉우리들로 둘러싸인 독특한 광경을 자아내는데 이 산은 환상적인 화산의 피나클 국립 단일 암석이 구름 위까지 높이 치솟아 있어 매우 아름다운 광경을 만들어 내고 있습니다.

허스트 캐슬 바로 남쪽에 있는 캠브리아 또는 샌시메온에서 점심식사를 즐기세요. 태평양 바다와 함께 굴곡진 해안선을 한 눈에 내려다 보이는 레스토랑이 여러 군데 있습니다.

점심식사 후 시간이 허락되면 고객님의 투어 가이드가 피에드라스 블랑카스로 운전해 갑니다. 이곳은 멋진 풍경을 볼 수 있는 전망대로 자이언트 바다 코끼리가 해변에서 햇빛을 쬐고 있는 모습을 사진으로 담을 수 있습니다. 물개들은 해안가로 나와 휴식을 취하고 연중 몇 달은 군집을 이루며 번식을 하고 털갈이를 합니다. 남은 해 동안은 서로 떨어져 지내고 먹이를 찾으러 다닙니다. 이 때는 수 천 마일을 헤엄쳐 다니고 깊은 곳으로 잠수를 하기도 합니다.

고객님 전담의 투어 가이드가 소지하신 투어 바우처를 체크하고 성 방문객 센터에서 교환하고 나면 셔틀을 타고 성안으로 들어가게 되며 주립 승인의 전문 투어 가이드가 이제부터 45분간 고객들을 모시고 내부를 둘러볼 수 있게 안내해 드립니다. 방문객 센터의 기념품 샵에 위치한 IMAX 영화관에서 상영하는 “꿈의 건물”이라는 40분짜리 영화 관람권도 해당 투어가격에 포함되어 있습니다.

주립 승인의 투어 가이드와 문을 열어 드리며 반갑게 맞이하며 이제부터 45분간 내부 투어가 이어집니다. 기념적인 성에 대한 질문이 있다면 언제든지 가이드에게 물어볼 수 있습니다. 방문객들은 자그마치 90,000 평방 피트의 거대한 성 지대를 세세히 둘러 보게 됩니다!

재미있는 사실: 1957년 허스트 기업은 성 전체를 캘리포니아 주로 기부하면서 캘리포니아 역사 공원이 되었습니다.

매력적인 언덕의 카사 그란드”의 손님으로 특권을 누렸던 시간으로 돌아가 볼 때 입니다. 이 허스트 캐슬에 묵었던 유명 인사들로는 개리 그란드와 윈스턴 처칠이 있습니다.

성 “카사그란드” 는 56개의 방, 19개의 응접실, 61개의 욕실, 127 애이커의 풍요로운 정원, 실내 실외 수영장, 테니스 코트, 영화관, 비행장, 그리고 당시 세계 최대 규모의 동물원 (오늘날에도 아직 볼 수 있습니다!)이 있습니다. 가격을 매기기 어려운 몇몇 보물들도 워킹 투어에서 볼 수 있는데 여기에는 럭셔리 넵튠 수영장, 도서관, “템플 가든”, 업스테어 스위트 (추가 입장권이 필요)가 있습니다.

다른유명랜드마크로는라카사델솔 – 다른 유명 랜드마크로는 라 카사 델 솔 – 언덕에 있는 세 개의 영빈관 중 하나 – 을 비롯해 카사 그란드 – 메인 하우스, 회의실, 구내식당, 모닝룸, 영화관, 야외 넵튠 풀, 정원 및 운동장, 카사 델 마, 애완견 스위트, 수도원, 도서관, 고딕식 스위트, 라 카사 텔 몬트, 노스 테라스 등이 있습니다.

가이드와 함께 한 상세한 설명의 허스트 캐슬 투어를 마쳤다면 이제 방문객 센터와 기념품 샵을 둘러볼 때입니다. 아니면 뜰에 앉아 간단한 간식을 먹어도 좋습니다. 투어 가격에 포함된 “꿈의 건물”이라는 윌리엄 랜돌프 허스트가 어떻게 허스트 캐슬을 짓게 되었는지를 보여주는 자전적 영화 관람도 IMAX 로 즐기실 수 있습니다.

이후 하이웨이 101를 달려 샌프란시스코로 향하게 됩니다. 교통상황에 따라 다르지만 보통 샌프란시스코에는 7:30-8:00pm 사이에 도착하게 됩니다.

한 가지 알아두셔야 할 점은 위층과 아래층을 걸어서 왔다갔다 하게 됩니다. 이동이 불편하신 분들은 곧바로 열려주시기 바라겠습니다. 골든 호라이즌 트레블의 차량은 안타깝게도 핸디캡이 있는 분들을 모시는 것이 불가능합니다. 하지만 허스트 캐슬에서는 계단을 오르내리기 불가능한 핸디캡이 있는 분들 개인적으로 서비스를 제공하고 있으니 이점 참고하시기 바라겠습니다.

당일 또는 2일 투어를 가능한 빨리 예약을 해주시면 투어에 맞는 각 입장권을 미리 준비해 놓겠습니다. 추가 관광에 대한 문의나 추가로 원하시는 투어를 넣고 싶으신 경우 골든 호라이즌 트레블로 바로 연락 주시기 바랍니다. 경비와 비용을 줄이시려면 지금 안전한 당사의 웹사이트에서 예약을 진행하세요.

여행 경비

SUV 차량을 이용한 프라이빗 투어


(투어가격에는샌프란시스코출발왕복여정, 허스트캐슬입장권및가이드투어가포함되어있습니다.)이 SUV 차량을이용한투어는개인맞춤형프라이빗투어로 1인당계산됩니다.

1인당 투어비 USD 1 인원 2 인 투어 3 인 투어 4 인 투어 5 인 투어 6 인 투어 7 인 투어
호텔 숙박 제외 $1499 $799 $579 $459 $419 $379 $359
1인당 투어비 USD 1 인원 2 인 투어 3 인 투어 4 인 투어 5 인 투어 6 인 투어 7 인 투어
호텔 숙박 제외 $1499 $799 $579 $459 $419 $379 $359

이 투어 예약하기 -SUV 차량

달력에서 날짜를 선택하세요

인원수를 선택하세요

Total $ USD



이밴차량을이용한투어는다른이들이합류하지않는완전프라이빗전용투어입니다. 투어비는 1인당이아닌전체그룹당가격입니다.

그룹당 가격 1-5 인 투어 6-7 인 투어 8-10 인 투어 11-12 인 투어 13-14 인 투어
호텔 숙박 제외 $2499 $2699 $2879 $3099 $3399
그룹당 가격 1-5 인 투어 6-7 인 투어 8-10 인 투어 11-12 인 투어 13-14 인 투어
호텔 숙박 제외 $2499 $2699 $2879 $3099 $3399

이 투어 예약하기-대형 밴 (VAN) /미니버스 14 인

달력에서 날짜를 선택하세요

인원수를 선택하세요

Total $ USD

포함내역: 샌프란시스코다운타운또는피셔만스와프로의픽업및배웅서비스, 모든적용되는세금, 허스트캐슬입장료및티켓&가이드투어, 7:30am – 7:30pm 전일정 12시간왕복투어가이드를포함하는맞춤당일투어.

불포함내역: 투어가격에는식사비, 운전자감사팁, 초과된오버타임, 빅서및추가선택관광비&해당입장료. 다른공지가없는이상영어로투어가진행됩니다. 따로명시되지않는이상모든투어는영어로진행됩니다.


취소 & 환불 정책

이용 약관 & 환불 정책

자세히 보기>

일반 조건

자세히 보기>

거절된 거래

자세히 보기>

당사의 이용 약관, 환불 및 취소 정책은 다음과 같습니다


이용 약관 & 환불 정책

-예정된 투어(혹은 투어 혹은 서비스 날짜)의 최소 영업일 15일 전에 투어를 취소할 경우, 총 금액의 91%를 환불 받게 됩니다. 나머지 9%는 필수적인 거래 수수료에 이용됩니다. 4.5%가 각 거래에 적용됩니다(예약이 첫 번째 거래이며 환불이 두 번째 거래가 되기 때문에 거래 수수료가 2번 부과됩니다). (주말 및 휴일은 해당되지 않습니다).

- 예정된 투어 혹은 서비스 날짜의 최소 영업일 7일 전에 투어를 취소할 경우, 총 금액의 50%를 환불 받게 됩니다(주말 및 휴일은 해당되지 않습니다).

- 예정된 투어 날짜의 최소 영업일 5일 이전에 투어를 취소할 경우, 총 금액의 15%를 환불 받게 됩니다(주말 및 휴일은 해당되지 않습니다).

-예정된 투어 날짜 혹은 서비스 날짜의 영업일 4일 이내로 투어를 취소할 경우, 총 금액의 0%를 환불 받게 됩니다. 이는 노쇼도 포함됩니다 (주말 및 휴일은 해당되지 않습니다).

모든 환불 금액은 신용 카드 회사 및 가맹점 은행 혹은 제공업체에 의해 당사에 부과되는 신용 카드 및 가맹점 수수료가 적용된다는 점을 유의하시길 바랍니다. 신용 카드 및 가맹점 거래 수수료의 평균적인 금액은 고객님께서 투어 예약 시 이용하는 신용 카드 유형, 신용 카드 발급사, 국가, 거래당 적용받는 환전 수수료에 따라서 3.9%~9.8% 사이입니다. 많은 해외 국가에서 추가 기관 및 환전 수수료를 적용합니다.

중요: 당사는 고객님께서 웹사이트에서 요청하시고 예약하신 날짜를 예약하며 고객님을 배려하기 위하여 이러한 날짜에 다른 투어를 받는 것을 거절한다는 점을 유의하시길 바랍니다. 저희는 투어 가이드와 호화스러운 차량을 해당 날짜에 준비해두고 있으며 고객님과 동행하는 여행객을 위해 필요한 모든 예약 및 준비를 하므로, 당사에서 다른 고객들과 투어를 배려할 수 있도록, 날짜를 변경하거나 투어 직전에 취소하지 않도록 부탁드립니다.

일반 조건

– 예약 및 확인: 온라인에서 예약하자 마자, 가맹점 영수증이 자동으로 생성되며 이메일로 전송됩니다. 당사는 또한 이메일을 통해서 예약을 확인하며 투어 바우처 혹은 이메일을 전송하여 예약 날짜, 투어, 픽업 시간을 확인할 것입니다. 이 투어 정보 혹은 바우처는 고객님께서 웹사이트에 예약한 그 날짜에만 유효하며, 예약상에 있는 이름으로만 유효합니다. 저희가 진행해야 할 다른 투어가 있기 때문에, 이름을 양도하거나 다른 날짜에 투어를 요청할 수 없습니다. 고객님께서 예약한 예정된 투어 15일 이내로 투어 날짜를 변경할 수 없으며, 예약 날짜 대신 다른 날짜에 투어를 이용할 수 없습니다.

모든 투어를 존중하기 위한 노력의 일환으로, 당사는 다른 투어 여행사, 프리랜서 및/혹은 자매 회사와 함께 제휴할 권리를 보유하고 있습니다. 고객님이 이용하시는 투어 여행사의 정확한 이름 및 연락처 정보는 투어 바우처에 명시되어 있으며 투어 확인은 당사에서 고객님께서 허용하신 거래를 받은 이후에 발행될 것입니다.

-당사에서는 동시에 몇 가지 투어 요청을 받을 수 있기 때문에, 모든 투어는 이용 가능 여부에 따라서 달라집니다. 결제 거래의 승인은 이메일을 통해서 확인되지 않은 한 투어가 확정되었다고 보장하지 않습니다.

거절된 거래:

거래가 거절될 경우, 당사는 어떠한 정보도 받지 못한다는 점을 유의하시길 바랍니다. 그러므로 서면 확인을 받지 않는 한 예약이 확정되었다고 간주하지 마시길 바랍니다. 가능한 한 빨리 연락을 주시되, 이메일 확인 및 당사에서 전송한 투어 바우처 없이 고객님의 투어가 확정되었다고 예상하지 마시길 바랍니다.

예약이 고객님의 은행에 의해 거절될 경우, 이는 종종 (신용 카드상의 이름, 우편 번호 혹은 청구 주소와 같은) 은행 정보와 고객님께서 투어를 예약할 때 저희 웹사이트에 입력한 은행 정보 사이의 불일치로 인한 경우가 많습니다. 가끔은 계좌에 자금이 부족하여 거절되기도 합니다. 투어는 고객님의 새로운 거래가 고객님의 은행에 의해 승인될 때까지 확인되지 않을 것입니다. 불편을 끼쳐드려서 죄송하지만, 고객님의 은행이 사기를 방지하고 고객님의 신용 카드 정보를 보호하거나 위의 요인 중 하나에 해당되기 때문에 거래를 거절하는 것이니 양해 부탁드립니다. .

모든 투어는 심지어 거래가 승인됐을 때도 이용 가능 여부에 따라서 달라질 수 있습니다. 당사는 가능한 한 빨리 고객님께 연락을 드려서 필요한 투어 및 날짜가 있는지 알려드릴 것입니다. 또한, 모든 투어는 당사에서 전송해드리는 이메일 혹은 투어 바우처에 명시되지 않는 한 영어로 진행됩니다.

당사는 특별 행사, 기상 조건, 도로 폐쇄, 차량 고장, 예기치 못한 상황, 투어 이용 불가 및/혹은 투어 직전 예약으로 인해 투어를 이용할 수 없을 경우 고객님의 여행 일정, 투어 혹은 서비스를 적절하게 대체하거나 변경할 권리를 보유하고 있습니다. 당사는 사고, 고장, 예기지 못한 사고 혹은 사건, 도로, 기상 조건 및/혹은 당사에서 통제할 수 없는 기타 모든 상황에 의해 발생하는 지연에 대해 어떠한 책임도 지지 않습니다. 당사는 위의 사항을 고려하여 특정 시간에 어떠한 장소로 도착하거나 출발할 것이라고 보장해드리지 않습니다. 하지만, 당사는 고객님의 여행 일정을 적절히 따르기 위해서 최선을 다할 것입니다.

팁: 미국에서 15~20%의 팁은 필수이며 관례적입니다. 일반적으로 팁은 총 구매 금액의 15%~20%정도익나 적절한 %에 가까운 고정 금액입니다. 팁은 정말 상황과 고객님의 넓은 아량에 따라서 달라집니다. 투어 가이드는 팁 없이 캘리포니아 주의 비싼 물가를 견뎌낼 수 없으며 투어 가이드 없이 당사는 운영될 수 없으므로, 당사는 고객님의 넓은 아량과 양해에 감사드립니다.

뮤어 우즈 국립 천연 기념물 및 앨커트래즈는 최소한 2달 전에 예약해야 합니다. 뮤어 우즈 국립 천연 기념물과 앨커트래즈는 국립 공원 서비스에 의해 관리되며, 당사의 통제 밖에 있습니다. 이 두 곳은 특별 허가가 필요하며 2~3달 전에 미리 예약해야 합니다. 2달 이내로 투어를 예약한다면, 예약을 보장할 수 없으며 예약금은 환불될 것입니다.

요세미티 호텔 및 리조트:요세미티 호텔은 종종 6~12개월 이전에 미리 예약이 찹니다. 투어 날자 3개월 이내로 예약을 받는다면, 당사에서 고객님의 투어를 환불하거나 요세미티 밖의 다른 호텔을 찾을 수 있는 권리를 보유하고 있습니다.

항공 투어: 열기구, 수상 비행기 투어, 헬리콥터 투어를 비롯한 모든 항공 관광 투어는 예기치 못한 기상 조건으로 취소될 확률이 80%입니다. 날씨는 예측할 수 없으며 항상 변화되고, 고객님의 안전이 당사에 매우 중요합니다.

외국어: 당사 투어는 바우처에 명시되지 않은 한 영어로 진행됩니다. 일부 외국어는 추가 요금을 받습니다. 모든 외국어의 경우, 고객님은 해당 외국어로 투어를 즐기기 위해(이용 가능 여부에 따라 다름) 세미 프라이빗 투어가 아닌 프라이빗 투어를 예약하셔야 합니다. 추가 수수료는 모든 추가 외국어에 적용됩니다. 모든 세미 프라이빗 투어는 영어로 진행되며 다른 고객들과 함께 진행됩니다. 세미 프라이빗 투어는 당사 웹사이트에서 더 이상 예약할 수 없습니다. 2개 국어를 구사하는 투어 가이드는 몇 달 전에 미리 예약하므로 최대한 빨리 프라이빗 투어를 예약하시길 바랍니다.

Check out some of our latest authentic and trusted testimonials


Stop reading reviews! This is the right tour company for you

My mother recently had her 80th birthday. Having lost her husband, my father, 6 months ago, my sister and I decided to take my mother on a trip to refresh her mind and body.

She is recovering from a stroke. She had never seen California before. We live on the East Coast. We wanted to see the redwoods, the pacific, the wine country, the golden gate, the city and all the wonders found in the San Francisco Bay area.

We only had 4 days to see all these things....what to do? How do we make sure my mother is safe, comfortable, relaxed and enjoying these sights in Monterey and Carmel?

Luck led to meet goldenhorizontravel.com and I spoke with Nelly, then Adam by phone, he understood our needs, and we arranged a two-day private tour.

My family cannot say enough good things about Golden Horizon Travel office staff, and our awesome tour guide, Adam. He was kind, protective, proactive, compassionate and knowledgeable from history to horticulture, multi-lingual, musical, humorous, interesting, a safe driver, great company, polite, a great teacher.... and the list can continue until all superlatives in the English language are exhausted! My mother is still talking about the trip and how perfect it was even with the recent fires. Adam knew how to outsmart the fires smoke and the traffic. We saw everything we hoped for, and more without the trip being hectic or exhausting. The pace was comfortable, and we learned and experienced with joy.

The tour was customized to us and our unique situation. Adam did everything to be at my mother's arm at every doorstep and incline. He even borrowed a golf cart from a golfer at Pebble Beach in order to give my mother a ride, sparing her a steep, outside staircase. We did not need to ask...he intuitively knew how to help and be "present" to our needs.

If you are considering a tour with Golden Horizon Tours, and Adam, I hope you’ll make a reservation with this local and reliable tour company in San Francisco. You will not be disappointed and I’m happy to be a reference.

Thank you, Golden Horizon Travel and Adam. My mother is still boasting to all about you, we now have a true friend in town!


Marisa de Paulis-Hawn

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Trip Advisor Senior Contributor


3 Day Hearst Castle, Central California & Big Sur Travel package with hotel included

Myself and 5 girlfriends had planned a trip visit to San Francisco bay area and we wanted to experience Monterey, the 17-Mile drive, Big Sur and Hwy 1 to Hearst Castle. We debated about renting and driving ourselves, then we found out that most parks and places we wanted to visit require a commercial permit and entrance fees , and most hotels were already booked up. Driving through big sur was not easy at all, so we were very glad that we chose Golden Horizon Tours instead.

From the booking online to the tour itself, this tour company went above and beyond to accommodate us.

Mary, our tour guide, picked us up on time at our hotel and Adam loaded our luggage into our roomy comfortable large van for our trip down the coast.

A rainstorm was brewing so we made haste to get on our way. Mary provided us with lots of local information as we travelled along. Adam helped us have a fabulous trip with lots of laughs and some of the best photographs we ever made a s a group .We enjoyed lunch at the Fish Hopper in the Cannery Row in Monterey, then a quick walk through the area of Cannery Row ,before we started our spectacular trip along 17-Mile Drive, Pebble Beach and Carmel.

Mary stopped along the way for us to enjoy the wonderful views and Adam was quick to snap many pictures with our phones and cameras! Mary and Adam were exceptional and so fun! They knew all the best places and hidden gems for photos and viewing, providing plenty of history and information as we drove along the way from San Francisco to Santa Cruz and Monterey. We enjoyed the stop at the Pebble Beach Golf Course as well, but alas no sign of Clint :(

We managed to get well on our way along Hwy 1 before the rain started. As no one has control over the weather, we were soon in mist and rain , with little to see. This was when we were glad someone else was at the wheel! We too advantage to stop in an old lounge and had hot chocolate and coffee by a fireplace where locals meet to read newspapers… rain or shine, it didn’t really matter, every minute was well spent and very well organized, these folks are truly professionals!

Mary drove expertly. Adam kept us entertained with jokes and then found out he had some talented singers on board. We took over the microphone and started singing in the bus, that’s was fun! I love these guys approach and how they made us feel so comfortable. It wasn't long before we could see more scenery along the coast of Big Sur.

Big Sur is scenery so beautiful and enjoyable if you are not at the wheel. Boy! This was one of steepest winding mountain roads we have ever seen; with endless winding turns, cliffside routes and switchback. If you want to enjoy big sur, don’t drive! we were glad someone else was at the wheel

We had a nice lunch break in Big Sur in a hidden restaurant with striking ocean views(we could have never even found it on our own). We were told that Rita Hayworth and Orson Welles spent some time there at this open-air restaurant where Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton featured in “the Sandpiper”, one of our favorite movies of Elizabeth Taylor.

After lunch, Mary and Adam took us on a walking tour to a redwood forest to see the giant sequoias, and to waterfalls where we got to see a couple of California condors. We also liked our stop in Rugged Point and at Piedras Blancas where we saw massive elephants’ seals on the beach. The elephant seals were a sight to behold, after we dodged a few puddles to get to them.

We arrived in San Simeon and Mary dropped up off at a nice restaurant ,so they could check us in while we had our dinner. Our accommodation at this intimate lodge was so comfortable and peaceful. The next morning, we had a complimentary breakfast by the pool, and then, we walked to the beach located half block away from this hotel. Mary and Adam checked us out of the hotel, we didn’t have to deal with checking in and out of the hotel and no credit card was required this time for incidentals.

On the way to the Hearst Castle, we stopped to picture zebras roaming through the Hearst Castle state park. We got to Hearst Castle and visited the Grand Rooms, gardens and outdoor pool. The IMAX film at the visitor’s center was excellent. At the gift shop, Adam purchased a DVD on the secrets of Hearst Castle with Patricia Hearst: which we watched on our drive back to San Francisco. ( I think he was afraid we would start singing again!!!).

After Hears Castle, we visited Morro Bay, Avila Beach and spent the last night at gorgeous cliffside resort in San Luis Obispo. We picked up this mineral spring resort and booked a package deal to relax, enjoy their mud path and naturally heated mineral spring and pools. 4 of was signed up for the yoga class, this is real hidden gem which was recommend to us by Nelly and Golden Horizon Travel.

The next day, we visited three wineries in Enda Valley, we loved their chardonnays, this by far was the smallest and most beautiful wine country we have been to.

We wish we could have more time to spend in this region, but we had a flight the day at SFO. Mary dropped us off at the Airport and we flew back home to Calgary.

Patty M.

Calgary, Canada


“Monterey, Carmel and 17 miles Drive tour review Dear CEO of Golden Horizon Travel”

I have already sent you a hard copy of this tour review we posted on trip advisor regarding our trip to Carmel and Monterey with Adam, our fabulous tour guide on our adventure to Carmel, Monterey, 17 Mile Drive, Pebble Beach etc... In case he doesn’t share it with you, we did want you to see this tour review because we had the best tour ever with your company thanks to Adam!

As you can tell after reading this tour review, Adam was a terrific tour guide. We feel so fortunate that he was our tour guide-driver. In fact, my brother said this about Adam: “You know that Carol and I have been on a lot of private tours, probably about 50, and Adam was the best guide we’ve ever had”. It’s hard to beat that for a compliment!

Thank you for helping to make our visit to San Francisco, Carmel and Monterey a very special trip for all four of us. I’ll have to say that I was so very impressed with the kindness and congeniality of the people we encountered in San Francisco. Everyone we encountered was delightful, friendly, kind and anxious to help if we needed directions or whatever. It was impressive for such a big city.

With kind regards and may your business continue to be very successful. We certainly will recommend Golden Horizon Travel is someone we know is travelling to the area and needing travel help.

Once again, we all want to thank Adam you for the wonderful day we spent touring Carmel, Monterey, the Pebble Beach golf course (and the clubhouse!!!), along with all the other sites we saw on that fun-filled day that month. You made the day (and into the evening) absolutely sensational. Although brother Bob and Carol had been to this area, Ben and I had not, so to see it with you guiding us along made for an enlightening day. We feel so fortunate that YOU were our tour guide.! Your sense of humor, your wealth of knowledge about the areas we saw, your excellent driving skills, your desire to make sure that all four of us were comfortable and informed and your ability to get us onto the 17 Mile Drive as well as into the Pebble Beach Clubhouse (where the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am tournament was held) just made the day so wonderful. No other tour company could get access to the 17 mile drive that day! We still can’t believe we did and saw all these famous actors out there! Well, I’ll never hold it against you Adam that you informed the guard at the entrance that you had a carload full of seniors from Georgia who only wanted to see the Lone Cypress!! HEE ! I hate to admit it, but I guess we are just that- seniors.! ha(no body was allowed on the 17 Mile drive this day except celebrities, but we made it! )

Again, thank you Adam (alias Hoke) for making our tour so much fun and memorable. You add such a personal touch and you have the unique ability to make everyone feel so comfortable and so special. You went above and beyond making sure we would have a fabulous day in Monterey and Carmel. And we did.!! The photos you took for us are amazing!

Linda, Ben, Bob and Carol

Atalant, Georgia


“Marvelous day with an equally marvelous guide!”

My husband and I are computer geeks, so we could not miss the opportunity to go on a tour of Silicon Valley during our trip to San Francisco in California. I am so glad we decided to go with Golden Horizon. Our guides Adam and David went out of their way to ensure that we had a great time. They made sure we saw all the good spots and then some more like Stanford University, HP garage in Palo Alto, Apple Headquarters in Cupertino, the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, the Intel Museum, Oracle, Googleplex and Facebook, ... all in one day tour. We didn’t even feel rushed at all. We would definitely give our Silicon Valley tour experience five stars and we will recommend it to our friends and colleagues.

We had just the right amount of time in each place, stop, and a nice seafood platter for lunch, and amazing day trip with an excellent driver! I cannot imagine a more professional and competent travel company. Everything was arranged beautifully. Do yourself a huge favor and let this tour company handle everything – they are simply marvelous.

Jared M.

Lincoln, Nebraska

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“3 Day California Tour Package - Recommended 4 families with kids!”

We picked Golden Horizon after following on Trip Advisor leads and reviews realizing the need for an expert tour guide and driver. I not only requested a custom tour (Muir Woods and Horseback Riding one afternoon, then a long day of driving from San Fran down to Monterey, Carmel, Big Sur, Hearst Castle in San Simeon, Pismo Beach & dropped us off at the 4 season in Santa Barbara) but I also requested Adam who is highly rated on trip advisor. He has been working as a tour guide for over 15 years. He is truly knowledgeable, caring, full of history, full of humor and might have taken more than 400 pictures of my family as he guided us through California. Golden Horizon is real & I'm happy to provide a reference and endorse them. Again, a big thumbs up!


Rhode Island

TA Senior Reviewer


2-day Fabulous Tour of Monterey and Hearst Castle

Golden Horizon Travel and Buddy are the best thing that happened to us in San Francisco. They are reliable, friendly, professionals and very accommodating.

Maya and Stacey R.

Beverley , Massachusetts


“A fantastic overnight tour along the Pacific Coastline!”

My family of 4 +1 took a private tour of Monterey Bay, Carmel, Big Sur and Hearst Castle. We had huge suitcases which wouldn't have fit in an SUV, and he was kind enough to accommodate us by bringing a large luxury van instead at no extra charge! Jon was the tour guide and driver, he is very polite, professional and with an awesome personality !

From gazing at beautiful vistas of the ocean to spending an afternoon looking at lazy elephant seals, sea otters and sea lions, we saw quite a lot in the span of our 2-day big sur trip. The overnight accommodation at the hotel was very comfortable and we got food suitable to our dietary requirements. The hotel was intimate and small with only 45 rooms, we could see the ocean from our room.

All in all, this 2-day Hearst castle overnight trip is a must do for all ages and travelers, it was a great time spent with the family and new friends!

Golden Horizon is the BEST! 5 STARS ALL THE WAY!!!

CHANDRAKANT P. United Nations Dr.

New Delhi, India

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“Family vacation in California with Golden Horizon Travel”

After reading reviews about Golden Horizon, tours, I’ve decided to go ahead and book a California travel package with them with hotel accommodation included.

Our journey started in San Francisco and ended in Santa Monica, in Los Angles. We visited San Francisco, Napa, Yosemite national park, Monterey, Big Sur, Santa Barbara, and Los Angeles. Our tour guide was Leo, he is young, energetic and yet very experienced. This destination is underrated, and highly recommended for the whole family.

I recommend taking an extra day to avoid rushing and take the time to visit more places along the way.

We highly recommend this outdoor adventure and this business.

Peter N.

Maastricht, Belgium


Awesome horseback adventure on the beach and tour of Monterey and Big Sur

We booked a private tour of San Francisco combined with a horseback ride on the beach, and a full day outdoor adventure to Monterey and Big Sur. Both tours were fully personalized and very well organized.

We were so lucky, we got Adam as our tour guide, he is a fantastic, fun and knowledgeable tour leader.

We managed to see amazing places along California pacific coast highway between San Francisco and Big Sur. We enjoyed very much our horseback ride on the beach near Santa Cruz, and the hike we took to remote beaches in big sur region.

I can go on and on, this tour company was so easy to work with, and they always responded promptly in Spanish, their tour guides are the best and highly recommended.

*Thanks a bunch Adam for the recommendations about the best places to see in Los Angeles, we were not disappointed!

Noemi & Manuel D.

 Lleida, Spain


Our Monterey and Carmel private tour with Mary

Mary is a fun native san Franciscan tour guide; she made our trip so fun and memorable. She has a good way of dealing with kids and keep everyone entertained and enjoying the trip. We made over 15 stops along the way to Monterey and a ton of photographs.

This getaway is a nice and easy day trip from San Francisco. Nelly who works in the office was very helpful and accommodating, she even responded to our live chats late at night and responded to our inquires and questions before we booked. Their website is every detailed and easy to use.

Shlomi , Sh.

Nes Ziona , Israel

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"A fun outdoor adventure along California coast highway"

After the trip we took to Alcatraz and Muir Woods with this tour company, we realized how good their tour guides are, this motivated us to book this extra day trip along the coast with this tour company. Our kids were so excited; we had a picnic lunch at the beach and then drove up to local parks and cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean, we couldn't have asked for anything more.

This was a fun outdoor adventure and suited the whole family, our young daughters had a blast.

The Parsons’ V.

Toronto, Canada

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A fun day family day trip to the redwoods, Monterey and Carmel

Golden Horizon Travel is the best tour company we had in California, the way they run their tours and treat their clients is impressive; they are very professional and reliable.

We reserved three different excursions with them; one to Muir Woods and Point Reyes, one to San Francisco combined with Alcatraz Island and a full day private tour to Monterey and Carmel. We had three different tour guides, all of them lived up to our expectations (Buddy, Luis and Adam).

If you are looking for new adventures, exclusive destinations and a piece of mind, this travel agency in San Francisco is the right business for you.

The Contreras Family

Murcia, Spain


Family Trip to San Francisco and Monterey

We read extensively reviews on trip advisor, and we ended up choosing Golden Horizon Tours over the other tour companies in San Francisco based on their excellent reviews. From day 1, they were very responsive and helpful when we approached them by email and through their website live chat.

This is the only tour company in San Francisco that provides private services and guided tours with Spanish speaking tour guides. We booked all our trips with them (Yosemite, Muir Woods, Alcatraz/ San Francisco and Monterey), and we are so glad we did.

This was our first trip the USA and California, and we loved every trip we took with this tour company.

We highly recommend them to all travelers and families with teens.

M. Sandoval

Zaragoza, Spain

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Big Sur day trip from San Francisco with Golden Horizon

A three-generation day trip to Big Sur from San Francisco with Adam. The trip was a blast and the weather were awesome. If you have never been to Big Sur before, don’t even hesitate, go and check out this hidden gem, it’s totally worth the money you’ll spend.

F.T. Baker

Montgomery, Alabama

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Trustworthy tour company and highly recommended

My wife and I travel often for business purposes. We took many private tours in the past, but this is by far the best tour company we have worked with. We booked tour package through this tour company and visited beautiful places like Yosemite, Tahoe, Alcatraz and Monterey.

This is a trustworthy tour company and highly recommended

Aguilar E.M.

Santander, Spain

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"Our California adventure from San Francisco to Los Angles"

Our travel agent Mrs. Pugh organized a full day California road trip by private SUV with Golden Horizon Travel. We had a driver and a tour guide who was extremely helpful, knowledgeable and accommodating.

The hotels where we stayed in Carmel, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbra and in Los Angeles were very comfortable and all were 4-star resorts.

There is so much to see in California, 4 days went by so quickly, however, we had plenty of time to visit the sites we were interested in along California state highway 1. Our tour guide was so engaging and kept us informed, entertained and informed. The only regret we had is that Big Sur road was closed due to a huge mud slide.

Y. Ben-Yaacov

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

"A fantastic tour of San Francisco and Monterey Peninsula"

My wife’s relatives came over from oversees to visit us in Florida, it was a hot season, so we decided to travel to California.

I’m so glad we did; we had a fantastic time in San Francisco and Monterey peninsula. We booked a 2-day tour package to Monterey bay area, and we stayed at the Inter-Continental in Cannery Row area, that was the perfect location for day activities and nightlife.

We all loved this tour, we never felt rushed, this was a good fit for the whole family

Thank you

Elliot M.

Miami, Florida

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"Big Basin Redwoods horseback ride on the beach in Santa Cruz"

It didn’t take us too long to reach a laid-back beach, so peaceful and beautiful. Have some extra layers (it got foggy when we were leaving).  

After the horseback ride, our fun and very nice tour guide drove us to Santa Cruz where we had lunch in a restaurant located on the Wharf. We ordered a seafood platter which was fresh and yummy, and the views made it the perfect location for our family.  

For me personally, the highlight of our trip was our tour of a beautiful forest of big redwood trees in Santa Cruz mountains. I’ve been to Muir Woods before, but this state park was less crowded than Muir Woods and the redwood trees are much bigger and older in Santa Cruz mountains.

On the way back to our hotel in San Francisco, the tour guide made a quick stop at Apple’s new headquarter in Silicon Valley. We visited the visitor center and the store (while our son was sneaking out to fly his drone over Apple’s new and amazing architecture “it looks like a spaceship from the sky”.) 

We highly recommend this outdoor adventure and this tour company.

Sean K.

Annapolis, MD

Alcatraz-prison-Reviews-Trip-Advisor-Senor-Reviewer-Alcatraz-Tours-San Francisco-City-Tour

"An awesome horseback ride on the beach and Alcatraz tour"

We had to book a combo tour to get our hand on Alcatraz prison tickets, so we signed up for a horseback ride on the beach. It took place in Half-Moon Bay. The scenery along the Pacific coast Highway is breathtaking.  

This tour company is very reliable, and their tour guide Mary was amazing! We felt like we had a friend in town. It was more than a tour - a real and fun experience. Mary even drove us through the Golden Gate Park, and we stopped for a snack and beer tasting at the Beach Chalet, an ocean front restaurant with stunning view of ocean beach in San Francisco.  

Highly recommended

Zenith .V


"Fantastic horseback ride near Muir Woods and Stinson Beach"

Well organized Silicon Valley Private Limousine Tour!

We were picked up by Pat, a nice Irish lady and a wonderful tour guide. She drove us through Mill Valley where we stopped for breakfast before we visited Muir Woods - a peaceful small forest with big and towering redwood trees. The trail through Muir Woods is flat and easy, and there are paved paths for those wanting a casual stroll or more challenging trails. We did both trails along the creek, and our kids had no problem with the twisty paths and stairs although towering redwood trees

After Muir Woods, we had a lunch break at Stinson Beach, which was a great place for a picnic lunch. We enjoyed the delicious fish tacos we ordered, everything was very fresh and sourced locally from Marin county. Near Stinson beach is Bolinas, where we and our kids went on horseback riding in the forest. I’m glad it was only an hour; we could not take more than that as this was our first horseback riding experience.

That was an unforgettable family adventure in Marin county.

Thank you, Pat, for the good memories.

That was an unforgettable family adventure in Marin county.

Thank you, Pat, for the good memories.

Trip-Advisor-Senor-Reviewer-Alcatraz-Tours-San Francisco-City-Tour

"5-day travel package to Yosemite, Alcatraz, Big Sur and Los Angles"

I know how hard it can be to pick up a tour company from overseas, I was nervous too, and I had a lot of questions. Golden Horizon tours didn’t disappoint, and even exceeded our expectations.

Believe their reviews, they didn’t disappoint us at all.

Scot M.

Auckland, New Zealand


"Golden Horizon Travel is truly golden and 100% recommended!"

It's not easy coordinating tours from another country thousands of miles away with a 15-hour time differential. It's a constant struggle not to get paranoid that there will be a miscommunication somewhere that will ruin everything. But, Golden Horizon Travel, thru Nelly and the office staff including Nick, made it seem like I was talking to someone who was there for me 24-7. All my queries were not only immediately answered but answered clearly and patiently. This is how you know they are local, reliable and experienced professionals when they answer all tricky questions with such confidence and expertise. The company we approached before them was acutely located in Texas and was so heard to reach, and when we finally did, they had no idea how to answer our specific questions.

Moreover, with a little over a week to one of our tours (Napa Valley, Yosemite, Silicon Valley Alcatraz and Hearst Castle), we experienced a death in the family where the memorial service schedule conflicted with the tour date. Even with the very short notice and the confirmed schedules of the other tours during that period, Golden Horizon found a way to accommodate our request to move our tour to a later date, with limitless kindness, compassion and at no extra cost.

As for the actual tours to, Golden Horizon tours, thru our tour guide Mary, Patricia and Marina made the experience of our large group tour by minibus (6 adults and 5 children) truly unique, outskating, fun and memorable. Even with our seemingly cramped requested itinerary and last-minute changes, their tour guides accommodated us on the go and made sure we saw the best sites and ate in restaurants that served delicious food and vegetarian options for our mom. Also, despite the long hours and the distances driving, these guys never once showed a drop in their energy.

Thank you, Golden Horizon Travel, Nelly, Mary, Pat and Nick for the memorable tours. 10 Stars won’t even make justice! Book with them without any doubt or hesitations!

Golden Horizon Travel is 100% recommended!

Baes G. Sergonate

Quezon City, Philippines


"Must-do 2-day tour package to Monterey / Carmel and Big Sur with Mary"

Golden Horizon Travel staff is underrated, and their tour guide Mary is highly recommended. Mary is a local native tour guide of San Francisco with Irish heritage; she is a fantastic travel guide with an abundance of history of places up and down the pacific coast. Mary was extremely flexible and customised our travel itinerary on the go and based on our personal interests and preference. Some of the trip highlights were seeing hidden beaches, giant redwood trees, an old light house, sea otters up close feeding and playing as well as dolphins and elephant seals.

We had fresh seafood in small wharf in tiny old village where the population is under 150 people, this was by the far the best seafood platter we ever had! Ask for their cioppino or for the catch of the day!

We choose to take a drive through the backroads around Santa Cruz, Monterey, Carmel and Big Sur rather than using the main touristy route. In Big Sur, we drove off the main road throughout steep canyons and got to truly hidden gems and picturesque beaches. I wish we could have more time to spend in Big Sur, it’s breathtaking.

We also visited Carmel Spanish mission of San Carolos and Pebble Beach. An overall; a fantastic outdoor adventure seeing the sights, learning the history and geology of each region we visited and were treated like royalty!

We would definitely use this great local tour company again.

Tracy B.

Melbourne, Australia


"There are not enough words to express how much we enjoyed our stay and private tour package with Golden Horizon, Mary and Adam. "

Even though we only had 2 days, our guide Peter was both knowledgeable and accommodating and we were able to see an amazing places and parks along the way to Hearst Castle. We x visit the Monterey aquarium, Carmel, 17-mile drive, Big Sur, Hearst Castle, and all sorts of side stops along the coast to see wildlife and natural attractions but also excellent California cuisine

The experience was great - we learned a lot, got lots of pictures, and got along very well with our awesome tour guide, Peter, a nice British fellow.

Thank you, Golden Horizon Travel, for helping us and making the most of our short time in California!

Emily N


Alcatraz-prison-Reviews-Trip-Advisor-Senor-Reviewer-Alcatraz-Tours-San Francisco-City-Tour

Excellent private tour of Monterey and Carmel

This was the perfect mix of awe-inspiring scenery, history and marine wildlife viewings. Our guide Peter was outstanding. He was knowledgeable about so many fields of interest and he tailored a tour itinerary for our small group, that was perfect. The SUV was new, comfortable and spotless. Peter also has a knack for photography, so we left with excellent photos.

Margie , Jess & Maddy

I recommend this tour company and trip enthusiastically.

Alcatraz-prison-Reviews-Trip-Advisor-Senor-Reviewer-Alcatraz-Tours-San Francisco-City-Tour

A great outdoor adventure for the whole family to Monterey & Big Sur !

Peter was a great tour guide and driver. Wonderful trip with beautiful scenery and marine habitat viewings. Luxury SUV very comfortable, and Peter is a creative photographer! This trip is underrated and worth the money. We loved Monterey and Carmel; however, Big Sur was the highlight of the trip - getting to the heart of big sur was not easy, and we were glad we had a designated expert driver. Big Sur road is basically a cliff-hanging drive through narrow mountain roads with countless winding turns and curves… we found out that the drive there was very pleasant and fun as long as you are not behind the wheel in this area.

There was also plenty of outdoor activities to do and fun things to see in Big Sur, so many hidden gems located off the beaten path where visitors drive by nonstop. Having an experienced tour guide helped us a lot and made the best out of the day, this was a true outdoor adventure for the whole family.

I love birds and we saw plenty of beautiful birds, squirrels, whales and sea otters, so cool to watch along the coast and in the redwood’s forests in Big Sur region.

I can go on and on…make yourself a favor, visit big sur and hire these folks, they are so passionate and good at what they do.

Rhonda S

Bossier City

Alcatraz-prison-Reviews-Trip-Advisor-Senor-Reviewer-Alcatraz-Tours-San Francisco-City-Tour

"A Fantastic way to travel to Monterey & Carmel by-the-sea"

We used Golden Horizon's charter tour to head south through Monterey and do the Pacific Coast Highway. They were professional, punctual and couldn't have been more accommodating. Our guide Jonathan and his trainee Pete were so knowledgeable and helpful, really going way over and above to make sure we had the California experience we were looking for. We had limited time in the area, and they knew where the best stops were.

Jane .E

Sydney, Australia

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"We spent 5 magical days with Golden Horizon Tours"

Hubby and I prefer private tours when we travel, bus and public tours are a waste of time. Since it was my 50th birthday we splurged. We had a great time with Buddy in San Francisco and Point Reyes, Mary in Napa and in Silicon Valley and we spent the 2-remaining days with Jonathan in Monterey and big Sur(he is a nice a kiwi guy from Auckland, NZ).

Sunday, we spent the day with John driving south on the Coast toward Carmel and Big Sur. We started down that way and looped our way back north to get most out of the day best lights and exposure, we are both professional photographers. The scenery is amazing and breathtaking. We stopped at this small beach about 30 minutes south of Santa Cruz because John said, "there has been sightings of whales along the coast." As soon as we walked toward the beach the whales started spraying. It was really cool. We went as far down as Bixby Bridge on day 1, and then stopped for lunch at the Rocky Point Restaurant. Then we headed into Carmel and Monterey. It was a long day, but worth every minute. The hotel where we spent the night was cozy and centrally located in Carmel downtown, the perfect location to enjoy Carmel by foot. This is a wonderful and distinct neighborhood that must be explored by foot.

The next day, we drove again through big sur and got to Hearst Castle by noon. Hearst Castle is royal, breathtaking, majestic and stunning…this is a Must-See Attraction when visiting California! The place is gigantic, and the views are inspiring. The swimming pools, gardens and architectural structures are completely extravagant and out of this world. Hearst Castle is truly an American dream for all to experience.

When booking our trip, I spoke with Alan, he was great helping us planning our trips with a great deal of knowledge, patience and enthusiasm. Thank you, Golden Horizon , I will recommend you to anyone I hear is heading to California and San Francisco Bay Area.

Hubby, R.Kymie1,

Virginia, USA

Alcatraz-prison-Reviews-Trip-Advisor-Senor-Reviewer-Alcatraz-Tours-San Francisco-City-Tour

"Golden Horizon tours and their team are simply fantastic & outstanding"

“If you want to create a vacation memory that is as close to perfection as possible, go with Golden Horizon, they are worth every penny!”

Golden Horizon tours and their team are simply fantastic. Outstanding service from the very beginning! Our reservation agent Nelly set everything up, worked around our dinner reservations and she even worked her magic and found us tickets for a last-minute visit to Alcatraz which were sold out and very hard to come by. We did three different private tours and had the pleasure of working with two different, but equally wonderful guides. Adam took us all over the city on day one to visit all the “key” sites. Although he is originally from France he maneuvered through the city and around traffic like an old pro was just so charming you couldn’t help but adore him. He took photo’s for us with our camera and his all the while sharing great tidbits about each venue and he finished the day off by setting us up at a great restaurant on the water in Sausalito, just a short walk from our hotel ending a picture perfect day. Our good fortune held out as we set out for day two with Mary a San Francisco native that took us to see more of the city hidden sights, filling the day with personal antidotes of what it was like growing up in the city and really brining the city to life. We got a chance to see places that aren’t on the typical tour list and that made it all the more fun. We did spur of the moment things like stop in and tour a house for sale that ended up being the original home of a well-known local poet.

On our third tour, Mary showed up early with coffee in hand for a beautiful day trip to Carmel and Monterey where we stopped at a road side stand and bought fresh picked strawberries, strolled around Carmel by the Sea and shared lunch on the patio at Pebble Beach before taking in the beauty of 17 Mile Drive. If you want to create a vacation memory that is as close to perfection as possible, go with Golden Horizon, they are worth every penny!”

Marcus and Julie

Rochester, MN

"The glowing reviews for Golden Horizons on Trip Advisor ARE REAL!"

Day excursion to Monterey and Carmel from San Francisco

When I saw the glowing reviews for Golden Horizons on Trip Advisor, I knew I had to book one of their tours for a recent trip to San Francisco. It was difficult to choose which one as they all looked interesting. I decided on the 1-Day Monterey and Carmel tour. We had a problem come up with the date of our booking and Golden Horizons was able to change it to the next day without any problems, much to our relief. Our tour guide Jon was great, very informative and always willing to provide rest breaks for us along the way. He was also trying to spot whales in the distance for us, but unfortunately that day wasn’t very lucky for us in that respect. Highlights of the tour included having lunch at Monterey, visiting the Pebble Beach Golf Course (albeit briefly) and seeing the charming little houses of Carmel. The SUV was also very comfortable, and the tour was run very smoothly and professionally. If you are thinking of taking any tours with this tour company, just do it - you won’t be disappointed. I would definitely choose this company again for other excursions should I return to San Francisco.

Margot C

Aberdeen City in Scotland

Alcatraz-prison-Reviews-Trip-Advisor-Senor-Reviewer-Alcatraz-Tours-San Francisco-City-Tour

Private city Tour and day trip to Monterrey and Carmel from San Francisco

We took the full day city tour on our first day in the city and it was a great way to get familiarized with the city. Our tour guide, Tom, did an excellent job of showing us all of the sites we wanted to see plus more and gave great historical background If you want to create a vacation memory that is as close to perfection as possible, go with Golden Horizon, they are worth every penny!

We stopped at several different locations for photos of the Golden Gate Bridge, some which were high up in the mountains which I'm sure you wouldn't be able to experience on the larger tours. A trip to Sausalito and Muir Woods was excellent as well. There's no better bang for your buck to see everything in the city in one day.

Our second tour took us to Monterrey and Carmel which provided breathtaking views of the California coast and these unique coastal towns. While very touristy, these towns were very interesting to see and gave us a good look at life outside the city. We also drove down 17-mile drive and got to walk around the beautiful Pebble Beach for a bit. The tour allowed plenty of time for exploring on our own and had some great photo ops. Overall, we definitely recommend tours from this company to get the most out of your vacation!

Jeff and Kim

London, England

Alcatraz-prison-Reviews-Trip-Advisor-Senor-Reviewer-Alcatraz-Tours-San Francisco-City-Tour

"A memorable trip to Monterey and Carmel"

A nice smiling lady came to pick us up at our hotel in south san Francisco with a black SUV, and then drove us along California scenic highway one to Monterey. We felt very comfortable from the very begging and spent the whole day chatting and laughing about everything. We skipped the cannery row and spent more time in Carmel by the sea away from the bus tours. Our walking tour in Carmel was the highlight of our trip to Monterey Peninsula.

Many thanks and happy travels

Jody S.

Detroit, Michigan

Alcatraz-prison-Reviews-Trip-Advisor-Senor-Reviewer-Alcatraz-Tours-San Francisco-City-Tour

"Day Trip to Hearst Castle from San Francisco"

So sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. Firstly, a huge thank you for arranging our tour to Hearst castle. We had a fabulous day.

Mary is a lovely lady and was a fantastic tour guide. Her local knowledge is exceptional, and she made a very long day thoroughly entertaining and enjoyable.

I was extremely pleased when I found that that Mary was our tour guide.

Hearst Castle is a masterpiece of art and architecture, we recommend the overnight trip as this was a long day drive, but worth the money and trip.

Thank you again for arranging our tour, we will certainly be in contact with you when we will next visit San Francisco.

Kind regards

Joanne Cameron


Alcatraz-prison-Reviews-Trip-Advisor-Senor-Reviewer-Alcatraz-Tours-San Francisco-City-Tour

Excellent private tour of Monterey and Carmel

We had a fabulous time with our guide Leo. The trip well exceeded our expectations. Leo was extremely fun, helpful and knowledgeable. We enjoyed our relaxing trip from San Francisco, down the coast with him. He knew where to go and stop, we were in very good hands. Leo was friendly and flexible with where we stopped to eat and tour during our entire trip.

I think Big Sur was our favorite place, or was it Carmel, or Hearst Castle, or the strawberry fields. Too many funs filled stops to mention...

Our trip was packed with all the hot stops and loads of fun! We highly recommend booking with Golden Horizon Tours. Their tour guides and vehicles are 5 stars, and the hotel choice was just prefect.

OH!! Our favorite Stop was IN AND OUT BURGER, On our way to the SFO airport!!! Thanks for the secret information Leo!!

Many thanks and happy travels


City in Wisconsin

Alcatraz-prison-Reviews-Trip-Advisor-Senor-Reviewer-Alcatraz-Tours-San Francisco-City-Tour

"Look no further....you came to the right place!"

My twenty-year-old son and I planned a Mother/Son get away to San Francisco to spend some quality alone time together. Preferring convenient and hassle-free experiences, we explored our options of private tour companies. Lucky for us, we selected Golden Horizon Travel & Tours. We booked three of their tours: The Ultimate Grand City 8-hour Tour, The Muir Woods/Sausalito half day Tour and The Monterey, Carmel, 17-Mile Drive Tour.

We have found completing an overview tour of cities we travel to the first full day of our travel grants us a great overview of the area and helps us to determine which areas we may choose to explore further. We had the pleasure of having Mary, a San Francisco native, as our guide for this tour. Mary was gracious, kind and accommodating. She was knowledgeable of the history and was able to tell us how things have changed in the city during her years here. What a priceless gift.

We then had the pleasure of meeting Jon for our Muir Woods, Sausalito and Marin Headland Tours. As this is a half day tour, we requested to add on an extra hour to spend more time exploring a few extra sites. Again, Jon was knowledgeable about the area offering us added opportunities to see places of interest to us that added to our experience (ie - The Marine Mammal Center, The Record Plant Recording Studio where Prince recoded his first album, etc). Jon further showed us many areas of Sausalito that we may not have seen if not for his guidance.

Finally, we had the pleasure to once again have Mary as our guide for The Monterey, Carmel, and 17-Mile Drive Tour. Mary made this day long tour pleasurable and comfortable showing us many sites we may not have found on our own. Such a lovely way to spend our last day in the Bay Area.

Both Mary and Jon are 5/5-star guides and you will not go wrong with either of them!


Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida

Alcatraz-prison-Reviews-Trip-Advisor-Senor-Reviewer-Alcatraz-Tours-San Francisco-City-Tour

"Top-Notch Service!"

A 6-star experience! Their tag line is to exceed expectations and they certainly delivered. From the moment of making a booking to the actual tours - Superb!

R. Wang. Superdin0


Alcatraz-prison-Reviews-Trip-Advisor-Senor-Reviewer-Alcatraz-Tours-San Francisco-City-Tour


10 Stars for Patricia & Golden Horizon: top guides & top-of-the-line luxury SUV

Brenna Q. Phoenixville

Alcatraz-prison-Reviews-Trip-Advisor-Senor-Reviewer-Alcatraz-Tours-San Francisco-City-Tour

"Golden Horizon is Truly Golden!"

10 stars! Reliable company, responsive staff & accommodating, fun, informative, flexible, indulgent, passionate guides


Thurmont, Maryland

Alcatraz-prison-Reviews-Trip-Advisor-Senor-Reviewer-Alcatraz-Tours-San Francisco-City-Tour

"Stop reading reviews and book with Golden Horizon!"

You won't be disappointed if you use Golden Horizon Travel for all your tours! Best tour guides and top notch private guided tours.

Highly recommended!

Susan.S- McAllen, Texas


비디오 허스트 캐슬과 빅 서 불가사의 투어

이 독특한 목적지에 대해 자세히 알아 보려면 최신 비디오를보십시오

이 여행 예약

달력에서 날짜를 선택하세요

차량을 선택하다

최대 7 명
최대 14 명의 승객

하나만 확인


인원수를 선택하세요


인원수를 선택하세요


합계 USD:   $

여행 고문의 진정한 리뷰

  • 별점 5점 & 궁극의 최고 VIP 서비스!

    6성급 경험이에요! 슬로건 문구 그대로 기대치 이상의 만족, 맞더군요. 예약할 때부터 실제 투어 경험까지 모두 – 최고!

    Superdin0-, 싱가포르

  • 실리콘 밸리에서 출발한 요세미티 & 레이크 타호 당일 투어

    실리콘 밸리에서 출발하는 레이크 타호 - 요세미티 투어를 예약했습니다. 일본어 투어 가이드와 함께 제 아들과 잊을 수 없는 추억을 만들었네요.덕분에 감사합니다.

    Hisato K., 일본 도쿄

  • 순조롭게 잘 진행된 레이크 타호 출장

    홍콩에서 그룹으로 함께 간 산호세 출장. 타호에서 모두 정말 좋은 시간 보냈습니다.

    James Wang, 홍콩

  • 버킷리스트 휴가지, 타호

    호수는 훼손이 전혀 없는 자연 그대로의 아름다움에 깨끗하고 청명할 뿐만 아니라, 주변 경치는 더욱 아름다웠어요. 파라다이스가 따로 없습니다!

    Lucia & Rogelio Mérida, 멕시코

  • 타호 & 요세미티; 캘리포니아 머스트-씨 명소

    타호는 꼭 가봐야 하는 곳이라면, 요세미티는 캘리포니아의 보석 같은 명소입니다.아이들과 함께 즐길 수 있는 아웃도어 액티비티 상품도 있어 좋더군요.

    Jimmy & family, 벨리즈

  • 레이크 타호는 정말 아름답고 놀라운 곳!

    아웃도어 액티비티에 크게 관심이 없더라도 샌프란시스코에서 타호로 가는 긴 드라이브는 정말 해 볼만 하더군요. 꼭 봐야 할 아름다운 명소들만 골라 안내해 주니까 너무나 좋았어요.

    Martha Frierrs, 알라바마의 버밍험

  • 레이크 타호 & 레노에서 보낸 잊을 수 없는 시간

    샌프란시스코 출발의 레이크 타호 & 레노 어드벤처로 재미있는 추억을 만들어 준 골든 호라이즌 트레블 직원 여러분과 투어 가이드님들께 감사 드려요!

    Gabriela & Oscar Reyes, 페루의 리마

  • 5성급 투어 경험, 요세미티 & 타호

    3일 프라이빗 맞춤 패키지로 구경했던 레이크 타호, 골드 컨트리, 요세미티 국립공원 최고 명소 관광은 훌륭하면서도 흥미진진했구요, 좋은 추억이 됐습니다!

    Nicky & Bannysh, 인도의 콜카타 (Calcutta)

  • 레이크 타호 & 요세미티 투어 경험

    요세미티 국립공원 명소 투어 3일 맞춤 어드벤처, 레이크 타호는 정말이지 완벽합니다. 정말 놀라웠어요.

    Chris G., 텍사스의 달라스

  • 추억의 시간이 된 타호 – 요세미티 콤보 투어

    트립 어드바이저 후기 100%를 믿으세요. 고객 서비스 질부터 어메이징한 투어 가이드까지 정말 만족을 서비스하는 여행사입니다.

    Naina Kwok-, 인도네시아 자카르타

  • 레이크 타호 & 요세미티, 그야말로 어메이징 여행 패키지

    요세미티 & 레이크 타호는 정말 아름다웠어요. 아이 동반의 가족이면 이 투어 패키지를 강추합니다. 기대를 넘어서는 서비스!

    Adeline Seah, 싱가포르

  • 타호, 요세미티 & 매머스 레이크로 떠난 꿈의 휴가

    타호와 요세미티에서 아내와 저는 정말 좋은 시간을 보냈습니다. 여행사 직원분들 덕분에 여행 즐겁게 했습니다.

    Bob and Faith, 호주

    왜 우리를 선택해야 할까요?
  • 양질의 시간을 선택하십시오.

~우리의 목표는 당신의 기대를 뛰어 넘는 것입니다~

        2004년에 설립, 100% 샌프란시스코 현지 인가 받은 여행사
    •   TripAdvisor, BBB 등에서 A +등급 후기를 받는 100% 성장 중
    •   100% 편리함, 편안함으로 따로 신경 써야 할 일이 전혀 없는 투어 패키지
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마지막 할인 상품


자이언트 레드우드

고대 레드우드 & 자이언트 세쿼이아
상품을 더 예약하고 더 많이 할인 받으세요!
자세히 보기


타호 호수

사계절 즐겨 찾는 타호 호수의 경이로움을 체험하세요
자세히 보기

빅서 자연 경이

빅서와 허스트 캐슬, 몬터레이, 카멜을 디스커버 하세요
자세히 보기


여행 목적지 선택

1866 후기

우리의 평판은은 스스로를 말한다

우리의 목표는 당신의 기대를 뛰어 넘는 것입니다.

Redwood National Park attractions vacation package California Parks Activities